'So take a couple of brioches as a tribute to the funeral; get out of my kitchen and do it. Oh, Quill?'

Quill looked back.

'Stop by Tom Peterson's, will you? I stuck some of yesterday's delivery in your car. The meat's tainted.'

'The meat?'

'Yes! The meat. It stinks. I can't serve it. Something must be wrong with those refrigeration units. Tell him I want fresh good stuff in the cooler now. Make him eat that stuff if he won't.'

'Okay,' said Quill meekly.

Gil's ostentatious white Colonial was in the town's only suburb, about four miles from the Inn. The street where the now-widowed Nadine lived was lined with cars, and Quill parked her battered Olds half a block away. Hemlock Falls citizens were conscientious about funerals and calling hours. Friends of the deceased rallied around the family, dropping by with a continuous stream of food.

The front door was partly open and she slipped in quietly. She set the brioches in the kitchen between a huge home-cooked ham from the Hogg's Heaven Farms, and a chocolate banana cream pie - Betty Hall's specialty dessert for Saturdays.

She was unsurprised to see Nadine dressed completely in black, something that was Not Done in Hemlock Falls, because it was considered a waste of hard-earned cash. ('So whattya gonna do with a black outfit anyways?' Marge Schmidt had been heard to opine. 'Only place to wear it is up to Ms. Barf-your-guts-out-Quilliam's, and after a meal there, you don't have enough left to pay for the dress.')

Marge was, of course, conspicuously absent, but most of the Chamber was there, in force. Quill said hello to Mayor Henry, who nodded gravely, and waved at Howie Murchison, who was in close discussion with Andy Bishop.

A large poster featuring a close-up of Gil's grinning face usually stood by the showroom door at his dealership. Some thoughtful soul had brought it to the house, and it now stood in state by the fireplace, a black- ribboned wreath surmounting the legend 'Drowned, But Not Forgotten.'

'Not real creative,' said Harvey Bozzel, a thick piece of brioche in one hand. 'But God! What'd you expect on such short notice? And I've decided not to send a bill. Although the printer double charged for the overtime.' Mementos of Gil lay scattered on a table underneath the poster. 'Nice touch, don't you think?' said Harvey. 'His wallet, his Chamber membership, stuff like that. I think Nadine's going to bury it with him. Except for the credit cards.'

'Is all this from... ?'

'The body? Some of it,' said Harvey. 'Quill, now that we have a chance to talk, what about that ad campaign? I've come up with some really exciting ideas.'

'Harvey, this just isn't the right time to discuss it.'

'Monday, then? I could drop by around ten o'clock.'

'Sure.' said Quill.

'I'll bring some roughs for you. It's gonna be great.'

'Excuse me,' said Quill. She edged over to Esther West, who was standing by an impromptu bar set up on the credenza.

'So where do you think she got that?' said Esther bitterly, with a gesture toward the widow.

'The dress?' Quill peered at it. 'Looks like DKNY.'

'You'd think she'd have the manners to shop at home at a time like this,' said Esther. 'I have the nicest little black and white suit that's been in the window for ages that would have been perfect. Purchased in the hope of just such an occasion.' Esther belted back a slug of what smelled like gin. 'Now, where's she going to wear that thing after this funeral?'

Quill said she didn't know.

'Mayor asked me to write a short piece in Gil's memory,' said Esther. 'You know, after the opening ceremonies tomorrow.' She adjusted her earring, It was mother-of-pearl, at least two inches wide. 'Taste. That's what the mayor's after, I kind of like what Harvey wrote, you know? 'Drowned, but not forgotten.' But we can't just say that. I thought maybe something from Hamlet might go over well.'

'Hamlet?' said Quill, 'You mean Hamlet?'

'That play by William Shakespeare, There's a scene from J it on my director's video. This Queen Gertrude is very upset over a drowning. She runs into the palace and has some very nice lines about a drowning. Very nice.'

'The ones about Ophelia?' Howie Murchison, occupied with refilling his Scotch, winked at Quill. ''Too much of water has thou, poor Ophelia; and therefore, I forbid my tears'?'

'You know that play, Howie? I think it's nice, And of course, that's what happened to Gil, Too much water. What do you think, Harvey?' Esther inquired of the ad man, who'd I also come to the credenza for a refill.

'Well, Gil was bashed on the head first,' said Harvey. 'I don't know how creatively appropriate that drowning speech would be. I mean he drowned, yes, Too much water, yes. But he was hit on the head first.'

'The rest of this play Hamlet seems to be people dead of sword wounds,' said Esther critically, 'and I don't suppose that would do.'

'There's always 'Cudgel thy brains no more about it,' offered Howie.

'Oh, no,' said Quill involuntarily. She was afraid to look at Howie; she bit her lower lip so hard it hurt, 'I'll just say something to Nadine. Excuse me again, Harvey.'

A space around Nadine had cleared, and Quill went over to see her. 'I'm awfully sorry, Nadine,' she said soberly, 'Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need someone to stay with you?'

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