‘That’s ’cause you haven’t shaved,’ she pointed out, running her index finger across his chin.
‘Thought I’d grow a beard, I’m that relaxed.’
Lori cuddled close to him. ‘It’s so nice to see you like this.’
‘Like what?’
‘Like no more Mister Movie Star.’
‘No more Mister Movie Star, huh?’ he said, amused.
‘That’s right. No more Mister Sexiest Man Alive.’
‘What? You don’t think I’m sexy?’ he teased.
‘You know I do.’
‘You’re cute,’ he said, kissing her on the forehead.
‘Thanks,’ she purred. ‘I try.’
‘And you’re pretty too. What a bonus.’
‘Double thanks.’
‘You know what, Lori?’ he said, squinting at her.
‘We’re pretty damn good together.’
‘And you’re only just discovering this?’ she said breathlessly.
‘Don’t kick a compliment in the teeth. Just go with it, baby.’
‘I think I will,’ she said, grinning at him.
And at that moment in time she’d never felt more content. It was about to be another incredible night.
‘I’m taking off in the morning,’ Flynn informed Xuan before they went up for dinner. ‘It’s time for me to go.’
She was silent for a moment, busy painting her toenails with a crimson polish — a very girly thing for Xuan to do.
‘And that would be why?’ she asked at last.
‘You know why,’ he said irritably. ‘This is fucking torture for me, watching Sierra continue to screw up her life. We finally talked, and now she won’t even look at me. You’ve got no idea what that feels like. I have to leave.’
‘If you go, then what about me?’ Xuan asked.
‘You can do what you want. Come. Stay. Whatever. I’m sure Aleksandr enjoys having you around.’
‘I’m supposed to be your girlfriend, or have you forgotten?’
‘Are you serious? Nobody believes we’re together any more. Not when you’re hovering over Aleksandr like he’s some kind of god.’
‘I am not,’ Xuan retorted, her cheeks flushing pink. ‘Why would you say that?’
‘Listen, we’re in confined quarters — nothing goes unnoticed. And for your information, Bianca is seriously pissed.’
‘That’s quite ridiculous,’ Xuan said. ‘Aleksandr is merely offering his assistance and good will towards the less fortunate in the world. He is an intelligent man, generous and soulful.’
‘Yeah, yeah, sure. And you’re not jonesin’ to jump into bed with him, right?’
‘No, Flynn,’ she said solemnly. ‘I am not.’
‘Then let’s both leave tomorrow,’ he encouraged her.
‘No,’ Xuan said, taking a long slow beat. ‘You do what you want, I have decided to stay.’
‘Fuck it,’ Flynn said, marching towards the door. ‘Like I give a shit. I’ll see you upstairs.’
Mercedes reviewed the situation. Eighteen crew members. Twelve guests, including Kasianenko and his diva girlfriend. The onslaught for the big party was tomorrow, so no extra bodies aboard tonight.
She relished the evening ahead, and had prepared accordingly. Drugs were not usually her thing, but to stay alert she’d gulped down several Red Bulls and snorted a few lines of coke. Coke always kept her up and at ’em, Cruz had taught her that. Who needed school when she had a poppa like Cruz to educate her?
She’d also emptied two bottles of sleeping pills into the soup for the crew that the chef always had bubbling on the stove, and for good measure she’d crushed up another batch of sleeping pills and mixed them in with the baked beans being served with the barbecue. Sleepy passengers were far less likely to cause trouble, and getting everyone to bed early was of paramount importance.
She’d left Kyril alone until later. The timing had to be right with him. He was such a big man that she wasn’t sure what level of drugs would knock him out. Better too much than too little. She’d deliver his hot chocolate later than usual — he probably wouldn’t even notice. The man was a machine, a stoic, silent machine.
Guy threw her a suspicious look as they crossed paths. ‘
‘I bet you’re glad you’re not a girl, and don’t have to go through our monthly nightmare,’ she said matter-of- factly. ‘You’d throw a shit fit, couldn’t handle it.’
‘You got a smart mouth on you, little missy,’ Guy retorted, taking out his frustration regarding Jeromy Milton-Gold, for he was still steaming. ‘I’ve decided to dock you yesterday’s pay since you were unable to carry out your duties.’
‘Ohhh…’ Mercedes mocked, feigning dismay. ‘Whatever will I do?’
Guy was shocked by her insolence. Captain Dickson was right, he should not have hired her.
Never again, that was for sure. She could whistle for a decent reference.
‘I was thinking that after we leave the yacht, I might stay at our house in Miami with you for a week or two before returning to London,’ Jeromy ventured. ‘Just the two of us. Does that suit you?’
They were sitting at a table with Taye and Ashley who had spent the majority of the evening whispering to each other like a couple of teenagers on a secret date. Also at the table were the Senator and his wife, who apparently didn’t talk at all.
Luca gazed longingly over at the next table where his new best friend, Lori, was sitting with Cliff, Aleksandr, Flynn and Xuan. Bianca had failed to put in an appearance. He wondered what they were all talking about, and wished he could simply get up, leave his table and go fill the empty chair.
‘What do you think?’ Jeromy persisted, irritated that Luca appeared to be ignoring him.
Luca was not comfortable with confrontations, especially when it came to Jeromy, who could turn into a bitchy queen within seconds. However, since there was safety in numbers, and even though Taye and Ashley were doing their own thing, Luca felt brave enough to tell Jeromy the truth.
‘No,’ he said evenly. ‘It doesn’t suit me, Jeromy. Not at all.’
Jeromy tapped the side of his wine glass and cleared his throat. ‘Excuse me?’ he said peevishly, his long thin nose quivering slightly. ‘I thought you would be delighted for us to spend more time together.’
‘Suga and Luca junior are coming to stay with me before I take off on the next leg of my South American tour,’ Luca said. ‘I’m planning on spending as much quality time with them as I can.’
‘That’s no problem, we’ll spend quality time together,’ Jeromy responded, sensing his blond god slowly slipping out of his greedy grasp. ‘Me, you, the boy.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because I need time alone with them.’ Luca paused, wondering how far he could push it. ‘Besides, you can’t stand Suga, you’ve told me enough times.’
‘I might have criticized her once or twice,’ Jeromy admitted with a vague shrug. ‘That doesn’t mean I don’t
He trailed off. Who was he kidding? Certainly not Luca, who apparently had grown a new set of balls, for Jeromy knew how his young lover shied away from any kind of discord. Not tonight though.
‘Very well,’ he said, feeling his throat tighten. ‘I’ll fly straight to London. I wouldn’t want to get in your way.’
Luca was relieved. If Jeromy flew directly to London he could break up with him long distance. He knew it