backlighting for emphasis of, 61
composition technique, 20
distracting backgrounds, 144
emphasizing, 61
in environmental portrait, 220
forms versus, 58-59
as golden point, 54
how to portray, 59-60
outline as representation of, 59
in relationship to each other, 59-60
sense of balance and flow around, 60
in soft composition, 210 sharpened image editing, 306–308 sharpening filters (Photoshop), 307 shift technique, 207 short lighting, 165, 167 shutter release cable, 322 shutter speed
defined, 2, 37
exposure relationship, 39
in low-light conditions, 39
motion blur, 39, 268
night photography, 245
in normal lighting conditions, 39
setting the, 39
slowing down/speeding up, 39
sports photography, 276
for sunny-day shooting, 39 side shots, 277 sidelighting
sunrise and sunset, 171-172
for texture emphasis, 62–63 simple composition
abstract art, 286
black-and-white images for, 100
monochromatic color scheme for, 88
repetition, 202
rules of composition, 80 single subject, shooting multiple ways
backlighting, 334
compositional frame, 332
single subject, shooting multiple ways
foreground detail, 331
high-angle shot, 325
highlighting the subject, 327
intimate portrait, 330
low-angle shot, 326-327
narrowing in on subject, 329
negative space, finding, 333
showing more scenery, 327 site.
soft composition, 210–211 soft light
forest photography, 244
hard light versus, 156
mixed with high contrast, 160
mixed with low contrast, 160 software, postproduction editing, 293 solid background, 139, 141–142, 151 space
active, 265
basic description of, 76
emphasis in environment, 77
emphasis in subject, 77
focal point, 107-108
headroom, 67
illusion of depth, 78
leading lines allowance, 79
merging elements for, 78
negative, 105
rules of composition, 76-79
showing shape of subject, 77-78
staggered elements, 78–79 specular surface, 171 split lighting pattern, 165–166 sports photography
aerial shots, 277
aperture, 276
climactic moments, 277
depth of field, 276
digital noise, 276
facial expressions, 277
familiarity with sport, 277
ISO setting, 276
lighting, 276
motion blur, minimizing, 277-278
overview, 275
shutter speed, 276
side shots, 277
telephoto lens for, 276 spot metering, 42 spot removal, 296 spotted light source, 154 square format, 191 staggered elements
in dramatic composition, 78-79
group portrait, 226
object size and spatial relationship, 78
sense of distance, 78 star trail, 269 still-life photography
contrast, 250
dramatic composition, 248-249
flowers, 252-255
lighting, 249-250
mimicry, 249
overview, 247
reflective surfaces, 250
seeing objects as fine art, 248
sense of selling objects through, 249–251 stopping down, 113 stops, 37 storytelling, in portrait photography,
straight photography, 319 straightening images, 300 streaking lights, 268–269 strobe light source, 154–155, 163 studio photography, 47 subject
backgrounds merged with, 145-146
basic description of, 11
centering the, 129
composition representation, 11
elements in scene relating to, 11