* * *

Bianca could not believe that Aleksandr was taking their stupid fight all the way — even though it was ruining what should have been a perfect trip. She was determined not to be the first to give in.

After all, she was right and he was wrong.

An apology better be forthcoming soon.

Luca was the only one who was fully aware of what was going on, although Bianca supposed the others must have noticed that their host and hostess were not talking.

She couldn’t care less; it had now become a matter of principle.

* * *

Jeromy accosted Guy on the stairs shortly before lunch. ‘Where’s your cabin?’ he demanded, holding tightly onto Guy’s upper arm, his nails digging into Guy’s flesh.

Guy attempted to shake off the man’s grip, to no avail. Jeromy was determined.

‘I… I’ll be serving lunch shortly,’ Guy stammered.

‘You’ll be serving nothing if I complain to Mr Kasianenko,’ Jeromy cautioned. ‘So I suggest that you take me to your godforsaken cabin, and do it now. I’ll only use a minute or two of your precious time.’

A thousand thoughts crashed through Guy’s head. Did he have to do this? Would Kasianenko really fire him if Jeromy Milton-Gold complained? Was it worth making a drama out of one forced blow-job?

Then he decided — do it and forget it. Piss in the wanker’s soup for the rest of the trip.

‘Your choice?’ Jeromy growled.

‘Follow me,’ Guy said, compliant, for if he wanted to keep his job, what other way was there?

* * *

Making polite conversation with the Captain while waiting for his satellite call to go through, Hammond enquired if there were any more island trips planned.

Captain Dickson was cagey; he didn’t want to reveal to the Senator that the final island trip was to take place the following night, since he wasn’t sure how much Mr Kasianenko had told everyone. It was to be a spectacular night with fireworks, famous surprise performers, food flown in from three of Bianca’s favourite L.A. restaurants. It was to be a love-fest for Bianca, and Captain Dickson had a strong suspicion that the billionaire Russian was planning on proposing to his mercurial ladylove.

Hammond gazed out at the calm blue sea and thought about the long-legged stewardess — Jenni or Renee or whatever her name was. He would definitely be partaking of a piece of that. Maybe later when everyone had gone to bed.

Yes. She would know of somewhere they could be alone together. Why deprive himself?

He fantasized about her long legs locked behind his neck. Brushing his cock against those big horse teeth. Young and not too experienced, exactly the way he liked them.

‘Here’s your call, Senator,’ Captain Dickson said, handing him the phone.

‘Eddie,’ Hammond barked. ‘What the hell do you want?’

* * *

Lunch was tense. Bianca and Aleksandr were still at odds. After a not so satisfying dalliance with Guy, Jeromy was desperately trying to ingratiate himself with whomever he could. Hammond was in a foul mood, while Flynn was still trying to come up with a ‘get out of paradise’ excuse.

Only Luca, Lori, Cliff, Taye and Ashley seemed in the holiday spirit as they discussed their afternoon of more water-sports. Fun and games was the order of the day. Diving, snorkelling, racing the WaveRunners. It was all on.

Bianca sat beside Aleksandr picking at her lobster and crab salad, drinking a healthy amount of red wine, and stewing about Xuan.

‘After lunch all the girls are going topless,’ she suddenly announced, shooting Xuan a spiteful look. ‘Are you on?’

‘No,’ Xuan answered quite simply ‘I do not believe in mass nudity.’

‘Mass nudity!’ Bianca shrieked. ‘It’s hardly mass nudity when you’re amongst friends.’

‘I prefer not to,’ Xuan said, remaining polite.

‘Why not?’ Bianca insisted. ‘You got something to hide?’

Aleksandr shot her a piercing look. ‘Enough,’ he said sternly.

Bianca took another gulp of red wine. ‘Oh please!’ she slurred. ‘You know you’re dying to see her tiny little Chinese titties.’

Aleksandr stood up and reached for Bianca’s arm to pull her to her feet. She resisted, and her wine glass toppled over, spilling red wine in a little river heading straight for Xuan’s lap.

‘Sorry!’ Bianca mumbled, dissolving into a fit of giggles. ‘Accident, I swear.’

‘Come with me,’ Aleksandr said, this time getting a firm grip on her arm.

‘Ooh!’ Bianca mocked in a singsong fashion. ‘Have I been a naughty girl? I thought you liked naughty girls, Alek, or have your tastes changed?’

Tight-lipped, Aleksandr did not answer as he manoeuvred Bianca away from the table.

An embarrassed silence ensued, broken by Ashley. ‘Are we really going topless?’ she asked, quite excited at the thought of displaying her bought and paid for assets to Cliff.

Taye threw her a grim look. ‘Not on my watch, toots.’ he told her. ‘Those titties are strictly all mine.’

Chapter Seventy-Two

‘Once you get goin’, how long before you reach the yacht?’ Sergei enquired, the nerve in his left cheek twitching as he attempted to ferret out answers.

Cruz, a perennial cigarette dangling from his lower lip, shrugged. ‘Coupla hours,’ he said casually. ‘The fuckin’ boat’s not that far out. They’re stayin’ around an’ cruisin’ the islands.’

‘Then after you take off, I can expect my men back with Kasianenko in four hours?’

‘Don’t ’spect nothin’,’ Cruz said, ash falling from his cigarette onto the ground. ‘Nobody knows how it’s gonna go down. We gotta secure the yacht before we go lookin’ for Kasianenko. It takes time. We hav’ta plan for the unexpected.’

Sergei kept a tight rein on his temper. All along Cruz had assured him that taking over The Bianca was an easy hit, and now he was voicing doubts?

Sergei scowled impatiently. It was happening tonight, and for Cruz’s sake it had better go fast and smooth.

For the last twenty-four hours his own personal security had been putting together a safe room where he planned on keeping Kasianenko. The room was in the basement of the villa, a cold dank place generally used for storage. Sergei had arranged for the door to be reinforced, special locks fitted, and solid handcuffs to be attached to the stone wall.

It was designed to be Kasianenko’s new home, and Sergei couldn’t wait for his sworn enemy to take up residence.

* * *

Boredom drove Ina to do things she knew she shouldn’t. However, what Cruz didn’t know…

She found a way to get out of the villa without her brother noticing. Once out, she attracted Cashoo’s attention, directing him via hand signals to meet her on the beach beyond a large formation of rocks.

Cashoo was hot to do whatever the boss’s woman wanted him to do. He had no scruples or guilt, he was simply a young man with a raging libido.

Ina had no intention of going all the way with Cashoo. She merely wanted to play with him for her own amusement.

They did not speak a word of each other’s language. But who needed words when unbridled lust was a

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