Is that all? Really?

‘This place is run like a hotel,’ Flynn commented.

‘Full service,’ Mercedes replied, thinking that under different circumstances she might go for this guy. He was tall and macho, a touch edgy — exactly the way she liked ’em. ‘Didn’t you go on the island trip?’

‘I did.’

‘Wasn’t for you?’ she asked, curious as to why he was back so soon.

‘Do you know where the Senator’s wife might be?’ Flynn said abruptly, not about to be questioned.

‘I think I saw her go to the top deck,’ Mercedes replied, wondering what was up. ‘Can I get you anything?’

‘No, thanks,’ he said, entering his stateroom, slamming the door and stripping off his clothes.

Sierra. She was all he could think about as he stood under the icy needles of the shower.

Sierra. It was definitely time they talked it out.

* * *

After her run-in with Flynn, Mercedes decided that now was the time to forge some kind of contact with Kyril. She’d already thoroughly checked out his cabin — nothing personal to discover except his spare weapon stash, which was formidable. Kyril was a man prepared; he’d even affixed a special lock on the door to his cabin — a lock Mercedes had had no problem picking. She was a talented girl. Safes, locks — she knew what she was doing.

After almost getting caught by the sexy journalist guy, she headed for the kitchen and had the chef prepare a special meal for Kyril, informing him that it was for Cliff Baxter so it had better be great. What man could resist a juicy steak with french fries on the side? The smell alone was too tempting.

Unfortunately, Kyril turned out to be just such a man. When Mercedes knocked on the door to his security room carrying a tray, he waved her away with a ferocious glare.

Mercedes was not a girl to be dismissed. She persevered with the knocking until eventually he reluctantly opened the door.

‘What?’ he demanded, his Russian accent thick and heavy.

‘Food,’ Mercedes replied cheerfully. ‘A big fat steak cooked specially for you. You need to eat, and I noticed you never do.’

‘No steak,’ Kyril said grumpily. ‘I no eat meat.’

‘Oh!’ Mercedes exclaimed. ‘I didn’t know that. Can I get you something else?’

Kyril stared at her, perhaps noticing her for the first time. She’d unbuttoned her uniform to give him a hint of cleavage. God, he was ugly — such a big stony face with gapped yellow teeth and empty eyes.

‘No,’ he said.

‘Yes,’ she argued, noting he had a supply of bottled water and a stack of chocolate bars sitting on a shelf.

‘No,’ he repeated. But she could see his empty eyes checking out her cleavage.

Yes. He would soon come around. They always did.

Chapter Fifty-Two

A tempting lunch was laid out on folding tables and served on the endless stretch of white sand. Giant shrimp and succulent lobster dripping in melted butter, sumptuous salads, an array of delicious cold cuts, and devilled eggs with a healthy dollop of caviar atop. All the while the champagne and sangria flowed as the sun blazed down. But not to worry, for canvas covers were erected to shield the privileged travellers from the burning sun.

Renee and Den worked full out making sure everything ran smoothly, while Guy supervised.

Bianca lolled at Aleksandr’s feet, running her hand casually up and down his leg, murmuring about how this trip couldn’t get any better.

Xuan sat with Ashley, Taye and Luca. Their conversation was lightweight, mostly about music and movies. Earlier Xuan had moved away from Aleksandr as soon as Bianca laid claim. It surprised her that a man as intelligent as Aleksandr would be with such a woman. However, Xuan was wise enough to realize that every man had his weaknesses, even Flynn, usually so strong and dedicated. Yet on this trip he’d lost it over some married woman, and that wasn’t at all like the Flynn she knew. She’d noticed his absence, and assumed he’d returned to the yacht. Xuan had learned at an early age never to let your feelings rule your head. It was something she never did.

Hammond suggested to Lori that since both their partners had elected not to come, they should stick together.

Why not? Lori thought. What have I got to lose? He obviously has the hots for me, and Cliff knows it. Maybe I’ll get Cliff so jealous that he’ll change his mind about dumping me.

The Senator’s conversation was full of double entendres.

Lori smiled politely, nodded attentively, and wondered what Cliff was up to and whether he was missing her.

Hammond informed her in a smarmy way that she was the sexiest woman on the trip and that the other women had better watch out because she was capable of stealing all their men.

Lori kept smiling and nodding as she adjusted her bikini top in a vain attempt to achieve more coverage, because she could swear Hammond possessed X-ray vision. Flirting was one thing, but after a while the man was starting to creep her out with his sexist comments. Cliff was right, politicians were just as horny as the next man, probably even more so.

After lunch, Manuel was summoned by Guy, who requested that everyone wore shoes and a cover-up to start the island tour. Renee and Den handed out T-shirts and baseball caps to each guest, with The Bianca emblazoned on them.

‘I feel like we’re taking off on a school trip,’ Ashley giggled, throwing a T-shirt over her bikini. ‘This is so much fun!’

‘I know,’ Bianca agreed, grabbing Aleksandr’s hand and squeezing it tight. ‘It’s an adventure. A big, beautiful adventure. And you, my darling,’ she added, gazing up at Aleksandr, ‘planned it all perfectly.’

* * *

And so they set off, the billionaire and his elite group of famous guests.

They were not exactly roughing it as they began exploring the scenic beauty of the idyllic island.

Manuel had conducted the tour before with groups of extremely rich tourists. He was very aware that the stark unblemished beauty of the uninhabited island was quite staggering. First they passed by white sand dunes that led on to groves of coconut and date palms. Beyond the trees they came upon a series of natural springs and glorious cascading waterfalls.

Bianca immediately decided that she wanted to stop and swim under the most impressive waterfall.

‘We cannot hold our group up,’ Aleksandr chided. ‘There is more to see.’

‘Then get rid of everyone,’ Bianca whispered in his ear. ’Cause I want to swim naked with you. Tell them we’ll catch up. Go on,’ she urged when he hesitated. ‘Do it!’

Aleksandr couldn’t say no. He snapped his fingers for Guy. ‘Have everyone move ahead,’ he instructed. ‘We will stay here.’

Manuel did not like the idea of splitting the group, so Guy suggested to Aleksandr that perhaps they should all stay together.

‘Why?’ Aleksandr scoffed. ‘It’s perfectly safe. I hardly need my bodyguard on a deserted island.’

Guy nodded, but Manuel still seemed uneasy. The island was supposedly uninhabited, but over the years there had been rumours — sightings of mountain lions which came wandering down from the surrounding jungle-like hills, foraging for any food the tourists might have left behind; a dead body that had mysteriously washed up on shore.

Yes, the island had its own secrets.

‘Maybe I should stay with you?’ Guy suggested, anxious to please his temporary

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