chaotic, 80-81
defined, 10-11
dreamlike, 210-211
elements of, 10-11
finding and creating, 31-32
frame, 10
gaining control of, 15-17
how this book is organized, 3-4
mood that drives a message, 21
multimessage, 290
overview, 9
panoramic, 207
photographers' differing opinions about, 1
posed portrait, 223
pulling together elements of, 18-20
simple, 80–81,202
soft, 210-211
terms that represent, 10–11 compositional frame
adding interest by getting creative with, 183
basic example of, 180
depth of field, 181
drawing attention to elements through, 13
improving composition through, 315-316
interesting and descriptive, 332
keeping viewers in, 183-185
mergers, avoiding, 181
perspective, 180-181
points of interest in, 183-185
sense of depth, 181–182 confidence, 15 continuous autofocus, 265 continuous light source, 154 contrast
black-and-white images, 97
color, 92
complementary color for, 87–88, 311-312
drawing attention to elements through, 12, 105
environmental portrait, 219
forest photography, 244
hard lighting, 159
in human eye, visual sense of, 23
informal balance achieved with, 196
intensity of light, 159
postproduction editing, 304-305
still-life photography, 250
visual significance of, 22 cool color, 90
Corel Digital Studio 2010 software, 293 cost, camera, 45
couple portrait, 225
Crop tool (Photoshop), 301
curvature, lens, 34-35
Curves Layers (Photoshop), 304-305
curvy line, 56
cyan, 311
decisive moment, 105 depth
close elements, 78
compositional frame, 181-182
drawing viewer's eyes into photography, 19
shooting down from high angle for, 127
texture as sense of, 62 depth of field
aperture, 38
compositional frame, 181
controlling, 112-114
defined, 37
flower photography, 254
focal length, 113
focal point, 104
forest photography, 245
greater, 113
group portrait, 224
improving composition through, 313
macro photography, 236-237
normal lens for, 112
perspective, 120
shallow, 38, 104,113
sports photography, 276
telephoto lens for, 112
wide-angle lens for, 112 depth perception, 27–29 design
chaotic composition, 80-81
design elements, 51-52
how this book is organized, 4 diagonal line, 56 diffusion material, 160, 162 digital noise
ISO rating, 40
sports photography, 276
Edition (King and Timacheff), 293, 303
(Fletcher), 153
(Underdahl), 323 direct flash, 154 directional light, 244, 250 distance
angle of view relationship, 118-120
depth perception relationship, 27-29
light source and subject relationship, 163-164
specific areas supporting and complementing the message, 23
visual significance of, 22 distortion
barrel, 130, 138
fixing, 302
distraction, background, 144–145 Dodge tool (Photoshop), 297–298 Doty, Jim
fine art photography, 282
lighting, 248-249
staggered elements in, 78–79 drawing with light, 269 dreamlike composition, 210–211 duplicating pixels, 295–296 dusk and dawn lighting, 171 Dutch angle, 133