ex-inmates, 38

Conquest, Robert: book by, 117

Corn growing: Khrushchev’s plan, 37-38

Dark Forces: defined, 43

Davis, Angela, 66-67

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 139

Donbas (region), USSR: Belenko’s childhood in, 23-25

DOSAAF (Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Forces and Navy), 44

classes, 47-51

F-14 (aircraft), 73-74

F-15 (aircraft), 74

simulation, 183

Falls Church, Va.: apartment, 155

bar, 158-159

Fascell, Dante, 135

Ford, Gerald:

appeal to, by Belenko’s wife, 137

asylum granted to Belenko, 128-129, 130, 133

meeting with Gromyko, 139-140

Galich, Aleksandr, 88

Golodnikov, Dmitri Vasilyevich, 89-92

Gromyko, Andrei, 134, 139, 140

Grozny, USSR, 69-71

Hakodate, Japan: Belenko’s

landing site, 109-113, 129

Helsinki Accords, 135,137

Hokkaido (island), Japan:

Belenko’s arrival:

airspace, 18-21

landing site (Hakodate), 109-113, 130

Hyakuri Ah- Base, Japan, 172

Ivanovna, Serafima, 29-30, 33,64


airspace, Belenko in, 18-21

Belenko’s stay in, 109-122

government response to Russians, 131-132, 139

harassment by Russians, 129-130,131,164

Kageoka, Masao, 130

Keegan, George J., Jr., 176

quoted, 181-182,186

Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich, 37,38,40, 59, 70, 117

Kissinger, Henry, 126,128

Kolkhozes (collective farms), 25, 26-27, 51-52, 72, 87-88

Kosaka, Zentaro, 139

Kremlin, Moscow, USSR, 41

Krotkov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 88,94

Krylov, Lev, 135,137,138

Kudirka, Simas, 127

Las Vegas, Nev., 209

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich:

tomb, 41

Lermontov, Mikhail Yurevich, 32

Litvinov, Grigori Petrovich, 71

Los Angeles Times: editorial quoted, 132-133

Malenkov, Colonel, 92-93

Marxism-Leninism: teachings, 28, 219

MiG-17s (aircraft), 73

MiG-25s (aircraft):

accidents, 106

design, 14, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180

explosive charges, 14-15, 172

fuel for, 98, 107

history, 171, 177-178

radar, 174,178,180

radio, frequency of, 19, 108

range, 173

Russian claims for, 77, 171

secrecy surrounding, 14, 169, 179

speed and altitude, 14, 169,173,174

support personnel, 96

U.S. perceptions of, 14—15, 169-170, 175, 176, 176-177, 181

Miyazawa, Kiichi, 132

Moscow, USSR, 41

Muslims: Chechens, 70

My Lai massacre: Vietnam, 69

National Operations and Intelligence Watch Officers Network (NOIWON):

United States, 126, 127

Navy, U.S.: aircraft carrier, 161-164

Nessen, Ron, 130

New Communist Man, 56-57, 220

Belenko’s attitude toward, 32,43

Newsweek: quoted, 175

NOIWON (NationalOperations and Intelligence Watch Officers Network): United States, 126,127

Omsk, USSR, 44

Belenko’s jobs in, 44-47, 53-56,58-59

Belenko’s return to, 64-65

medical school: Belenko’s application to, 51

Osnos, Peter, 124

Pankovsky, Yevgenny Petrovich, 9

Parachute jumping, 47-48

Petrovna, Ludmilla, 77, 80, 97,104

dissatisfaction, sources of, 85-86,95

press-conference appearance, 135-137

Phantom fighters:

American, 14,73

Japanese, 18,19

Polyansky, Dmitri, 130

Powers, Francis Gary, 179

Ruble, value of, 55n

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