they began to fuck right there in the locker room.

“Yes!” she squealed, taking all of him on every stroke. “Yes, Coach!”

“Take that black cock,” he groaned, pumping her full of his swollen flesh.

“You feel so fucking good,” she told him, savoring the tingle in her swollen clit.

“You quit on my earlier” he reminded her, fucking her slow and hard. “Show me your follow through. I want you to cum all over that big, black cock.”

Coach Brown’s ripe shaft massaged the tender walls of her pussy, sending her into quivering ecstasy. Her knees buckled beneath her. He grabbed one of her legs and lifted it up over his hip, driving his cock deep inside her. Holding her up by her thigh, he fucked her faster and harder, coaxing her juices to flow. She squeezed her little cunt around his cock, glazing his shaft with her sweet nectar as he pumped her full of dark flesh.

“Oh yes!” she squealed. “Fuck me, Coach! I like it rough!”

He gripped her hips and fucked her like she had never been fucked before. Cramming his cock into her cunt with a rhythm that made her cum, he pushed her to the edge.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned, “cum all over that fat, black cock, baby. Show me you want to be an all-star.”

“Oh, yes! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” The words barely escaped her quivering lips as her pussy gripped his plump cock and glazed him with her juicy essence.

“Yeah, baby. Give it to me. Give me that sweet pussy. Cum all over me, baby.”

“Wait,” she moaned, trying to pull away to savor her orgasm. “Wait!”

But Coach Brown didn’t wait. He fucked her so good that she was begging for him to stop so she could breathe. Her mouth was saying stop, but her body kept oscillating, clamping her pink cunt around his cock so tight that it pumped the cum out of him.

She felt him swell inside her. The throbbing pressure exploded through his ripe shaft and shot deep inside her cunt. He groaned under his breath as his thighs quivered and he thrust his cock deep inside. And without losing his rhythm, he kept on going, pumping his flesh into her as his warm load spilled down her thighs and rinsed away with the water.

“Fuck,” he moaned, stroking his cock along the tight rim of her pussy. “You fuck like a champ!”

Natalie, recovering from her own prolonged orgasm and trying to catch her breath, looked down between them. Coach Brown’s cock was still inside her swollen embrace. Her arms still suspended above her head, her wrists gripped firmly in his hands, she thrust her hips forward and swallowed him to the base of his massive cock one last time

“I’m here to win,” she reminded him.

Bedding the Babysitter by J.C. Wilde

It was ten past twelve when Carl finally arrived home. As the headlights of his Mercedes turned into the drive, Nikki pushed her tits up, making sure she was showing just enough cleavage to get his attention when he walked in the door. She tousled her auburn tresses and waited.

“Oh! Hi, Mr. McKade,” she greeted him in the living room.

“Hi, Nikki. Sorry it’s so late,” Carl apologized, hanging his coat on next to the front door.

“Oh, it’s okay, Mr. McKade.”

“How were they?” Carl asked of his kids.

“Good,” Nikki told him. “Lucy fell asleep early.”

“And Gage?”

“He went to bed around nine,” Nikki assured him.

Nikki stood close to Carl, shoving her young, supple breasts in his face as she lingered. She could tell he was trying not to look down at her yearning body.

“How’d the dinner go?” Nikki inquired of his client meeting that evening.

“Good,” he replied, loosening his tie and sliding it out from under his collar. “I think it went well.”

Nikki’s young body shuttered in sexual curiosity as Carl unbuttoned his collar. She always wondered what he looked like under his shirt and often fantasized about running her fingers over the taut planes of his forty-year-old chest.

“Are you in a hurry to get home?” he asked her.

“No, sir,” she replied. “Why?”

Carl laughed under his breath. “Call me Mr. McKade, please. My father is Sir.” He smiled at her and patted her head as he walked past. “I’ve had a long night, Nikki. I’d really like to pour myself a drink and relax for a few minutes before I take you home.”

Carl made his way to the kitchen and pulled a glass from the cabinet. Looking at Nikki, he grabbed another tumbler and motioned to her.

“You look like you could use one, too,” he said, shooting her his sexy smile.

“Well,” she hesitated, “it has been a long night. But, I’m only eighteen, Mr. McKade. I don’t think I should be drinking.”

“Oh hush,” he stopped her, setting her glass on the counter next to his. “It’s only one drink. You’ll be fine.”

Carl disappeared into the pantry and returned with a bottle of Jack Daniels. He poured two glasses half-full and offered one to Nikki. She joined him in the kitchen, taking her drink and smiling.

“Thanks,” she said sweetly.

Carl watched her as she lifted the glass to her cute little mouth and caught a whiff of its contents. She buckled her brow and pursed her lips.

“Whew!” she cringed. “Smells strong.”

Nikki looked at Carl-who lifted his glass and sipped on his drink-and she reluctantly mirrored him. Trying not to spit back into her glass, she forced a smile as she swallowed her Jack Daniels.

“So,” Carl eased into conversation. “What grade are you in now, Nikki?”

She was disappointed he didn’t remember. After all, she had been babysitting for Mr. McKade for two years now.

“I’m a senior,” she reminded him. “I graduate next month.”

“That’s right,” he nodded, taking a second swig. “You’re almost grown up.”

Carl’s eyes fell to her pert breasts peeking out above her low-cut tank top. He licked the alcohol from his lips and sighed. It made Nikki nervous when he looked at her that way. This wasn’t the first the time. He had been staring at her longer lately; gazing into her eyes, watching her mouth when she talked, looking down at her perfect young tits. He made her heart race and her teenage panties warm when he did that. She just wished he would stop ogling over her and kiss her already.

“How long have you been working for me?” Carl asked. He always forgot. He was so busy.

“Two years,” she reminded him again, taking a sip of her awful drink. “Since your wife died.”

“Oh. Yeah.” Carl mumbled, swallowing his entire drink in one gulp.

Nikki realized she hit a sore spot. She set her drink down and placed her hand on Carl’s shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I know it’s been hard. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“It’s okay,” he assured her, rubbing her hand. “We should probably call it a night.”

A deep sigh escaped Nikki’s lips. She was so close. Why did she have to say that? Nikki knew that though Carl never mentioned it, he was still grieving. He had never taken the time to heal from his wife’s death. He just buried himself in work, which is why she had practically been raising his kids for the past two years.

Nikki caressed Carl’s hand. “I’m really sorry, Mr. McKade.”

“It’s fine,” he reassured her. “Let’s just get you home.”

Carl let go of Nikki’s hand and walked over to the front door to get his coat. He couldn’t let Nikki see how much she had affected him. It wasn’t sadness over his wife’s death that he was feeling as she consoled him in the kitchen; instead, it was a deep sexual longing growing inside his pants. Her soft touch had aroused his cock and reignited a fire deep inside him. He tried to shake it off, but his trousers continued to tighten around his swelling

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