sports, 275-278

streaking lights, 268-269

supporting elements, 265 mug shot, 217

multimessage composition, 290 multiple exposure, 208–210 museum, as inspiration, 320

natural lighting, 154, 170–171 nature photography. See landscape

photography; wildlife photography negative space

background, 136

creating balance with, 197

defined, 52

eliminating competing elements, 105

portrait photography, 333 neutral density filter, 175, 209 night photography

architectural photography, 259-260

finding inspiration through, 321-322

in forest, 245-246

lighting, 175

shutter speed, 245 noise

ISO rating, 40

sports photography, 276 noncontinuous light source, 154 normal lens

basic description of, 16, 35

curvature, 35

for depth of field, 112

focal length, 35 note-taking, 318


one-shot autofocus, 264-265

opening up, 113

orange, characteristics associated with, 87

orientation, 132-133

overlapping effect, 78


panning technique

motion blur, 269-270

motion photography, 111 panoramic composition, 207 paramount lighting pattern, 164, 166 partial metering, 42 patterns

break in, 66

composition technique, 20

drawing attention to elements through, 13

group portrait, 225

repeating, 64–65, 201-202


visual significance of, 23 people photography. See portrait

photography perspective

angle of view and distance relationship, 118-120

basic description of, 16–17, 117-118

being aware of elements and

relationships with one another, 123

camera movement for, 124

candid portrait, 221

compositional frame, 180-181

false, 207

fashion photography, 120

focal length, 125-126

focal point and depth of field, 120

food photography, 257

forest photography, 245

landscape photography, 120, 234

lighting considerations, 121-123

moving items around for, 124-125

multiple, 124

photographic style, 118

portrait photography, 120-121

postproduction editing, 300-303

raising height of camera, 120

revealing and manipulating relationships of scene elements, 17

unusual angles, rotating camera for, 128-133

zoom lens for, 125–126 pet photography, 274–275 photographic composition. See

composition photographic design

chaotic composition, 80-81

design elements, 51-52

how this book is organized, 4 photography forum, 323 Photoshop editing software

black-and-white image conversion, 97-98

books related to, 293

Burn tool, 297-298

Clone stamp tool, 295-296

Crop tool, 301

Curves Layers, 304-305

Dodge tool, 297-298

Free Transform tool, 303

Healing brush tool, 296-297

Horizontal Perspective slider, 302

Layer Mask, 305

Lens Correction filter, 300-301

Remove Distortion tool, 302

Shadows/Highlights tool, 306

sharpening filters, 307

Unsharp Mask tool, 307-308

Vertical Perspective tool, 302 Photoshop For Dummies series,

293, 303, 307

Picasa photo-editing software, 293 pinhole camera, 212 pixels, duplicating, 295–296 point of interest, 52 points

areas of contrast, 54

defined, 52

golden, 52-53

intersecting line creating a, 53

lines that meet at, 53

negative space, 52

primary, 52

secondary, 52-53

shapes and forms creating a, 54 pop light source, 154 portrait photography

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