Goodbye, Asian piece of work, he’s back on my side of the court.

* * *

‘I’m so tired,’ Lori said, trying to suppress a yawn as she and Cliff entered their room. ‘I got too much sun today, my arms are all tingly.’

‘You’re not alone,’ Cliff said. ‘I overdid it on the Wave-Runners. Too much exercise,’ he added, making a face. ‘I’m turning into an old man.’

‘No, you’re not,’ she objected.

He grinned, full of movie-star charisma. ‘No, I’m not,’ he agreed.

‘So… no sex tonight then?’ Lori said lightly. ‘You don’t want me to—’

‘No,’ Cliff said quickly. ‘Tonight all I want to do is crawl into bed and cuddle with my girl. Is that all right with you?’

‘Yes, Cliff,’ Lori said, glowing. ‘That’s absolutely perfect.’

* * *

Thank God these beds are king-size, Luca thought, making sure he stuck to his side of the mattress.

Jeromy emerged from the bathroom in his pretentious silk pyjamas with his initials embroidered on the pocket.

They didn’t speak. There was nothing to say.

Just like that they both knew it was over, although unbeknownst to Luca, Jeromy was not giving up without a fight.

* * *

‘Who’s up for a movie?’ Taye asked, full of energy and ready to stay awake for another couple of hours. ‘There’s a selection of five thousand DVDs in the screening room. Bloody hell — we can take a vote.’

‘Don’t want to watch a movie,’ Ashley said, miffed that Cliff Baxter had practically ignored her all night. ‘I’m off to bed.’

‘Me too,’ Sierra said, shooting a quick glance at Hammond. He didn’t move. ‘Good night everyone,’ she said, making a swift exit, wondering if she’d run into Flynn who’d already left. Or perhaps Hammond would follow her. She prayed not.

‘Dunno why everyone’s such a drag tonight,’ Taye complained to Xuan and Hammond, the last guests left. ‘Aren’t we supposed to be havin’ fun?’

‘Tomorrow is fun night,’ Xuan said dryly. ‘All the fun you could ever want.’ She was disappointed that Aleksandr had retired early. They had plans to make, things to discuss. Perhaps in the morning she could firm up some future meetings for when they were off the yacht.

‘Yeah, well I like to have fun every night,’ Taye grumbled.

‘It’s almost midnight,’ Xuan pointed out, delicately suppressing a yawn. ‘It’s too late for me to sit through a movie.’

‘Right,’ Hammond said, glancing at his watch and getting up. ‘Time to pack it in.’

Taye shrugged. What had be been thinking? Only a few more nights on the yacht and then it was back to Blighty and the twins and his mother-in-law. So why was he wasting making-love time?

Ashley was waiting. No movie tonight.

* * *

After ten minutes of searching for Renee, Hammond discovered her on the top deck still clearing up from the barbecue. She blushed when she saw him approaching.

Den was also there, tidying up behind the bar. Ignoring him, Hammond went straight over to Renee. ‘I must see you,’ he said in a low voice. ‘Where can we be together?’

Renee squirmed uncomfortably. At the beginning of the trip, fellow Australian Den had tried to stir up a bit of a flirt. She’d shut him down, not because she didn’t like him, but because she knew it would be foolish to start up something with a bloke she was working with. It was a bit embarrassing though; she didn’t want Den thinking there was anything going on between her and the Senator.

‘Can’t talk right now,’ she managed in a hoarse whisper. ‘Can you meet me back here in an hour?’

‘An hour? I can’t wait that long,’ Hammond complained, a surly expression crossing his bland face. ‘Surely you understand that I’ve been thinking about you all day?’

Renee’s stomach performed a wild somersault. She was flattered and excited all at the same time. Senator Patterson was a very important man and he wanted to be with her! ‘You’ll have to,’ she said, slightly desperate. ‘I’ll be here. Promise.’

‘Very well.’ Hammond glanced over at Den. ‘Lost my reading glasses,’ he said in a loud voice. ‘Anyone seen them?’

‘Sorry, mate,’ Den replied, then remembering who he was talking to, he added, ‘Uh, I mean Senator Patterson.’

‘Not to worry,’ Hammond said, walking briskly away. ‘I’m sure they’ll turn up.’

Den immediately ducked out from behind the bar and made his way over to Renee. ‘What’s up with him?’ he asked, hovering beside her.

Renee shrugged. ‘How would I know?’ she said, trying to appear super-casual but not succeeding.

‘He was all up in your face,’ Den accused. ‘What’s the old geezer want?’

‘You heard him,’ Renee said, her cheeks reddening. ‘His bloody reading glasses, and by the way — he’s not so old.’

‘Maybe not, but he is married,’ Den pointed out, giving her a hard look. ‘An’ that means you shouldn’t go gettin’ into some-thin’ you can’t handle.’

‘Oh please!’ Renee said, quite frustrated. ‘You’re being a dick. Nothing’s going on.’

‘Yeah, pull the other one,’ Den said sarcastically. ‘It’s got bells on it.’

* * *

Keeping track of everyone was not as easy as Mercedes had thought. She’d hoped that by midnight all the guests would have retired for the night. And while most of them had, there were still stragglers. Flynn Hudson for one. Why was he taking a midnight swim? Churning up and down the length of the pool as if he was training for the Olympics. And the Senator, lurking around trying to get into Renee’s pants. Mercedes decided she had to do something about that, stash them somewhere secure so they wouldn’t get caught in the crossfire, if there was crossfire, which she doubted. They were on a private yacht cruising the Sea of Cortez, not a big old tanker chugging through the Indian Ocean loaded with oil. Nobody expected pirates to descend on them. Especially heavily armed Somalians intent on gaining immediate control.

Captain Dickson had already retired for the night, as had most of the crew.

The yacht was anchored near one of the deserted islands. All was quiet and peaceful, although Mercedes had checked the weather report and had a hunch that the storm was coming earlier than expected. In another life she could’ve been a successful weather girl on TV, she thought. She had a knack for making accurate predictions.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she ran upstairs to the top deck. Den was just locking up the bar and leaving.

‘Where’ve you bin?’ he said, glaring at her. ‘You’re supposed to help Renee clear up. Jeez! You’re so friggin’ lazy.’

‘Since when did you turn into Guy?’ she said irritably.

‘Since she always lets you take advantage of her,’ Den answered hotly. ‘Renee’s a beaut, an’ you’re a—’

‘A what?’ Mercedes said, challenging him, her eyes flashing danger. The last thing she needed was distractions.

‘Will you two shut up about me,’ Renee said, hurrying over to them. ‘Den, I’ll see you tomorrow. Mercedes, can I talk to you about something?’

‘Bet I know what that’s about,’ Den said, with a curl of his lip. ‘Some dipstick’s out to get his leg over. Maybe you can talk some bloody sense into her, car girl.’

Den had called her ‘car girl’ ever since they’d boarded. Insulting hijo de su madre.

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