Dillon's shoulder, 'sit still and do not dishonour me further.'

He flexed his hand, easing out the pain in his knuckles. A eunuch hurried up and offered him a damp towel.

'The boy' he yelled, pushing the towel towards Dillon. 'Give it to the boy' He pressed his palm into his forehead and signalled to an etiquette eunuch. 'I need air,' he said through clenched teeth.

The eunuch bowed and began to clear a way behind the chairs.

Lord Ido stood and nodded to me and Lady Dela, then made the deep obeisance to the Emperor. We watched him back away, ignoring the overtures of the other Dragoneyes as he passed.

'That man's fuse is getting shorter and shorter,' Lady Dela said thoughtfully A very young harem eunuch dropped to his knees beside her, waiting to deliver a message.

Lady Dela sighed.

'Let me guess,' she said to him. 'Lady Jila wants a few words with me before I deliver her masterpiece.'

The eunuch nodded, vainly trying to fight off a smile.

'By your leave, Lord Eon,' Lady Dela said, gathering the edge of her gown into one hand and preparing to rise.

'Of course.'

I turned back to Dillon and touched his shoulder. 'Come on,' I said. 'Clean yourself up.'

He pressed the towel against the cut above his eye.

'I forgot,' he said, almost to himself.

All that wine didn't help.' I pulled his hand down and peered at the injury 'It's stopped bleeding.'

All this is…It's just not as…' He stopped, casting a frightened look around for Lord Ido, but the Dragoneye had already left the room.

'Easy?' I suggested. 'But it's better than not being chosen, hey?'

He smiled wanly. 'When I touched the Rat Dragon's pearl — all that power through me — it was as if I owned the world.' He looked up at me, his face clearing into wonder. 'You know what it was like.'

I returned his smile. 'I do.'

And then when I felt his true name rush through me, I nearly burst from the joy'

The air stilled around me. True name. What true name? All my muscles locked with a terrible foreboding.

'His true name,' I echoed.

'Is that how you felt too, my lord?' Dillon asked.

I nodded stiffly

Was that the whisper that had slipped away from me? I remembered pressing my ear and hands against the golden pearl, straining to hear the fading sound. Why did the dragon's name not rush through me, as it had for Dillon? My breath caught in my throat. Was it because I would not call out my hidden name? But it would have meant my death.

I had missed my only chance to learn the red dragon's name.

Dillon wiped blood from his cheek. 'It is humbling to know I can now call the Rat Dragon and his power,' he said. 'Lord Ido has already shown me the courtesies.' He looked back at the doorway, relaxing when he saw his master had not returned.

I had no way to call the Mirror Dragon.

No way to call his power.

No way to do the Emperor's bidding.

Each thought hit me like a blow to the body. If I could not call the dragon and use his power, I was of no use to the Emperor or my master. Or anyone.

'Are you all right, my lord?' Dillon asked.

No one must know. It would mean my death. My master's death. The Emperor would kill us both.

'Lord Eon?'

I flinched as Dillon tentatively touched my hand.

'Very humbling,' I said, forcing myself to smile.

Beside me, a eunuch pulled out Lady Dela's chair.

'Just a word change,' she said, sitting down. 'The artist is never satisfied.'

For the next few hours, I could not see past my fear or the stark truth that pounded through me: I could not call my dragon. At some point, Lord Ido returned to his seat. More food arrived and I ate until a deep nausea rose into my throat, stopping me from pushing any more into my mouth. The poets read their work and I clapped and smiled, although I did not make sense of the words. Only one verse, spoken by Lady Dela, penetrated my numb sickness: When Sun and Moon rise together Heaven holds the Pearl of Night Bringing darkness to the blinding light And cool relief to a burning land.

Lord Ido's head snapped up. The polite silence in the room suddenly sharpened and I felt everyone's attention focus on him and me. The Emperor began to clap, the Prince quickly joining his father in the ovation. Hurriedly, the courtiers and other guests added their applause. Lady Jila had

won the jade, the young harem eunuch carrying it to her behind the screen.

And then, finally, the banquet was over. We all dropped to our knees as the Emperor was carried out of the room in an elaborate sedan chair, followed by the Prince Heir. I stared down at the mosaic floor, trying to find some distraction from the waves of shivering that had taken hold of my body. Slowly, everyone around me stood, their conversation more relaxed now that the Imperial presence was gone. I felt Ryko's bulk behind me, then his large hand around my arm, hauling me up.

Lady Dela looked at me closely. 'You are not well, my lord?'

I shook my head, afraid to open my mouth in case I vomited.

'I'll arrange for you to be taken back to your apartment.'

She motioned to a stocky eunuch and gave him low-voiced instructions. He bowed then led me across the room, weaving around the groups of chatting guests in such a way that no one halted our progress. I was out in the courtyard before anyone else. The eunuch ushered me quickly along a path that passed between elegant buildings and through courtyard gardens lit by round red lanterns. I breathed deeply as we walked, trying to quell the sickness with the cool night air. I knew I was going to vomit, but not in the Harmony Robe. I had to get back to the apartment.

Finally, the eunuch stopped. 'Your rooms, my lord,' he said, bowing.

Gasping, I doubled over, drawn down by the pain in my gut. I had not recognised the garden or the apartment in the soft light of the lanterns. A shadow stepped off the low platform, solidifying into Rilla as she hurried towards me.

I waved the eunuch away 'Thank you. Go.'

He bowed and disappeared into the gloom. Rilla caught me as I dropped to my knees.

'I'm going to be sick,' I said. 'Get me out of the robe.'

Rilla pulled me up into a crouch, half carrying me to the platform.

'The robe,' I rasped.

She eased me down onto the step and pulled at the sash, working the ties.

'Hold still,' she said. 'It's nearly undone.'

I fixed my eyes on a lamp, panting. The sash loosened and dropped onto the platform. Rilla pulled the robe down off my shoulders. I wrenched my arms out of the sleeves and fell forwards, landing heavily on the gravel path. Sharp stones dug through my thin under-robes, sending hot pain shooting through my palms and knees. The first retch brought up spit and snot. The second, only foul gas that made me cough. The third felt as though I was dragging up my stomach. Then, in a choking stream of half-digested meat, soup, rice and wine, the banquet emptied out of me. Over and over again until it felt as though I was disgorging my very bowels.

'By the gods, how much did you eat?' Rilla said, her hand pressed against my forehead, supporting my head.

But I didn't have time to answer. I heaved with another retch. And another. Finally, it stopped.

I hawked and spat into the carefully cropped grass.

'I'm never going to eat again,' I said, wiping my nose. 'How do the nobles do it night after night?'

'Tonight was nothing,' Rilla said cheerfully She picked up the Story Robe and arranged the bulky folds over

Вы читаете Eon: Dragoneye Reborn
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