insides buzzed like a hive full of bees. “I’m Pepper. I work here. I guess you can see that. Who else but someone who works here would wear one of these polo shirts!”

“You wear it very well!” He held on to my hand just a nanosecond longer than was polite, but I was so busy staring up into those electric eyes, I didn’t have the sense to care. “You’re the one in charge, right?” he asked.

“I guess I’m supposed to be.” I figured I’d better start acting like it, so I stepped back and away from the magnetic pull of his personality. He was older than me, thirty-five, maybe even forty. I don’t usually cave in to the whole maturity thing, but on McArthur . . . er . . . Jack, those years were as attractive as the relaxed charm he wore like a second skin. “Can I help you with something?”

“Well, there’s a loaded question if I ever heard one.” One corner of his mouth lifted into a smile that was a little more personal than the one he’d given me a moment earlier. “Actually, I’m here because of—”

“Marjorie.” I figured I might as well beat him to the punch. “You want to know about the murder.”

He moved a couple steps farther into the office. “Well, I have read a thing or two about it. And I have to admit, it’s pretty bizarre. It’s not every day that a woman gets murdered in a presidential memorial. Your cemetery’s famous because of it.”

I made a face. “It’s not the kind of famous anyone around here ever wanted. Ella . . . she’s my boss . . . she’s pretty tired of fielding questions about what happened and when and—”

“Shouldn’t the media be asking you those questions?” I was baffled, and I guess he knew it, because he shrugged and added, “You’re the one who found the dead woman, right? You did say Pepper. And Pepper, that’s a hard name to forget.” He took his time looking me over, from the top of my head to the tips of the open-toed ballet flats I’d been smart enough to wear because I had a feeling I’d be running all over the memorial that day. When doughy Ball Cap Guy looked at me like that, I felt like I needed to shower. With Jack, it was a whole different feeling, and maybe he knew that a tingle raced up and down my spine, because his smile inched up a notch. “There’s no way I could ever forget you. I’m sure you were mentioned in the on-line article I read about the murder.”

I guess the fact that I hadn’t realized I was an Internet celebrity said something about how good Ella was at her job. She was deflecting the media and the questions. I was grateful. And suddenly a little suspicious, too. Tingling aside, I narrowed my eyes and looked Jack over. It was no hardship. “You’re a reporter, aren’t you?”

“Honest. Not.” He held up one hand, Boy Scout style as if that would prove it. “Though I have to admit, I’m just as curious as everyone else. You really are the one who found the body, right?”

It’s not like I could deny it or anything.

I braced myself for more questions, but Jack just shook his head. His eyes were troubled. “That must have been awful.”

Aside from Ella, he was the first who’d acknowledged that finding a body, especially one that had been smashed against a marble floor, isn’t anything near glamorous. Believe me, the fact that this complete stranger sympathized and Quinn never had was not lost on me.

He took another step closer and he was tall, so he had to cock his head to look into my eyes. “Are you OK? You know, there are counselors who specialize in this sort of thing. Trauma counseling, grief counseling. Have you talked to anyone? A professional?”

“No. I mean . . .” His gaze was so intense, so downright concerned, the only thing I could do was pretend I hadn’t spent the weekend not sleeping. It was either that or admit that every time I closed my eyes, I saw Marjorie’s brains and Marjorie’s blood and Marjorie’s broken limbs. “I’ll be fine,” I said.

His serious expression was relieved by the smallest of smiles. “I know that. But promise me you’ll talk to someone, anyway.”

I managed to smile back. “No. Really. I’m cool.”

“Well, obviously!” Jack laughed, and just that easily, all the tension drained out of me. I smiled, too, and realized that for the first time since I’d walked into the memorial the Friday before and found myself at the center of a murder investigation, I felt the knots in my shoulders loosen and the ice in my stomach melt. “So . . .” He took a quick look around the room and nodded, confirming something to himself. “This is it. The famous Garfield Memorial. It’s just as impressive as I thought it would be.”

