'Do you want to forget it ever happened, Alex? Because I can't forget it, but I can pretend nothing happened, if that's what you want—'

'No,' he said. 'I don't want to forget it. If we survive this, I think we should lie down — I mean, we should sit down — and discuss it.'

Jeezus, man! That was lame, Michaels. Lame, lamer, lamest. I cannot believe you said that. You are a moron!

Toni's smile, however, told him she had not only caught the Freudian slip, but wasn't in the least offended by it.

Bad idea, Michaels, a really bad idea. You don't crap in your nest. You never sleep with the enlisted women, his father had told him. It's always a mistake.

But looking at Toni, it didn't seem like such a mistake. She was bright, beautiful, and physically adept enough so she could kick his ass if she felt like it. For some reason, those things taken together had a powerful appeal. And she had kissed him first, hadn't she?

Yeah, right, she seduced you, and if you don't sleep with her, she'll stomp your butt? Uh-huh. Who are we trying to fool here, pal? Nobody is buying that one.

Michaels watched Toni disappear from view. He shook himself and blew out a big sigh. Worry about that later. Right now, he had bigger problems on his plate.

His com beeped. 'Yeah?'

'Your ex-wife is on three,' his secretary said.

Michaels laughed. Of course she was.

'Take a message,' he said.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Saturday, January 15th, 11:45 p.m. Kansas City, Kansas

'There they are,' Winthrop said.

'Rats,' Jay said. 'You had to pick rats?'

'You'd rather cute little puppies or kittens? Something about you I ought to know, Gridley?'

Jay shook his head and raised the twelve-gauge pump shotgun to his shoulder. The gun was a Mossberg with an extended magazine tube that held ten rounds. There was a flashlight and a laser mounted on the barrel. An elastic band on the gun's stock held another ten shells.

Next to him in the poorly lit alley, Winthrop raised her own weapon, a South African Streetsweeper, also a twelve-gauge, but with a big circular drum underneath that held a whole box of shells. She also had a flashlight and a laser sight mounted on the weapon.

The brown rats, the size of cocker spaniels and with mouths full of long, yellow teeth, milled around in the dead-end alley for a few seconds before they realized they couldn't get out that way. The big rodents looked around for a means of escape, and the only path out was blocked by Winthrop and Gridley.

No real problem in guessing which way they would go.

'Here they come!' Jay shouted.

The rats, at least twenty of them, came toward them like a furry tide.

Winthrop fired first, getting off two shots before Jay pulled the trigger on his weapon.

Big rats turned into bloody red clumps of twisting fur as the #4 buckshot tore into them. Five, eight, twelve of the charging animals fell. The rest kept coming.

'To your left!' Winthrop shouted. She swung her gun over and cooked off a couple more rounds. She blasted one of the rats, hitting it so hard she rolled it like a soccer ball.

Jay tracked the two rats trying to flank him on the left, fired, hit one, pumped the gun, fired, missed—

Winthrop caught the one he'd missed, then fired twice more—whump! whump! — and rolled two more.

Jay lined up on the last one he saw moving, put the little red dot from the laser square on the thing's head, shot it—

He blew out a sigh. Blasting plague-carrying rats was certainly more exciting than chasing down viral code strings in RW voxax or fingertap mode. In reality, the rats were circular sub routines with escape and evasion codings, eating up storage space in the Federal Reserve's KC Division. The city had been evacuated — the computer had been taken off-line — so that exterminators could come in and clear out the infestation. Mostly that didn't go over too well, but that was how it had to be.

And this wasn't that bad. A couple of the banking systems had been hit so hard they'd had to be shut down completely. Nobody had liked that.

Winthrop reloaded her shotgun from a pouch full of ammo she carried around her waist. And Jay had to admit, his earlier disapproval of the lieutenant notwithstanding, she looked pretty exciting standing there, shoving rounds into that big honking shotgun, smelling of gunpowder and all. There was something sexy about an attractive woman with an automatic weapon in her hands.

Probably a month's work for a shrink trying to sort out that symbolism, Jay figured. It was a good thing he wasn't into shrinks. He'd be broke all the time.

Winthrop touched her headset. 'We've cleared the alley behind the bank,' she said. 'We're moving into the one next to the Thai restaurant on the south side.'

Jay grinned. 'You throw that in in my honor?'

'You look like you ought to know your way around a Thai restaurant.'

'Of course. You like peanut sauce? Maybe I'll make us some nice rat satay.'

'You probably would. Come on.'

'As you command, mistress,' Jay said. 'You should have worn leather, you know. To go with the gun.'

As they walked across the street toward the Thai place, she said, 'Oh, by the way, nice job on running down that Platt guy—'

'Shucks, ma'am, ‘twarn't nothin'.'

'Wrong persona, Gridley.'

'Ah, I stand corrected. This is present-day, so how about, ‘Nopraw, fem.' '


'I'd never have found him if you hadn't snagged his spook. Kinda hard to believe he slipped up like that.'

'Even the smartest guys get stupid sometimes,' she said. 'I'll take lucky over good if it gets me there.'

'Amen. I hope the feebs can catch the sucker.'

'Rat city, just ahead.'

'Lock and load, ma'am. You want right side or left this time?'

'Left. That gun of yours throws the empties in my face on the right.'

'It's always something, ain't it? But it's FS, Winthrop, FS.'

She smiled.

FS stood for 'Frankenstein Scenario,' shorthand for the concept 'If you create it, then you take care of it.' Any problems in your scenario were your responsibility.

'Fine, you can build the next one,' she said.

'I will. You like snakes?' '

'I used to collect them when I was a little girl,' she said. 'Catch them with a long forked stick, put them into denim bags, and sell them to pet stores. Great things, snakes.'

Shoot, Jay thought. Too bad. Well. There must be some icky thing she didn't like. Given how much of the federal banking system was infected, they were going to be mopping things up for a while. Surely he could figure out what made her squirm before they were done…

Sunday, January 16lh, 1:15 a.m. Atlanta, Georgia

Platt knew that Hughes wouldn't like being woken up early, and it must be six or seven in spookland over there, but he wanted to be sure to catch him when he wasn't busy. Platt wasn't supposed to be calling Hughes at all unless it was an emergency, and given as how he had gotten away clean, maybe it wasn't an emergency

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