Beside me, Dillon drained his cup noisily, his startled eyes appearing over the rim as he realised his mistake.

'More importantly,' His Majesty continued in a stronger voice, 'the augurs tell me that the Mirror Dragon has come back to us, out of his own year of ascension, for a specific purpose.'

I looked up. His Majesty was staring at me.

'It is not a secret that my health is failing. But eighteen years ago, the land was blessed by the birth of my heir, Prince Kygo. The augurs say that the Mirror Dragon, the Dragon Dragon, has returned and chosen Lord Eon to prepare for my son's reign. Lord Eon and the Mirror Dragon are here to build a stronghold of power and good fortune for the Prince Heir.'

For a moment there was silence, and then in a ragged wave people rose to their feet and turned to me, bowing and clapping.

In shock, I met the Heavenly Master's eyes. They were glazed with the fever of belief. Or was it desperation?

What could I do? Deny the Emperor? It would be immediate death. I stared out into the blur of hands and faces. My master would know what to do. I found him still sitting, his body rigid, his face blanched. He looked up at me, and in his widened eyes I saw the same fevered belief.

Was it true, then? Had I been chosen by the Mirror Dragon to stand behind the Prince Heir?

The Emperor and my master believed it. The Imperial augurs believed it. Who was I to question them?

An empire resting on my shoulders; it was too much weight to bear.

There was one other person who had not jumped to his feet at His Majesty's announcement.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Lord Ido sitting back in his chair, watching me with a grim smile. My elevation to heavenly sign had come as no surprise or joy to him.

'His Majesty makes another bold move,' Lady Dela whispered behind the cover of her clapping hands. 'Bow to him, quickly, or we'll never eat.'

She was right — it was just another move in a game of power. Strangely reassured, I pressed my hands together and lowered my head away from the expectation in the faces in front of me. The din was suddenly stopped by the thump of the herald's staff. All attention was returned to the Emperor.

'Lord Eon will be my guest at the palace until the Mirror Dragon Hall can be rebuilt. And as part of Twelfth Day celebrations, I will be honoured to return to him and his dragon those treasures that were saved from the fire that took the hall live hundred years ago. It has been a sacred duty of this dynasty to protect the treasure of the Mirror Dragon. When my father, the Master of Ten Thousand Years, showed me the vault in our library and passed on the duty to me, he offered these words of

wisdom.' The Emperor paused for effect. 'Remember, my son, a dragon is like a tax collector: one piece of gold short, and he will hunt you for eternity'

Beside him, Prince Kygo threw back his head and laughed. Belatedly, the room broke into polite giggles, the ladies hiding their mouths behind spread fans.

Treasure? Kept for me?

'Is there really a vault full of gold?' I asked Lady Dela.

Before she could speak, Lord Ido had ordered Dillon out of his seat and was leaning towards me across the generous gap. 'His Majesty speaks figuratively, Lord Eon,' he said, casting a wry look at the Emperor who was still smiling at his own wit. 'The treasure is not gold.'

'You've seen it, my lord?' I asked, hiding my disappointment in the quick question.

'No. But the Council holds records of what was saved. It is nearly the only record we have of the Mirror Dragon.' He paused, glancing down the table at the other Dragoneyes, all of them lethargic in comparison to his dark energy. His lips quirked upwards. 'You and your dragon are quite the mystery. As you can see, the Council is almost frenzied in its excitement.'

I found myself smiling, drawn into his playful mockery

He moved closer and I saw a flick of silver pass across his eyes. According to the records, the treasures in the vault include some fine pieces of furniture…'

A wave of nausea suddenly pulled at me. I felt something struggling through layers of resistance, giving me a moment of clear mind-sight. In front of me was a silvery line of power being siphoned from the energy in the room. It flowed into Lord Ido, feeding the yellow point of power in the delta of his ribs. The centre of charisma. Above it, the green heart-point seemed even paler and smaller than before.

He was using power to charm me.

My mind-sight receded, leaving a familiar sense of loss. The Mirror Dragon. Gone, again.

Lord Ido had stopped talking, his eyes narrowed. Had he felt the dragon too? I drew back and saw his face harden, but his voice kept its smooth caress.

'…and a few of the instruments necessary to our art. I believe I saw a jewelled dragon compass on the list.'

I needed to get away from the power that called me to him. To make some space between us. I gave a small bow.

'My thanks, Lord Ido.'

'My pleasure, Lord Eon.'

He waved Dillon back to the table as the herald called attention to the Emperor.

'Let us eat now,' the Heavenly Master announced. At the second sweet course, we will listen to the poets who have prepared their words in honour of the occasion.' He held up a piece of carved jade hanging from a red silk ribbon. And a prize for the artist whose words stir us the most.'

'One guess who that will be,' Lady Dela muttered. She caught the question in my face and indicated the screen behind us. 'Lady Jila has been having a very long winning streak.' Behind her, Ryko made a low noise of reproach. Lady Dela sighed irritably. All right, perhaps I am being unfair. Just because she is the Prince's mother does not mean she is not a good poet.'

'She is the Prince's mother?' I said. 'I had thought the Empress was —'

Lady Dela shook her head, placing one finger over her reddened mouth. 'That is how it is recorded, but the Empress was barren. The first-born male in the harem is always attributed to the Empress if she has no issue of her own. That way, there is no doubt of succession.' She beckoned me closer, 'You should understand that Lady Jila is a sensible woman; she knows that although she cannot be acknowledged as the Prince's mother, it is her issue that will sit on the throne. And after two girl children, she has recently borne another son, so her position in the

household is secure.' She watched as a sturdy man in a short white tunic kneeled by the Emperor. Ahh, the Imperial food-taster has been summoned. The cold course must be finally on its way'

Even as she spoke, two lines of eunuchs carrying covered platters filed into the room and positioned themselves along the front of the tables. The eunuch in front of me placed two dishes on the table, his eyes properly downcast. The herald thumped his staff against the floor and, as one, the servers lifted the silver domes. All along the table were plates full of exquisitely presented food: shredded pork, cabbage tossed with nuts, duck with beans, cold eggs, pickled vegetables, greens dressed in oils, sticky rice rolled in seaweed, cold roasted chicken, smoked flaked fish, and round pea-cakes served with ginger.

'So much,' I breathed.

Lady Dela studied the pork dish in front of her then nodded to the server to spoon it onto her plate. 'Be sparing, my lord,' she cautioned, holding up her hand to stop another spoonful.

'There are eleven other courses to come.'

Another eunuch stopped in front of me.

'My lord,' he said in the soft voice of service. 'The royal physician sends you this dish and begs you to eat it first to assist with your digestion.'

I looked over at the physician seated across the room at a lower table. He had changed his outfit and was now dressed in shades of green that did nothing for his pasty skin. I nodded my thanks and he smiled graciously, urging me to eat with exaggerated gestures. The eunuch placed the plate on the table and removed the cover, displaying crisp green beans and smooth white squares encrusted with sesame seeds.

'What is it?'

'Cold eel, my lord. To boost the blood.'

I picked up the heavy silver chopsticks, eager to try the delicacy. It was a strange texture, chewy yet tender, with a nutty

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