“Natalie,” he whispered softly.

“Coach?!” she squealed, noticeably startled as she covered her tits.

“Shhh,” he whispered, sliding his body behind her in the thick steam. “Practice isn’t over yet.”

His hands glided around her waist as he wrapped his arms around her, thrusting his athletic body against her supple ass. Leaning his lips in near her ear, he sighed.

“It’s not over,” he repeated.

Nestling back into his chest, Natalie smiled and bucked back.

“Is that right?”

“Maybe I’m not the distraction,” he whispered.

He could hear Natalie giggle under her breath as she reached back and pulled his body closer.

“Maybe you are,” she argued. “I can’t make a shot to save my life when you’re around.”

He glided his hands over the taut planes of her stomach, grazing the wet, smooth skin between her breasts. Circling gently, he explored the ripe curves of her tits, sliding his fingertips over her erect nipples as they hardened under his touch. He had wondered how they would feel underneath his touch when he saw them peaking through her sports bra in the gym.

He laughed under his breath in regards to her comment. “That could be a problem,” he admitted.

Continuing upward, he traced the lines of her collarbone, along her shoulders and back up her neck, watching the water droplets fall over her skin. The steam was thick as he took a deep breath, gripped Natalie’s hips and guided her toward the wall.

Natalie’s heart was pounding out of her chest. Despite the hot water and steam, she was covered in goose- bumps. A warm tingle rushed over her skin and between her thighs as Coach Brown pressed his massive manhood against her tender ass. He was every bit the black man she imagined him to be. As he pinned her to the tile, she held her breath and closed her eyes.

Coach Brown gripped her hips and thrust his hips into her, sliding his erection between her ass cheeks. He was swollen and huge. The water running down her back moistened his head as he rubbed it between her thighs.

Natalie opened her eyes. The hot water running through her hair dripped down over her face. The steam from their bodies seeped up between them. She looked up over her shoulder, and for the second time today, they were entranced in each other’s stare. She held her chin up, inching closer to his sweet mouth.

“Have you ever been with a black man?” he asked, pushing his body hard into her.

“Does it really matter?”

She shot Coach Brown a smile that told of her desires for him. His hands snaked under her hair, and holding her face, he wasted no time moving in for a hard, passionate kiss.

His big lips pressed firmly against hers, parting to devour her hungrily. His mouth was warm and lustful, taking her with force.

His hands explored her moist breasts, squeezing her suppleness as he thrust his raging hard on between her awaiting thighs. She was so wet. He said it wasn’t over, but her body longed for him to begin already! The sensation of his dark head gliding along her swollen pink mounds was driving her crazy!

“Can you concentrate now?” he teased between kisses.

Reaching down, she took his plump dick in her hand and stroked it. The hot water moistened his flesh. Rubbing the tender skin of his head, she teased his tip with her fingers. Making her way down his long shaft, she gripped his huge black cock in her palm and glided her hand along its length. Every inch of him was solid and ready for her.

“Not at all,” she finally managed to say, pumping his flesh in her hand.

Feeling his girth, Natalie couldn’t wait to get a better hold of it. Stealing one last passionate kiss, she turned around and moved down his body, following the droplets of water as they crawled down his dark skin. His body was warm and wet. She lapped up the tiny rivers as they guided her southward to the firm planes of his chiseled chest. Showering him with kisses, she continued south to his rigid abs, stopping briefly to marvel at his physique.

“You’re so fucking hot,” she whispered, licking up the water as it spilled from his belly button. Again, their eyes met as she gazed up at him. It was clear, that not only was practice not over, but foreplay had just begun.

Moving even further down, her hands made their way to his thighs, clinching them under her hungry fingertips as her lips pecked along the rigid muscles of his stomach. Her kisses followed the deep V of his pelvis. Finally, she discovered his throbbing cock, and without waiting, she took his flesh in her mouth, swallowing every inch of his juicy black cock.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned.

His hands crawled through her drenched hair, shoving her face into his fat dick. Natalie filled her mouth and throat with his erection, stroking his shaft with her teasing tongue.

“Mmm,” she moaned, massaging his girth with her lips.

Coach Brown was thick and juicy, plump and satiating.

“Show me that you want to be an all-star,” he demanded playfully.

Gripping his shaft and pumping it into her mouth faster he moaned above her, guiding her mouth along his flesh as he watched through the steam. He thrust himself down her throat to push her to prove herself. He must’ve read her like a book. She would do anything to play — and even more to win!

“Suck it,” he commanded, gripping her hair and shoving her face full of his black flesh.

Natalie pumped his cock in and out of her mouth hard and fast, filling her cheeks with his throbbing muscle. His thighs twitched and his knees buckled as she slid his wet cock along her sweet lips, twisting and teasing.

Though Natalie wanted to finish what she started, she couldn’t wait for Coach Brown to fuck her. She reached down between her legs and felt her slippery lips.

The shower water poured over their yearning bodies. Coach Brown pulled his pulsating flesh from her mouth, pulled her to her feet and pressed himself hard against her. Not an inch of space remained between their tangled limbs as he kissed her hungrily again. With passion in his fingers, he buried his hands inside her curves, exploring her hips and ass.

“Give me that pussy,” he ordered,

“Take it,” she challenged him.

“You like to play rough, huh?” he asked rhetorically, rubbing her sweet little pussy along the shaft of his erection.

“You’re catching on,” she teased, staring into his eyes like a hungry animal. “Fuck me,” she insisted, spreading her thighs.

Natalie took his cock in her hand and shoved it between her legs. Rubbing his plump tip along her taut thighs, she guided him toward her wet pussy. The hot water from the shower crawled down her back, down the crack of her ass and lit her throbbing cunt on fire. She wanted her coach to fill her begging femininity now. Right now!

Natalie’s seduction was more than he could resist. If she wanted to get fucked, he was going to show her what a real man could do to her. He clinched her body within his embrace and shoved her backward until her tight ass was against the tile wall of the shower. Grabbing her hands, he pinned her against the tiles and thrust his huge cock between her thighs.

“You like to be restrained?” he asked.

The corners of Natalie’s mouth hitched and she nodded.

She seemed to be even more turned on by the thought of being dominated. So he didn’t let up.

“I’m gonna fuck that wet pussy of yours and make you scream like a bitch,” he groaned, slipping his smooth head inside her slit. “Give me that pussy, girl.”

Natalie spread her feet and knees, allowing his body to slip between them as his throbbing cock buried itself between her tender lips, searching for her yearning cunt. As soon as he found it, he thrust his hips forward and shoved his fat dick beyond the threshold of her womanhood.

“Ooooh!” she squealed as he entered her. “Fuck!”

Coach Brown continued his long stroke until every inch of his black flesh was buried deep inside her tight little pussy. Pinning her hard against the wall, he shoved harder, plunging to her depths. She moaned. He moaned. And

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