encouragement and astute editorial judgment contributed immeasurably to the manuscript. From the very first day, he, more than anyone, understood the complexities and magnitude of the effort. I am deeply grateful to him.

Selected Bibliography

Accoce, Pierre, and Quet, Pierre. The Lucy Ring. London: 1967.

Adam, Wilhelm. The Hard Decision. E. Berlin: 1967.

Afanasyev, I. F. House of the Soldiers’ Fame. 2d ed. Volgograd: 1966.

Agapov, B. After the Battle—Stalingrad Sketches. London: 1943.

Armstrong, J. A., ed. Soviet Partisans in World War II. Madison, Wis.: 1964.

Bachurin, A. P. Front Line Memoirs. Moscow: 1962.

Baldwin, Hanson W. Battles Lost and Won. New York: 1966.

Batov, P. I. In Campaigns and Battles. Moscow: 1962.

Bekker, Cajus. The Luftwaffe War Diaries. New York: 1968.

Belov, K. S. From the Volga to Prague. Moscow: 1966.

Bergschicker, Heinz. Stalingrad: Battle on the Volga. E. Berlin: 1960.

Biryukov, N. I. Battle for Stalingrad. Volgograd: 1962.

?. Two Hundred Days in Battle. Volgograd: 1963.

Biryusov, S. S. Rough Years. Moscow: 1966.

?. When the Cannons Thundered. Moscow: 1962.

Care11, Paul. Hitler Moves East 1941-43. Boston: 1965.

Cassidy, Henry. Moscow Dateline. Boston: 1943.

Chuikov, V. I. The Army of Mass Heroism. Moscow: 1958.

?. The Battle for Stalingrad. New York: 1964.

?. Heroism Without Precedent. Moscow: 1965.

?. One Hundred Eighty Days in Battle Fire. Moscow: 1962.

Churchill, Winston. The Second World War. 6 vols. Boston: 1948-1953.

Chuyanov, A. S. Stalingrad Is Reviving. Moscow: 1944.

Clark, Alan. Barbarossa. New York: 1964.

Conquest, Robert. The Great Terror. New York: 1968.

Dahms, Hellmuth. History of the Second World War. Tubingen: 1965.

DaIlin, Alexander. German Rule in Russia, 1941-45. London: 1957.

Deriabin, Peter, and Gibney, Frank. The Secret World. New York: 1959.

Dibold, Hans. Doctor at Stalingrad. London, 1958.

von Dieckhoff, Gerhard. The Third Infantry Division (Motorized). Gottingen: 1960.

Doerr, Hans. The Campaign to Stalingrad. Darmstadt: 1955.

Druzhinin, D. V. Two Hundred Fiery Days. Moscow: 1968.

Epic Story of Stalingrad, The. (Collection). London: 1943.

Erickson, John. The Soviet High Command. London: 1962.

Fight for Stalingrad, The. (Collection). Volgograd: 1969.

Filimonov, B. V. The Immortals. Volgograd: 1965.

Filippov, N. Northwest of Stalingrad. Moscow: 1952.

Freidin, Seymour, and Richardson, William, eds. The Fatal Decisions. New York: 1956.

Gehlen, Reinhard. The Service. New York: 1972.

Genkina, E. Heroic Stalingrad. Moscow: 1943.

Gerasimov, E. The Stalingradians. Moscow: 1950.

Gerlach, Heinrich. The Forsaken Army. Munich: 1957.

Gilbert, Felix, ed. Hitler Directs His War. New York: 1950.

Glukhovsky, S. D. Lyudnikov’s Island. Moscow: 1963.

Goerlitz, Walter. Paulus and Stalingrad. New York: 1963.

Gorbatov, A. V. Years and Wars. Moscow: 1965.

Grams, Rolf. The Fourteenth Panzer Division, 1940-45. Bad Nauheim: 1957.

Grossman, V. I. Stalingrad Hits Back. Moscow: 1942.

Gummer, I., and Harin, Y. Heroes of the Big Battle. Volgograd: 1962.

Hart, B. H. Liddell. The German Generals Talk. New York: 1948.

Heiber, Helmut, ed. Hitler’s Strategy Talks. Stuttgart: 1962.

Heusinger, Adolf. Hitler and the Army High Command 1923-1945. Paris: 1952.

Hindus, Maurice. Mother Russia. New York: 1943.

Ingor, M. Siberians-The Heroes of Stalingrad. Moscow: 1954.

Jacobsen, H. A. The Second World War in Chronicle and Document.

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?, and Rohwer, J. Battles of the Second World War. Frankfurt: 1960.

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Kazakov, V. I. The Turning Point. Moscow: 1962.

Khrushchev, N. S. Khrushchev Remembers. Boston: 1970.

Killen, John. A History of the Luftwafle, 1915-1945. New York: 1967.

Kluge, Alexander. The Battle. New York: 1967.

Kolesnik, A. D. The Great Victory on the Volga, 1942-1943. Moscow: 1958.

Konsalik, Heinz G. Stalingrad. Bayreuth: 1968.

Koren, L. P. There Is a Cliff on the Volga. Moscow: 1969.

Korets, L. B. The Soviet Air Force in the Battle of Stalingrad. Moscow: 1959.

Koroteev, V. I Saw It. Moscow: 1962.

?. Stalingrad Miracle. Moscow: 1966.

?. Stalingrad Sketches. Moscow: 1954.

Lentchevsky, V. E. Eighty Days Under Fire: Recollections of a Scout. Moscow: 1961.

?. Trial by Fire: Recollections of an Intelligence Officer. Volgograd: 1964.

Lenz, Friedrich. Stalingrad-The Lost Victory. Heidelberg: 1956.

Levin, Nora. The Holocaust. New York: 1968.

Lochner, Louis, ed. The Goebbels Diaries. New York: 1948.

Loginov, I. M. The Militia in the Battle for Its Homeland. Volgograd: 1963.

von Manstein, Erich. Lost Victories. Chicago: 1958.

von Mellenthin, Friedrich W. Panzer Battles. London: 1955.

Menshikov, M. P. The Stalingrad Battle. Stalingrad: 1953.

Morozov, I. K. The Fight for the Volga. 2d ed. Volgograd: 1962.

?. The Regiments Fought Like Guards. Volgograd: 1962.

Morzik, Fritz. The German Transport Command in the Second World War. Frankfurt: 1966.

Nekrassov, V. P. Front Line Stalingrad. London: 1962.

Paderin, I. In the Main Direction. Moscow: 1959.

Pavlov, F. D. In Stalingrad 1942-Front Notes. Stalingrad: 1951.

Perrault, Gilles. The Red Orchestra. New York: 1969.

Philippi, Alfred, and Heim, Ferdinand. The Campaign Against Soviet Russia 1941-

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