fill, 159
fine art photography, 281-282
flashlight, 246
flat, 160
flower photography, 253-255
food photography, 255
forest photography, 243-244
group portrait, 224-225
hair, 168
hard, 155
hard shadow, 155
harsh, 155
improving composition through, 315
intensity of, 155-156
interior photo, 262
intimate landscape photography, 234-235
Kelvin temperature scale, 177
key, 159
kicker, 167
lens flare, 123
macro photography, 237
motion-stopping photography, 174-175
natural, 154, 170-171
neutral density filter, 175
night photography, 175
posed portrait, 222
postproduction editing, 305-306
quality of, 155–156, 160
reflective material, 161-162
rim, 167-168
seasonal, 174
selecting perspective according to,
121-123 short, 165, 167 side, 171–172 soft, 244
specular surface, 171 sports photography, 276 still-life photography, 249–250 sunlight, 172-174
tungsten, 177-178
wildlife photography, 240 lighting pattern
loop, 165-166
paramount, 164, 166
Rembrandt, 165-166
split, 165–166 lines
abstract art, 285
composition technique, 20
curvy, 56
diagonal, 56
horizontal, 56
implied, 54, 57-58
intersecting, 53
leading, 79
positioning the, 55
S curve, 56
sense of movement, 265
in soft composition, 210
to strengthen an image message, 55
vertical, 55 long exposure, 209 loop lighting pattern, 165–166 low-key image, 151 luminosity, 298, 300
macro photography
abstract art, 286
aperture, 236-237
depth of field, 236-237
landscape scenes, 236-238
lighting, 237
magnification, 236-237
subject size consideration, 237
zoom, 126
magazine, finding inspiration through, 321 magenta, 311 magnification, 236–237 manual focus, 106–107 marching ants, 303 memory card, 46 merger, 145
merging elements
backgrounds with, 145-146
sense of distance, 28
space considerations, 78 message-based format, 186–188 metering
center-weighted average, 42
evaluative, 42
partial, 42
spot, 42
midday sunlight, 173–174 midground,68–69 model, fashion photography, 227 monochromatic color scheme, 88, 312 Monroe, Marilyn (reproductions), 290 morning and evening sunlight, 172–173 motion blur
basic description of, 267
flash with, 270-271
front curtain sync, 271
as implied line, 58
minimizing, 277-278
panning technique, 269-270
rear curtain sync, 271
shutter speed, 39, 268
streaking lights, 268–269 motion-stopping photography
active space, 265
children, 273-274
continuous autofocus, 265
fireworks, 269
focus, 264-265
image format consideration, 266
leading a moving target, 265
lighting, 174-175
motion blur, 267-270
one-shot autofocus, 264-265
overview, 263
panning technique, 111, 269-270
pets, 274-275
sharp detail in, 266-267