'The base hospital at Kirtland-both of them,' Werner replied.

'Long ways.'

'Orders are to keep this one under wraps. For what it's worth, the guy who popped your officer is that one over there-from the description he gave us, it's him anyway.'

'I'm surprised you took one alive.' That earned the Captain a curious look. 'I mean, they were all armed, right?'

'Yeah,' Werner agreed. He smiled in an odd sort of way. 'I'm surprised, too.'


The Rules of the Game

THE amazing thing was that it didn't make the news. Only a handful the unmuffled shots had been fired, and gunfire is not all that unusual a thing in the American West. An inquiry to the New Mexico State Police had gotten the reply that the investigation into the shooting of Officer Mendez was still continuing, with a break expected at any time, but that the helicopter activity was merely part of a routine search-and-rescue exercise conducted jointly by the state police and Air Force personnel. It wasn't all that good a story, but good enough to keep reporters off everyone's back for a day or two.

The evidence team sifted through the trailer and not surprisingly found little of note, A police photographer took the requisite pictures of all the victims-he called himself a professional ghoul-and handed over the film to the senior FBI agent on the scene. The bodies were bagged and driven to Kirtland, from which they were flown to Dover Air Force Base, where there was a special receiving center staffed by forensic pathologists. The developed photos of the dead KGB officers were sent electronically to Washington. The local police and FBI began talking about how the case against the surviving KGB agent would be handled. It was determined that he'd broken at least a dozen statutes, evenly divided between federal and state jurisdiction, and various attorneys would have to sort that mess out, even though they knew that the real decision would be made in Washington. They were wrong in that assessment, however. Part of it would be decided elsewhere.

It was four in the morning when Ryan felt a hand on his shoulder. He rolled over and looked in time to see Candela flip on the bedstand light.

'What?' Ryan asked as coherently as he could manage.

'The Bureau pulled it off, They have Gregory and he's fine,' Candela said. He handed over some photos. Ryan's eyes blinked a few times before going very wide.

'That's a hell of a thing to wake up to,' Jack said, even before seeing what had happened to Tania Bisyarina. 'Holy shit!' He dropped the photos on the bed and walked into the bathroom. Candela heard the sound of running water, then Ryan emerged and walked to the refrigerator. He pulled out a can of soda and popped it open.

'Excuse me. You want one?' Jack gestured at the refrigerator.

'It's a little early for me. You made the pass to Golovko yesterday?'

'Yeah. The session starts this afternoon. I want to see our friend about eight. I was planning to get up about five-thirty.'

'I thought you'd want to see these right away,' Candela said. That elicited a grunt.

'Sure. It beats the morning paper? We got his ass,' Ryan noted, staring at the carpet. 'Unless?'

'Unless he wants to die real bad,' the CIA officer agreed.

'What about his wife and daughter?' Jack asked. 'If you got opinions, I sure as hell want to hear them.'

'The meet's where I suggested?'


'Push him as hard as you can.' Candela lifted the pictures off the bed and tucked them in an envelope. 'Make sure you show him these. I don't think it'll trouble his conscience much, but it'll damned well show him we're serious. If you want an opinion, I thought you were crazy before. Now'-he grinned-'I think you're just about crazy enough. I'll be back when you're all woke up.'

Ryan nodded and watched him leave before heading into the shower. The water was hot, and Jack took his time, in the process filling the small room with steam that he had to wipe off the mirror. When he shaved, he made a conscious effort to stare at his beard rather than his eyes. It wasn't a time for self-doubt.

It was dark outside his windows. Moscow was not lit the same way as an American city. Perhaps it was the near-total absence of cars at this hour. Washington always had people moving about. There was always the unconscious certainty that somewhere people were up and about their business, whatever that might be. The concept didn't translate here. Just as the words of one language never exactly, never quite correspond to those of another, so Moscow was to Ryan just similar enough to other major cities he'd visited to seem all the more alien in its differences. People didn't go about their business here. For the most part they went about the business assigned to them by someone else. The irony was that he would soon be one of the people giving orders, to a person who'd forgotten how to take them.

Morning came slowly to Moscow. The traffic sounds of trolley cars and the deeper rumble of truck diesels were muted by the snow cover, and Ryan's window didn't face in the proper direction to catch the first light of dawn. What had been gray began to acquire color, as though a child were playing with the controls on a color television. Jack finished his third cup of coffee, and set down the book he'd been reading at seven-thirty. Timing was everything on occasions like this, Candela told him. He made a final trip to the bathroom before dressing for his morning walk.

The sidewalks had been swept clean of the Sunday-night snowstorm, though there were still piles at the curbs. Ryan nodded to the security guards, Australian, American, and Russian, before turning north on Chaykovskogo. The bitter northerly wind made his eyes water, and he adjusted the scarf around his neck slightly as he walked toward Vosstaniya Square. This was Moscow's embassy district. The previous morning he'd turned right at the far side of the square and seen half a dozen legations mixed together randomly, but this morning he turned left on Kudrinskiy Pereulok-the Russians had at least nine ways of saying 'street,' but the nuances were lost on Jack-then right, then left again on Barrikad-naya.

'Barricade' seemed an odd name for both a street and a movie theater. It looked odder still in Cyrillic lettering. The B was recognizable, though the Cyrillic 'B' is actually a V, and the Rs in the word looked like Roman Ps. Jack altered his course somewhat, walking as close to the buildings as possible as he approached. Just as expected, a door opened and he turned into it. Again he was patted down. The security man found the sealed envelope in the coat pocket, but didn't open it, to Ryan's relief.

'Come.' The same thing he'd said the first time, Jack noted. Perhaps he had a limited vocabulary.

Gerasimov was sitting on an aisle seat, his back confidently to Ryan as Jack walked down the slope to see the man.

'Good morning,' he said to the back of the man's head.

'How do you like our weather?' Gerasimov asked, waving the security man away. He stood and led Jack down toward the screen.

'Wasn't this cold where I grew up.'

'You should wear a hat. Most Americans prefer not to, but here it is a necessity.'

'It's cold in New Mexico, too,' Ryan said.

'So I'm told. Did you think I would do nothing?' the RGB Chairman asked. He did so without emotion, like a teacher to a slow student. Ryan decided to let him enjoy the feeling fora moment.

'Am I supposed to negotiate with you for Major Gregory's freedom?' Jack asked neutrally-or tried to. The extra morning coffee had put an edge on his emotions.

'If you wish,' Gerasimov replied.

'I think you will find this to be of interest.' Jack handed over the envelope.

The KGB Chairman opened it and took out the photographs. He didn't display any reaction as he flipped through the three frames, but when he turned to look at Ryan his eyes made the morning's wind seem like the breath of spring.

'One's alive,' Jack reported. 'He's hurt, but he'll recover. I don't have his picture. Somebody screwed up on

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