Armored Corps alone evidently cannot clear a channel to the Sixth Army and can far less keep such a channel open.
The immediate objective of the sortie will be the establishment of contact with the 57th ‘Armored Corps [6th Panzers, etc.] approximately on the… Mishkova river. This can only be accomplished by fighting their way free toward the southwest, and gradually shifting the entire Army in such a manner that section by section of the fortified area in the north is given up as ground is gained in the southwest. It is imperative that, in the course of this operation, the air supply of the Army by fighter and fighter-bomber forces is ensured…
In case of a further delay, before long the 57th Armored Corps will be stalled on or north of the Mishkova river and this would exclude the possibility of a simultaneous attack from within and without. Anyway, prior to assembling for the attack, the Sixth Army will need several days for regrouping and refueling.
Provisions in the pocket will last until 22 December. The men already show symptoms of debilitation….According to an Army report, the mass of horses cannot be used because they are starved or else have been eaten.
Manstein was almost demanding the evacuation of the
Now less than forty miles south of the
“Don’t stop!” The command echoed through the formation, and the panzers rammed ahead into the night. Finally they passed through the artillery zone and were cruising steadily into the unknown. Behind them, a swarm of German tanks burned and exploded.
Now the teleprinter linking Manstein and Sixth Army began tapping out the words of another conference:
19 Dec 42, 1750 hours
[Manstein:] +++ Are you gentlemen present?
+++ Yes, sir.
+++ Please give me a brief comment on report Eismann.
[Paulus began a meticulous analysis of his options:]
If this solution is chosen, all reserves will leave the fortress….
[Manstein wanted more precise information:] +++ What would be the earliest date on which you could form up for solution 2 [Thunderclap]—the complete withdrawal from the
+++ How much fuel and provisions are needed? Objective Mishkova.
+++ One and a half times the normal fuel supply rate; let Chief Quartermaster Army Group Don figure it out. Reduced rations for about 10 days for 270,000 men….
[Manstein was finished:] +++ …Greetings. Do you have any more questions?
[Paulus had two major concerns:] +++ First question: May the Corps participate in the deliberation of preparations for case 2 [Thunderclap]? Second question: How is the situation with Group Hoth [to the south]?
[Manstein was brief:] +++ To (1): Wait for tonight’s conversation. To (2) …Hoth [the 6th Panzer Division] is attacking and advancing both sides of Verkhne-Kumski….
Moments later the two generals conferred again as Manstein received permission from East Prussia to give Sixth Army a partial clearance for breakout:
+++…Hello, Paulus.
Everything went all right with [6th Panzer Division] today, he gained the Mishkova section. After this conversation you will receive an order, but I want you to understand that… [Thunderclap] is a possible solution which becomes effective only upon special order. Eismann described the situation there to me and I am fully aware of the difficulties…. If you have any questions regarding the following order, let’s talk again tonight. I have nothing else. +++
Paulus wanted to talk:
+++ I would like to report briefly on today’s situation. Today there were combat actions with alternating success in the south part of the west front and on the southwest front. The enemy attacked with 60 to 80 tanks. On this occasion we observed a completely new tank regiment number 25. Strong enemy air support; several enemy tanks which had penetrated our lines were destroyed behind our front line. In some places there are minor breakthroughs which will yet be ironed out…. Today’s combat actions have temporarily contained the mass of our own tanks and part of the forces of the Army, and proven that the enemy in the direction of Kalach [to the west] has particularly strong tank and artillery forces. Today, so far we have destroyed 26 enemy tanks.
[Paulus gave a grudging tribute to the Luftwaffe:] …For the first time, air supplies today were adequate; 128 aircraft arrived and brought in 220 tons of supplies.
+++ Congratulations to your successful defensive operations. Regards, Manstein
+++ Thank you, sir….Do I get the order now?
[The teletype could not possibly convey the overwhelming emotion Paulus felt.] +++ Right away. Just a minute.
The order began to form on the teletype paper:
TOP SECRET—“Chefsache!” Transmittal by officers only
19 Dec 42, 1800 hrs.
1. 57th Armored Corps [6th and 17th Panzer Divisions] of the Fourth Armored Army has defeated the enemy in the area of Verkhne-Kumski, and reached Mishkova section…. Attack against strong enemy forces in the area of Kamenka and north of this area has started. Severe fighting is still expected in this area….
2. Sixth Army will assemble as soon as possible for operation “Wintergewitter” [linkup]. The objective is to establish contact with 57th Armored Corps, with the aim of pouring in supplies.