wished them luck.

The owner of the house was away attending to matters of state, of course, but he had been kind enough to give them free use of it. That included a small but discreet staff which served light snacks and drinks, then withdrew, leaving the tape recorders, both men were sure, to record events. Well, that didn't matter, did it?

The hell it doesn't! Both men realized the sensitivity of the conversation that was about to take place, and it was Cortez who surprised his guest by graciously suggesting that they speak outside, despite the weather. Both men dropped off their suitcoats and went through the French doors to the garden. About the only good news was the impressive collection of blue bug-lights which crackled and sparkled as they attracted and electrocuted thousands of insects. The noise would make hash out of most recording attempts, and who would have expected either of them to eschew the house's air conditioning?

'Thank you for responding to my message,' Cortez said pleasantly. It was not a time for bluster or posturing. It was time for business, and he'd have to appear appropriately humble before this man. It didn't bother him. Dealing with people of his rank required it, and it was something he'd have to get used to, F lix expected. They needed deference. It made surrendering all the easier.

'What do you want to talk about?' Admiral Cutter asked.

'Your operations against the Cartel, of course.' Cortez waved toward a cane chair. He disappeared for a moment, then returned with the tray of drinks and glasses. For tonight, Perrier was the drink of choice. Both men left the alcohol untouched. For F lix, that was the first good sign.

'What operations are you talking about?'

'You should know that I had nothing personally to do with the death of Mr. Jacobs. It was an act of madness.'

'Why should I believe that?'

'I was in America at the time. Didn't they tell you?' Cortez filled in some details. 'An information source like Mrs. Wolfe,' he concluded, 'is worth far more than stupid, emotional revenge. It is more foolish still to challenge a powerful nation in so obvious a way. Your response was quite well done. In fact, the operations you are running are most impressive. I didn't even suspect your airport-surveillance operations until after they were terminated, and the way you simulated the car bomb - a work of art , if I may say so. Can you tell me what the strategic objective of your operation is?'

'Come now, Colonel.'

'Admiral, I have the power to expose the totality of your activities to the press,' F lix said almost sadly. 'Either you tell me or you tell the members of your own Congress. You will find me far more accommodating. We are, after all, men of the same profession.'

Cutter thought for a moment, and told him. He was greatly irritated to see his interlocutor start laughing.

'Brilliant!' Cortez said when he was able to. 'One day I would wish to meet this man, the one who proposed this idea. Truly he is a professional!'

Cutter nodded as though accepting the compliment. For a moment F lix wondered if that might be true... it was easy enough to find out.

'You must forgive me, Admiral Cutter. You think I am making light of your operation. I say to you honestly that I am not. You have, in fact, accomplished your goal.'

'We know. We know that somebody tried to kill you and Escobedo.'

'Yes,' F lix replied. 'Of course. I would also like to know how you are developing such fine intelligence on us, but I know that you will not tell me.'

Cutter played the card for all he thought it was worth. 'We have more assets than you think, Colonel.' It wasn't worth that much.

'I am sure,' Cortez allowed. 'I think we have an area of agreement.'

'What might that be?'

'You wish to initiate a war within the Cartel. So do I.'

Cutter betrayed himself by the way he stopped breathing. 'Oh? How so?'

Already Cortez knew that he had won. And this fool was advising the American President?

'Why, I will become a de facto part of your operation and restructure the Cartel. That means eliminating some of the more offensive members, of course.'

Cutter wasn't a total fool, but made the further mistake of stating the obvious as a question: 'With yourself as the new head?'

'Do you know what sort of people these 'drug lords' are? Vicious peasants. Barbarians without education, drunk with power, yet they complain like spoiled children that they are not respected .' Cortez smiled up at the stars. 'They are not people to be taken seriously by men such as ourselves. Can we agree that the world will be better when they have left it?'

'The same thought has occurred to me, as you have already pointed out.'

'Then we are in agreement.'

'Agreement on what?'

'Your 'car bombs' have already eliminated five of the chieftains. I will further reduce the number. Those eliminated will include all who approved the murder of your ambassador and the others, of course. Such actions cannot go unpunished or the world is plunged into chaos. Also, to show good faith, I will unilaterally reduce cocaine shipments to your country by half. The drug trade is disordered and overly violent,' the former DGI colonel said judiciously. 'It needs restructuring.'

'We want it stopped!' Even as he said it, Cutter knew that it was a foolish thing to say.

Cortez sipped at his Perrier and continued to speak reasonably. 'It will never be stopped. So long as your citizens wish to destroy their brains, someone will make this possible. The question, then, is how do we make the process more orderly? Your education efforts will eventually reduce the demand for drugs to tolerable levels. Until then, I can regularize the trade to minimize the dislocation of your society. I will reduce exports. I can even give you some major arrests so that your police can take credit for the reductions. This is an election year, is it not?'

Cutter's breathing took another hiatus. They were playing high-stakes poker, and Cortez had just announced that the deck was marked.

'Go on,' was all he managed to say.

'Was this not the objective of your operations in Colombia? To sting the Cartel and reduce drug trafficking? I offer you success, the sort of success to which your President can point. Reduction in exports, some dramatic seizures and arrests, an intramural war within the Cartel for which you will not be blamed, yet for which you will also take credit. I give you victory,' Cortez said.

'In return for...?'

'I, too, must have a small victory to establish my position with the chieftains, yes? You will withdraw support for the Green Berets you have climbing those horrible mountains. You know - the men you are supporting with that large black helicopter in Hangar Three at Howard Air Force Base. You see, those chieftains whom I wish to displace have large groups of retainers, and the best way for me to reduce their numbers is to have your men kill them for me. At the same time, unfortunately, in order to gain standing with my superiors' - this word was delivered with Richter-scale irony - 'my bloody and costly operation must ultimately be successful. It is a regrettable necessity, but from your point of view it also eliminates a potential security problem, does it not?'

My God . Cutter looked away from Cortez, out past the bug lights into the jungle.

'What do you suppose they're talking about?'

'Beats the hell out of me,' Bright replied. He was on his last roll of film. Even with the high-speed setting, to get a good shot he had to bring the shutter speed way down, and that meant holding the camera as still as a hunting rifle on a distant prong-horn.

What was it the President said? Close the operation out, and I don't care how ...

But I can't do that.

'Sorry,' Cutter said. 'Impossible.'

Cortez made a helpless, shrugging gesture with both hands.

'In that case we will inform the world that your government has invaded Colombia and has committed murder on a particularly epic scale. You are aware, of course, of what will probably happen to you, your President, and

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