
‘Go,’ Aleksandr replied impatiently. ‘Stop bothering me. We will catch up when we’re ready.’

Guy jumped to it; he was hot and sweaty, and the last thing he wanted was to annoy the man responsible for the large tip he expected at the end of the trip.

Lori and Luca had already taken off. To Manuel’s consternation, the rest of the group were beginning to scatter. Manuel hated it when that happened. Didn’t they realize that he was the tour guide? They should be following him, listening to his every word as he described the wonders of the island.

But no, it was not to be. This group had their own ideas.

* * *

The lush waterfalls made the perfect backdrop for Bianca to do a slow sensuous strip for her Russian lover. Not that she had much to take off. Merely an over-size T-shirt and a tiny Brazilian string bikini.

Bianca knew how to milk it, and Aleksandr appreciated every single minute of her seductive play as she stripped down for him.

They were under the impression that everyone had gone off on the tour, only unbeknownst to them, Hammond had lingered behind, loitering under cover of several lush palm trees.

Watching the enticing Bianca as she put on a show for her lover, Hammond was mesmerized. Long slinky legs. Small breasts with large dark nipples. A tiny waist. And glistening coffee-coloured skin.

He felt himself harden as the super-model sauntered naked into the water.

And when Aleksandr stripped off and followed her in, Hammond was mortified to discover that his host was hung like a horse.

He immediately felt woefully inadequate. Wasn’t it enough that the man was a billionaire? Jesus Christ! Some men had it all.

For a moment he forgot about jerking off and concentrated on the way Aleksandr seized Bianca from behind and began pounding into her, moving her towards the cascading waterfall, both of them oblivious to anything except making love. Or fucking. Because yes, that’s what they were doing, fucking like a couple of wild animals.

Hammond couldn’t help himself, he came in his pants like a thirteen-year-old schoolboy.

‘Shit!’ he muttered under his breath, attempting to clean himself up.

What if anyone had seen him? He was a United States Senator, for Christ’s sake, not some Peeping Tom getting his rocks off in the bushes.

Humiliated and furious with himself, Hammond quickly set off to find the others.

Chapter Fifty-Three

Sierra decided that she should call her sister. They’d always been close, only not close enough for Sierra to share what was actually going on in her marriage. She wasn’t about to do so now, but since Clare had been excited when she’d mentioned the trip, she knew that her sister would enjoy hearing all about the famous guests and the luxurious yacht.

With a firm step she headed for the satellite communication centre, passing the security room where Kyril, Aleksandr’s fierce bodyguard sat, surrounded by security cameras. What a strange man, she thought. Quite frightening really.

Captain Dickson greeted her with a jovial, ‘Good morning, Mrs Patterson. And how are we on this very fine day?’

She gave the Captain a warm smile, it was such a relief not to be operating from a fog-filled daze. ‘I’d like to make a call,’ she said. ‘Is that okay?’

‘Certainly,’ Captain Dickson replied, thinking that the Senator’s wife appeared to be a lot more cheerful than when she’d first boarded. Sierra Patterson was a beauty, as were all the female passengers. It was nice to see her looking as if she might enjoy herself. ‘Allow me to escort you,’ he added, gallantly holding out his arm.

‘Thank you, Captain,’ she said, dazzling him with her smile.

* * *

After standing under the shower, still trying to get his thoughts together, Flynn set off to find Sierra. He was more determined than ever to clear things up. Maybe that way he could finally forget about her and move on. It was quite clear that she’d experienced no difficulty doing exactly that. She’d married Hammond Patterson, for crissakes. Surely that was enough to make him forget her?

No way.

Somewhat pissed off at himself, he took the circular staircase to the middle deck where he spotted Jeromy lounging on a chair. Immediately he did an about-turn, heading back downstairs. Not that he had anything against gays — Luca seemed like a great guy — but there was something about Jeromy he couldn’t stomach. You didn’t have to be a genius to notice that the man was a first-class ass-kisser — it was patently obvious, and if there was one type of person Flynn abhorred, it was ass kissers.

Unfortunately, Jeromy saw him and called out, ‘Flynn, is that you? I thought you went on the jolly old island expedition.’

Why was everyone bugging him about that? Who cared?

He threw Jeromy a half-hearted wave as he hurriedly dodged out of sight. Finding Sierra, that’s all he was interested in.

* * *

While Sierra was speaking to her sister, the Captain informed her that Eddie March was on the line requesting to speak with the Senator.

‘I’ll take it,’ she said, saying a quick goodbye to Clare — who’d been thrilled to hear from her. ‘What’s going on?’ she asked Eddie, aware that Hammond had informed him that he was not to be bothered unless it was urgent.

‘Nothing for you to be concerned about,’ Eddie said, trying not to sound too agitated. ‘I should talk to Hammond.’

‘He’s off the yacht on a day trip. Won’t be back until later.’ She paused for a moment. ‘What is it? Perhaps I can relay a message.’

Not this message, Eddie thought. Oh no, certainly not this message.

‘It doesn’t matter,’ he said quickly. ‘Have him call me as soon as he can.’

‘If it’s urgent…’

‘Not urgent,’ Eddie said, feeling mighty uncomfortable about having to lie to Sierra. ‘Just make sure he contacts me.’

‘I’ll do that, although it might not be today.’

‘Fine,’ Eddie said, although it wasn’t fine. How long could he stall the Byrnes before they took action? They were threatening all kind of moves, such as contacting a TV news station or the Washington Post. Eddie had somehow or other convinced them to do nothing until they heard the Senator’s side of the story.

Right now, he also couldn’t wait to hear what Hammond would have to say about the situation. How out of control and stupid could one man be?

Pretty damn stupid.

* * *

‘Hey,’ Flynn said, finally coming face to face with Sierra as she emerged from the communications room.

‘Flynn,’ she murmured. Suddenly it all came flooding back and she couldn’t help remembering all the fantastic times they’d shared in the past, the amazing love they’d once had for each other, their incredible lovemaking which had resulted in her becoming pregnant.

Oh God! A pregnancy Flynn had never found out about.

What would he say if he discovered the truth? She’d lost their baby, but it wasn’t her fault. She’d been in a

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