
'You're still young.'


'You have plenty of time. You can still have a family.'

'Who says I want one now?' Diane said bitterly.

Willa fell silent as she watched Diane rub her hands nervously together and stare down at the tabletop.

'We're never getting out of here, you know that, don't you?' said Diane.

'I think we will, if things go according to Mr. Sam's plan.'

Diane leapt up. 'Stop calling him that! It makes him sound like he's somebody's doting grandfather and not some crazy freak.'

'Okay,' Willa said fearfully. 'Okay. I'll stop.'

Diane sank back down in the chair. 'You miss your mom?' she said in a low voice.

Willa nodded. 'I miss everybody. Even my little brother.'

'Did he tell you that everybody was okay in your family?'

'Yes. He-' Willa broke off and looked sharply at her. 'Why do you ask that? Did he tell you something differently?'

Diane looked surprised. 'No, I mean, we didn't talk about it. Him and me… I don't know anything.'

Willa stood, her gaze searching the woman's face, easily boring through the thin veneer of lies.

'He told you something,' she said accusingly.

'No, he didn't.'

'Is my family okay? Are they?'

'Willa, I don't know. I… he… Look, we can't trust anything he says.'

'So he did tell you something. What did he tell you?'

'Willa, I can't.'

'Tell me! Tell me!' She raced at Diane and started slapping at her. 'Tell me! Tell me!'

Footsteps could be heard outside of the room. A key turned in the lock. The door was thrown open. Quarry ran over to them, lifted Willa up. She turned on him, slapping at his face.

'Tell me that my family is okay. Tell me!' she yelled at Quarry.

Quarry glared once at Diane, who shrank against the wall. 'Willa-stop,' he said.

But she slapped him on his injured mouth. She kept punching, hitting, slapping. She was uncontrollable.

'Daryl,' roared Quarry.

His son hustled in, carrying a syringe. He uncapped it and popped the needle into Willa's arm. Two seconds later she was slumped in Quarry's arms. He handed her off to his son.

'Take her back to her room.'

When he was alone with Diane, Quarry turned on her. 'What the hell did you tell her?'

'Nothing. I swear it. She asked about her family.'

'You told her you were her mother?'

'No, I would never do that.'

'Then what the hell happened?'

'Look, you killed her mom.'

'No I didn't.'

'Well, you told me she was dead. Is she or isn't she?'

Quarry looked toward the door and then back at her. 'It was an accident.'

'I'm sure,' she said sarcastically.

'You told her she was dead?' he said, his anger rising.

'No, but she's a smart kid. I told her you couldn't be trusted. She put two and two together. And if you do let us go she's going to find out for sure at some point.'

Quarry scowled at her from under thick tufts of eyebrow. 'You shouldn't have told her that.'

'Yeah, well, you shouldn't have killed her mother, by accident or otherwise. And you shouldn't have kidnapped us in the first place. And right now I don't really care if you kill me. You can just go to hell, Mr. Sam.'

'I'm already in hell, lady. Been there for years.'

He slammed the door behind him.


JANE COX DREW a quick breath as she peered inside the post office box. Every time she had opened it before the container had been empty. But today there was a white envelope inside. She glanced around, held her purse close to the box, and slid the envelope inside it.

She had just climbed inside the limo when there was a rap on the glass. Jane looked at her security detail leader. 'Let's go.'

Instead of going, the door to the limo opened and FBI agent Chuck Waters was standing there. 'I need the letter, Mrs. Cox.'

'Excuse me, who are you?'

Waters held up his badge. 'FBI. I need the letter,' he said again.

'What letter?'

'The letter you just took out of that box in there.' He pointed over his shoulder to the Mail Boxes Etc. store.

'I don't know what you're talking about. Now please leave me alone.' She looked over at her detail chief. 'Drew, tell him to leave.'

Drew Fuller, a veteran Secret Service agent, looked back at her nervously. 'Mrs. Cox, the FBI has had you under surveillance from day one on this.'

'What!' she exclaimed. From the resigned look in Fuller's eyes, he had realized that a reassignment in his future to a far less desirable outpost was probably coming fast.

Waters said, 'I have a warrant here.' He held up the piece of paper. 'To search your purse and your person.'

'You can't do that. I'm not a criminal.'

'If you have evidence critical to a kidnapping investigation and you are knowingly withholding it, then you are a criminal, ma'am.'

'I can't believe your gall!'

'I'm just trying to get your niece back. I assume you want that too.'

'How dare you!'

Waters looked at Fuller. 'We can do this easy or hard. It's up to her.'

Fuller said, 'Mrs. Cox, the Service has been aware of the FBI's actions and the official position is that we have no right to stop them on this. It's a federal investigation. The White House lawyers also are in agreement with this.'

'So it seems that everyone is in agreement. That everyone has been going behind my back to plot against me. Does that include my husband?'

'I can't speak to that,' Fuller said hastily.

'Well, I can. And I will when I get back to the White House.'

'That's certainly your prerogative, Mrs. Cox.'

'No, that will be my mission!'

Waters said, 'The letter, Mrs. Cox? This is all very time-sensitive.'

She slowly opened her purse and put her hand inside.

'Ma'am, if you don't mind, I'll get it myself.'

She gave him a look that he would probably remember for the rest of his life. 'Let me see the warrant first.'

He handed her the paper, which she read through slowly, then held open her purse. 'I have lipstick in there too,

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