“This is just the office.” I guess he knew that, but I figured it didn’t hurt to point it out. I was the cemetery’s one-and-only full-time tour guide, after all. “The rotunda is bigger and fancier. The president and his wife—”

“Lucretia, yes.” Jack’s eyes lit. “I can’t wait to see the crypt.”

“Really?” I couldn’t have sounded more skeptical. Or less like somebody who was supposed to be proud of the place she worked. I cringed. “I mean, really! You’re actually here to see the memorial?”

He leaned back and took a quick look into the rotunda. “You’re telling me that all these other people . . . Let me guess, they’re all here because of the murder.” His sigh rippled the air between us. “There are always new and different ways that people disappoint me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. They’re probably trying to get the facts firsthand from you since you were the only one here when the body was discovered. You were the only one here, right?”

I nodded.

“You were the only one here so everybody assumes you saw something. But you didn’t, right?” He brushed aside his own question with the lift of one shoulder. “Of course you didn’t. If you had, you would have told the cops, and somehow, the media would have gotten wind of it. From what I’ve heard, the police don’t even have a suspect.”

“They wouldn’t tell me if they did.” It was the truth, though I failed to mention the Quinn component. There was no use muddying the waters, and besides, there was no way Jack would care. “All I told them is what happened. I came in here. I found the body. I called the cops.”

“And there was nothing else? Nothing suspicious? Of course there wasn’t, and I bet I’m sounding just as morbid as everyone else. I’m sorry. It’s hard not to get caught up in the sensationalism. I should know better, and I should have known to stay away for a while, too, out of respect for the poor woman who was killed. But this was my only opportunity to see the memorial. What with earning a few continuing education credits, I’ve been busy all summer, and school’s going to be starting again soon.”

“You’re a—”

“History teacher. Lafayette High School. Hammond, Indiana.”

“I never had a history teacher who looked like you.” I hadn’t meant to say the words out loud. My cheeks got hot. “I mean—”

“No problem. Believe me, I didn’t expect a cemetery worker who looked like you, either.” There was that smile again, as bright as the sun and just as hot. “So you’ll give me a tour, right? If you have time? I’ve always been a huge admirer of James A. Garfield.”


That’s what I thought. What I said was, “Of course, but we’ve got a time limit. Marjorie’s funeral is this afternoon, and in her honor, the memorial is going to close at one and stay closed for the rest of the day. That gives us . . .” I glanced at the clock on the wall and so did Jack.

“Plenty of time,” he said. Like the hero in a swashbuckling movie, he made a dramatic gesture toward the doorway, but before I could walk out with him, he caught sight of the red rose on the floor. He scooted over and picked it up. “You drop this?” he asked, then looked again. When I threw the flower from my stalker onto the floor, I hadn’t exactly been careful about it. Its petals were mooshed and the stem was bent. Jack twirled the flower between his fingers. “You learn a lot teaching high school,” he said. “You know, watching students and teachers and parents, dealing with their dramas and their moods. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that somebody . . .” He gave me a look that was only half-teasing. “Somebody is in the middle of a lovers’ spat.”

Just the thought of the word lover associated with the creepy man in the baseball cap made me shiver. I hugged my arms around myself. “No way.”

Maybe Jack was the basketball coach at Lafayette High, too. He tossed the rose across the room. It arced over the desk and splatted into the wastepaper basket without ever touching the rim. “Good.” He grinned. “That means I don’t have any competition.”

Oh yeah, a girl’s head could get turned by a man like Jack McArthur. This girl’s head sure did. By the time we were out in the entryway and he was deciding if he wanted to hit the rotunda or the crypt first, I didn’t even care that he was a fan of James A. Garfield. Don’t get me wrong! I still knew it was lame. I just didn’t care.

“So . . .” He drew in a breath and glanced around, taking in the marble, the stained glass, and that statue of

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