many senior members of your government. It took so long for you to get over all those other scandals. It must be very troubling to serve a government that has so many problems with its own laws and then uses them against its own servants.'

'You can't blackmail the United States government.'

'Why not, Admiral? Our mutual profession carries risks, does it not? You nearly killed me with your first 'car bomb,' and yet I have taken no personal offense. Your risk is exposure. Untiveros's family was there, you know, his wife and two little ones, eleven domestic servants, I believe. All dead from your bomb. I will not count those who were carrying guns, of course. A soldier must take a soldier's chance. As did I. As must you, Admiral, except that yours is not a soldier's chance. Your chance will be before your courts and television reporters, and congressional committees.' What was the old soldier's code? Cortez asked himself. Death before dishonor . He knew that his guest had no stomach for either.

'I need time to -'

'Think? Excuse me, Admiral, but I must be back in four hours, which means I must leave here in fifteen minutes. My superiors do not know that I am gone. I have no time. Neither do you. I offer you the victory for which you and your President hoped. I require something in return. If we cannot agree, then the consequences will be unpleasant for both of us. It is that simple. Yes or no, Admiral?'

'What do you suppose they just shook hands about?'

'Cutter doesn't look real happy about it. Call the car! Looks like they're buggin' out.'

'Who the hell was he meeting with, anyway? I don't recognize him. If he's a player, he's not a local one.'

'I don't know.' The car was late getting back, but the backup followed Cutter right back to his hotel. By the time Bright got back to the airfield, he learned that the subject was planning a good night's sleep for himself. The VC- 20A was scheduled for a noon departure right back to Andrews. Bright planned to beat it there by taking an early commercial flight to Miami and connecting into Washington National. He'd arrive half dead from fatigue, but he'd get there.

Ryan took the call for the Director - Judge Moore was finally on his way back, but was still three hours out of Dulles. Jack's driver was ready as the executive elevator opened onto the garage, and they immediately left for Bethesda. They got there too late. Jack opened the door to see the bed covered with a sheet. The doctors had already left.

'I was there at the end. He went out easy,' one of the CIA people told him. Jack didn't recognize him, though he gave the impression that he'd been waiting for Jack to appear. 'You're Dr. Ryan, right?'

'Yes,' Jack said quietly.

'About an hour before he faded out, he said something about - to remember what you two talked about. I don't know what he meant, sir.'

'I don't know you.'

'John Clark.' The man came over to shake Ryan's hand. 'I'm Operations, but Admiral Greer recruited me, too, long time ago.' Clark let out a breath. 'Like losing a father. Twice.'

'Yeah,' Ryan said huskily. He was too tired, too wrung out to hide his emotions.

'Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee and tell you a few stories about the old guy.' Clark was sad, but he was a man accustomed to death. Clearly Ryan was not, which was his good luck.

The cafeteria was closed, and they got coffee from a waiting-room pot. It was reheated and full of acid, but Ryan didn't want to go home just yet, and was late remembering that he'd driven his own car in. He'd have to drive himself home tonight. He was too tired for that. He decided to call home and tell Cathy that he'd be staying over in town. CIA had an arrangement with one of the local Marriotts. Clark offered to drive him down, and Jack dismissed his driver. By this time both men decided that a drink wasn't a bad idea.

Larson was gone from the room. He'd left a note saying that Maria would be coming in later that night, and he was going to pick her up. Clark had a small bottle of bourbon, and this Marriott had real glasses. He mixed two and handed one over to Jack Ryan.

'James Greer, the last of the good guys,' Clark said as he raised his glass.

Jack took a sip. Clark had mixed it a little strong, and he nearly coughed.

'If he recruited you, how come -'

'Operations?' Clark smiled. 'Well, sir, I never went to college, but Greer spotted me through some of his Navy contacts. It's a long story, and parts of it I'm not supposed to tell, but our paths have crossed three times.'


'When the French went in to bag those Action Directe folks you found on the satellite photos, I was the liaison officer in Chad. The second time they went in, after the ULA people who took that dislike to you, I was on the chopper. And I'm the fool who went on the beach to bring Mrs. Gerasimov and her daughter out. And that, sir, was all your fault. I do the crazy stuff,' Clark explained. 'All the field work that the espionage boys wet their pants over. Of course, maybe they're just smarter than I am.'

'I didn't know.'

'You weren't supposed to know. Sorry we missed on bagging those ULA pukes. I've always wanted to apologize to you for that. The French were really good about it. They were so happy with us for fingering Action Directe that they wanted to give us the ULA heads on plaques. But there was this damned Libyan unit out on maneuvers, and the chopper just stumbled on them - that's a problem when you go zooming in low - and it turned out that the camp was probably empty anyway. Everybody was real sorry it didn't work out as planned. Might have saved you a little grief. We tried, Dr. Ryan. We surely tried.'

'Jack.' Ryan held out his glass for a refill.

'Fine. Call me John.' Clark topped both drinks off. 'The Admiral said I could tell you all that. He also said that you tumbled to what was happening down south. I was down there,' Clark said. 'What do you want to know?'

'You sure you can tell me that?'

'The Admiral said so. He's - excuse me, he was a deputy director, and I figure that means I can do what he told me to do. This bureaucratic stuff is a little confusing to a humble line-animal, but I figure you can never go far wrong by telling the truth. Besides, Ritter told me that everything we did was legal, that he had all the permission he needed for this hunting expedition. That permission had to come from one place. Somebody decided that this drug stuff was a 'clear and present danger' - that's a quote - to the security of the United States. Only one man has the power to say that for-real, and if he does, he has the authority to do something about it. Maybe I never went to college, but I do read a lot. Where do you want me to start?'

'At the beginning,' Jack replied. He listened for over an hour.

'You're going back?' Ryan asked when he was finished.

'I think a chance at bagging Cortez is worth it, and I might be able to help with the extraction of those kids up in the mountains. I don't really like the idea, but it is what I do for a living. I don't suppose your wife likes all the things she has to do as a doc.'

'One thing I gotta ask. How did you feel about guiding those bombs in?'

'How did you feel about shooting people, back when you did it?'

Jack nodded. 'Sorry - I had that coming.'

'I joined up as a Navy SEAL. Lot of time in Southeast Asia. I got orders to go and kill people, and I went and killed 'em. That wasn't a declared war either, was it? You don't go around braggin' about it, but it's the job. Since I joined the Agency I haven't done very much of that - there have been times when I wished I could have done more of it, 'cause it might have saved a few lives in the long run. I had the head of Abu Nidal in my gunsights, but I never got permission to take the fucker out. Same story with two other people just as bad. It would have been deniable, clean, everything you want, but the lace-panty section at Langley couldn't make up their minds. They told me to see if it was possible, and it's just as dangerous to do that as it is to pull the trigger, but I never got the green light to complete the mission. From where I sit, it's a good mission. Those bastards are the enemies of our country, they kill our citizens - taken out a couple Agency people, too, and not real pretty how they did it - but we don't do anything about it. Tell me that makes sense. But I follow orders like I'm supposed to. Never violated one since I joined up.'

'How do you feel about talking to the FBI?'

'You gotta be kidding. Even if I felt like it, which I don't, my main concern is those kids up in the hills. You hold me up on that, Jack, and some of them might get killed. Ritter called me earlier this evening and asked if I was willing to go back. I leave eight-forty tomorrow morning for Panama, and I stage from there back into

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