threw the staff down and walked towards his trainer standing at the edge of the sand. Every move was decisive, unyielding and royal.

'The Prince is merciful,' a familiar voice said at my shoulder.

My body jolted as though I had been caught naked. I clutched at the fence and turned to see Dillon bowing beside me.

'By the gods, Dillon! You made me jump.' I smiled shakily, remembering how we would try and sneak up on each other at training.

'My apologies, Lord Eon,' he said formally, but I saw the flicker of an answering smile.

'Master Tellon sent me to bring you into the practice hall.'

I sucked in a breath. My energy felt all upside down. What was wrong with me?

'Am I that late?'

He nodded. 'He doesn't seem too upset, but we should hurry' Some warmth had returned to his voice. I followed him a few paces then stopped; I had forgotten my guide. I waved the boy over.

'Apprentice Dillon will accompany me. You may go.'

'My lord.' He bowed to me then turned to Dillon. 'Honoured Apprentice.'

We both watched him hurry towards the dark arch of the passageway.

'I'm still not used to people bowing to me,' I said.

'Me either.' Dillon grinned. 'My lord.'

' Honoured Apprentice,' I said, matching his pompous tone and crossing my eyes.

He giggled, the familiar sound like a balm to my nerves. He pointed to a large hall in the far corner of the square and started


walking towards it. I looked back at the practice sand for another glimpse of the Prince. But the crowd had closed the gaps along the fence, blocking my view. I caught up with Dillon and tried to shrug off the taut energy singing through my body.

'You seem…better now,' I said hesitantly, not wanting to break our fragile harmony Dillon's face tightened. 'What do you mean?'

I held up my hands. 'You seemed ill this morning.'

He sighed and massaged his forehead. 'It's just this pain in my head. I'm all right. At least I am now that Lord Ido has gone.' He looked over his shoulder then leaned closer. 'I think he's insane. Look what he did to your master…I mean Lord Brannon.'

I nodded, but I was focused on something more important. 'Where's he gone? For how long?'

A few days. He's gone to meet High Lord Sethon and ride in with him.'

So, the High Lord was returning to the city. No doubt my master would be interested in that piece of news.

'How come you didn't go too?' I asked.

Dillon stopped, drawing me near with a tug on my sleeve. 'He wants me to watch you. He wants me to tell him what you're doing in our lessons.'

Did Lord Ido suspect something?


Dillon shrugged. 'He just tells me what to do. Not why I'm doing it.' He looked out across the square, his narrow shoulders twisting in a tiny shiver. 'He has this way of making me do what he says.' He paused; the strange, quick anger shadowed his eyes again. 'But I am not his slave.

He may think I don't have the courage or strength to stand against him, but he's wrong.'

I saw my chance in his rebellion. 'Tell me, Dillon, have you seen him with a red leather folio bound with black pearls?'

I le shook his head. 'He doesn't let me go into the library. He keeps it locked and no one goes near it. Why do you ask?'

'I just thought he might have it.' I looked away from Dillon's curiosity We started walking again. If Lord Ido kept the library locked then it must hold something important. And now he was gone for a few days. The beginning of a bold plan was taking shape.

'Dragon piss,' Dillon cursed, quickening his pace. 'Master Tellon has come out to look for us.'

Up ahead, a tall man in a baggy exercise tunic stood at the doorway of the training hall, watching us approach. I tried to hurry but my battered ribs and hip would not let me move any faster. I climbed the few steps onto the low veranda, Master Tellon's scrutiny making me feel even more awkward than usual.

'You have too much Moon energy' he said, moving aside to allow me passage to the open doorway

I stiffened, aghast at such quick insight.

'But of course, you are Moon Shadow,' he said, nodding to himself.

Dillon's face narrowed with anger. 'How dare you speak of Lord Eon's sacrifice.'

Tellon stared down at him. And you have too much Sun,' he said calmly 1)illon stepped back, the shock of his own rudeness draining the heat from him. I swallowed the hard pit of panic in my throat. My master had warned me that Tellon had keen eyes. I would need to press home my Shadow status at every chance and hope it answered his sharp observations.

Tellon bowed to me, the movement loose and fluid. 'Forgive me, Lord Eon. I meant no disrespect. Nor to you, Apprentice. I am an old man and tend to speak my mind.'

'No offence taken, Master Tellon,' I said quickly. 'I am indeed Moon Shadow; there is no fault in stating the truth. And it is I who must apologise for my lateness.'

I stepped out of my slippers and crossed the raised threshold to stop any further discussion.

Inside, the hall was a large expanse

of polished parquetry floor marked with old scuffs and indentations. A series of small windows let in the bright sunlight, but were set so high that no one could look in or out of them. Perhaps to guard the secrets of the Staminata.

Master Tellon shut the heavy door and waved us over to the middle of the room. 'Come, sit,'

he said. 'We will talk first then start learning the form.'

Dillon quickly seated himself on the hard floor, his legs crossed loosely. As I settled next to him, I studied his sprawling posture and quickly copied it. I had thought four years of careful self-study had stopped me from moving in the neat, closed way of a girl. Now I was not so sure, and I could not afford to raise any questions in Tellon's mind.

He kneeled opposite us, his movements smooth and supple. Tellon had been the Dog Dragoneye in the cycle before my master's, yet he moved with more ease than Dillon. He had lost his hair across the crown of his head, but what was left still had as much black as it did silver, and was tied back into a thick braid that hung to his waist.

'I do not hold with those teachers who think a student should sit like a lump of rock and just listen,' he said. 'You may ask questions. In fact, I expect them.'

Dillon's gaze slid to mine. None of our other masters had ever welcomed questions.

'You have both been chosen to commune with an energy dragon,' he said, smiling his congratulations. 'But it will be a long and arduous journey to learn how to control the power you have at your call. And you, Lord Eon…'

I tensed. Had he already guessed I could not call my dragon?

'Your journey will be even more difficult because you must travel its paths without an incumbent Dragoneye to accompany you.'

I bowed my head to hide my relief. 'Yes, Master.'

He patted my arm. 'Don't worry, you are not alone.' He straightened. 'You are both here to learn the Staminata, the

ancient way to regulate the flow of Hua. It will help you withstand the energy drain of working with a dragon.' He brought his hands together in a loud clap and rubbed them vigorously. 'Now, I know that a lot of rumours fly around about the dragons and their power.

So, let's get the donkey's wallop out of the way' He pointed at Dillon. 'What do you want to know?'

Dillon blinked at the sudden demand.

Вы читаете Eon: Dragoneye Reborn
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