“This is a surprise to you,” Mayrie said.
Dannyl nodded. “I had no idea. Are you sure?”
“More sure than not. I would not have told you, except that I worry for him. Don’t lead him to believe anything of you that isn’t true.”
Dannyl frowned. “Have I?”
“Not that I can tell.” She paused and smiled, but her eyes remained hard. “As I said before, I am very protective of my younger brother. I only wish to warn you - and to let you know that, if I hear that he has been hurt in any way, you may find your stay in Elyne less comfortable than you would like it to be.”
Dannyl regarded her closely. There was a steeliness to her gaze, and he didn’t doubt that what she said was true.
“What would you have me do, Mayrie of Porreni?”
Her face relaxed, and she patted his hand. “Nothing. Just take care. I do like what I’ve seen of you, Ambassador Dannyl.” Taking a step forward, she kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you at the morning meal tomorrow. Good night.”
With that, she turned and walked away toward the house. Dannyl watched her go, then shook his head. Clearly, her purpose for leading him out here had been to give him this warning.
Had Tayend suggested the visit so his sister could access Dannyl? Had he planned for his sister to perceive so much, and reveal it?
Moving to the seat Tayend had vacated, he sat down. How was this going to change their friendship? He frowned. If Tayend didn’t know his sister had revealed his interest, and Dannyl continued to behave as if he didn’t know, then everything should remain the same.
Their friendship depended on how well Dannyl took this news. He considered his feelings. He was surprised, but not dismayed. It even pleased him a little to know someone liked him that much.
Closing his eyes, he pushed that thought away. He had faced those questions before, and their consequences. Tayend was and could only ever be a friend.
The entrances to the secret passages were surprisingly easy to find. Most were located in the inner part of the University, which made sense since the original designers would not have wanted mere novices stumbling upon them. The mechanisms for opening the doors in the wood panelling lay behind paintings and other wall ornaments.
Sonea had started looking for them as soon as her evening class had finished, instead of going to the library. The corridors were quiet, but not completely deserted, which was why she never encountered Regin and his friends at this time. They preferred to wait until after she left the library, when they were sure the University was empty.
Even so, she felt as tense as a bowstring as she moved through the passages. She inspected several of the hidden doors before she drew up the courage to try one. Though it was late, she could not help worrying about being observed. Finally, in a little-used part of the inner passages, she dared to flick the lever behind a painting of a magician holding drawing instruments and a scroll.
The panelling swivelled inward silently, and cold air rushed out to chill her. Thinking back to the night Fergun had blindfolded and led her into the tunnels to meet Cery, she recalled how she had felt this change of temperature.
Looking inside, she saw a dry, narrow passage. She had expected it to be dripping with moisture like the tunnels under the city. The Thieves’ Road was under the level of the river, however; the University was on higher ground - and, of course, there wouldn’t be any moisture up on the third floor.
Worried that someone would see her standing next to the open door, Sonea stepped inside. As she let go of the door it swung shut, plunging the tunnel into darkness. Her heart skipped, then she winced as the globe light she willed into existence flared brighter than she had intended.
Inspecting the passage, she noted that the floor was thick with dust. In the center the dust was thinner where the traffic of feet had scuffed it aside, but her boots had left faint footprints, indicating that no one had come this way for some time. All her doubts evaporated. She would not encounter anyone else in the passages; they were hers to explore. Her very own Thieves’ Road.
She pulled out her plan of the passages and started forward. As she moved along, she found and noted other entrances. The secret ways were restricted to the larger walls of the University, so they were set out in a simple pattern that was easy to remember. Soon she had circled the entire top floor of the building.
She hadn’t seen any stairs, however. Examining her map again, she noted the little crosses here and there. She moved to the location of one of them and examined the floor. Brushing dust aside with her toe, she uncovered a crack.
Dropping into a crouch, she pushed the dust away with light sweeps of magic. As she suspected, the crack turned at right angles, once, twice... forming a hatch in the floor. Standing back, she concentrated on the slab of wood, willing it to rise.
It hinged upward, revealing another passage below, and a ladder attached to the side wall. Smiling to herself, Sonea climbed down to the second floor.
The layout of the passages of the second level was almost identical to those on the third. When she had checked all of the side passages, she located another hatch and descended to the ground floor. Again, the ways were similar, though there were fewer side passages, but here she found staircases leading even farther down, under the ground.
Excitement grew as she discovered that the foundations of the University were riddled with tunnels and empty rooms, indicated by dashed lines on the map of the ground floor. Not only did the tunnels roam under the building, but they extended out beyond the walls and under the gardens. Heading away from the University, Sonea noted how the passage sloped down, deeper under the ground. The walls changed to brick, and roots hung from the ceiling. Remembering the size of some of the trees above, she realized she must be deeper underground than she had thought.
A little farther on the passage ended where its roof had caved in. As she turned back, she considered how much time she had spent exploring. It was late. Very late. She did not want to give Akkarin reason to come looking for her - or worse, to order her to return to the residence after classes each night.
So, satisfied with her success, she started back up into the University walls and emerged at a place where she knew the chance of being seen leaving the secret ways was remote.
A Disturbing Discovery
As Tania cleared empty sumi cups from the table, Rothen yawned. He was taking smaller quantities of nemmin now, but that meant he often woke early and spent the last hours of the night worrying.
“I spoke to Viola again this afternoon,” Tania said suddenly. “She’s still aloof - the other servants say she’s put a high value on herself since becoming Sonea’s servant. But she’s warming to me because I can tell her how best to please the High Lord’s favorite.”
Rothen regarded her expectantly. “And?”
“She told me that Sonea is well, though some mornings she looks tired.”
He nodded. “That’s no surprise with all the extra lessons. I’ve heard that she’s been helping Lady Tya, too.”