He heard the other man sigh. 'If I just risked my career for nothing.'

'I don't think you did. What that letter said changes things, Aaron. I just don't know how.'

'Well, if this does involve the First Lady and the shit hits the fan, right in the middle of a campaign, I don't want to be within a thousand miles of that fallout.'

'We might not have a choice.'

'Anything on your end?'

'Just trying to follow up some leads along with Waters.'

'How's Maxwell? Heard her mother died.'

'She's doing okay. Best as can be expected.'

'For what it's worth I thought you both got raw deals at the Service.'


Aaron clicked off and Sean went back to his binders after spending a few minutes fruitlessly racking his brain about anything in Jane Cox's past that could explain the current situation.

A few minutes later the door opened and Michelle walked in.

'Did you find your dad?' he asked, rising from the table.

'Yeah, he was where I'd thought he'd be.'

'At the farmhouse?'

She gazed darkly at him.

'I'm a detective,' he said gamely. 'It's what I do.'

'Sometimes I wish you didn't do it so well, particularly when it concerns me.'

He studied her. 'Have you been crying?'

'Tears are sometimes good. I've been finding that out lately.'

'Did you hash things out?'

'Pretty much, yeah.'

'Did he come back with you?'

'No, he went over to see Bobby.'

She looked at the piles of binders. 'Sorry I walked out on you. Any revelations?'

'Not yet. I've hit it hard for the past four hours, but got zip. However, judging from the number of investigations, apparently desertions are becoming a real problem for the Army. I did hear from Betack.' He filled her in on the conversation.

Michelle made a pot of fresh coffee and poured out cups for her and Sean. They both sat down at the kitchen table. 'That would explain why she's been so high-strung. And why she's been playing things so close to the vest.'

'You mean obstructing justice?'

'That too.'

She reached out her hand. 'Give me a binder and let's find that kid.'

Two hours later they were still there.

'Six more to go,' said Sean as he stretched out and then handed another binder to her.

They read slowly, looking for any clue that might allow them to lift their butts from these chairs and plunge into action once more. Their intensity levels were as high as if they were taking a college final exam. There was no room for mistakes. If there was a clue buried in all this, they knew it was probably going to be a subtle one and they could not afford to miss it.

'How about some dinner?' Sean finally said. 'I'm buying. And we can keep reading.'

They drove to a local restaurant.

'So you really think things are okay with your dad?'

She nodded. 'I think so. I mean, we both have to work at it. I haven't been the most loving, attentive daughter in the world.'

'Or sister,' he pointed out.

'Thanks for reminding me.'

As they ate she eyed him nervously. 'Sean, about what happened back at my father's house.'

'What about it?'

'It won't happen again.'

'But if it did happen again, I'd be there for you, okay? There are few guarantees in life, but there's one of them.'

'I'd do the same for you. I hope you know that.'

'That's why we're partners, right? So any little hiccups that come along, we'll deal with them. Okay? Together.'


He slid a binder across to her. 'Now let's get back to work.'

Before she opened the binder she leaned across and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

'And that was for what?' he asked.

'For dealing with the hiccups so damn well. And for not taking advantage of a lady when you could have.'


CAN I SEE the daylight?'

Quarry had flown his plane up to the mines and was now watching Willa as they sat in her room.

'Why do you want to see the daylight?'

'Because I haven't seen it in a while, that's why. I miss it. I'm a sun person.'

'You can't get away. There's no one to yell to for help.'

'So there's no reason not to let me see it, then,' she answered reasonably.

'What'd you and the lady talk about the other day?'

'Just things. I like her.'

'You've never seen her before, have you?'

'Why would I have?' Willa asked, her large eyes squarely on Quarry.

'I guess seeing the daylight will be okay. Come on.'


'Why not now?'

She followed him out. As they walked down the long passage she said, 'Can Diane come too?'

'I guess so.'

They retrieved Diane and the two ladies followed the tall Quarry toward the exit. Willa's eyes darted left and right, taking in all details, while Diane simply trudged along, her gaze only on Quarry's back. Behind them Daryl walked along, his face still bruised from his fight with his father. His mood seemed to match his injuries.

One thing Willa picked up on was the cables running along some of the passageways that she did not remember seeing before. She didn't know what they were for, but intuitively concluded that their presence did not portend anything good.

Quarry unlocked the door and they all stepped outside, blinking to adjust to the light.

'Right nice day,' said Quarry as he led the little group outside.

And it was. The sky was a light blue and cloudless. The breeze from the west was warming but gentle. They sat on a large rock and gazed around. Willa looked interested, Diane Wohl indifferent, and Daryl just scowled off into the distance.

'Where'd you learn to fly?' said Willa, pointing at the little Cessna parked on the grassy strip.

'Vietnam. Nothing like a war to teach you how to fly real good. 'Cause you don't fly real good in a war, the problem ain't that you don't arrive on time, it's that you don't arrive at all.'

'I've been on a plane,' said Willa. 'We went to Europe last summer. Me and my family. And I've flown to California. Have you been on a plane?' she asked Diane.

She said nervously, 'Yeah, I travel a lot for work. But not planes like that one,' she added, pointing at Quarry's

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