plan. But then, that’s when I noticed a movement in the huge rhododendron bushes over on my right. And that’s when I remembered the creepy guy with the baseball cap and the chilling gaze.

As if he was looking at me right then and there, I froze, watching the branches of the bush twitch. My heart in my throat and my knees already starting their morph into Silly Putty, I thought about how alone I was, and gauged the distance back to my car. I’d already taken a step in that direction when the rhododendron branches parted and Jack walked out.

He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him.

“I’ll bet this looks weird, doesn’t it?” He strolled up to me and poked a thumb over his shoulder and back toward the bush. “I wasn’t doing whatever you think I was doing.”

“Since I can’t imagine what you were doing . . .” Baffled, I shrugged. “What were you doing?”

His answer was simple enough. “Communing with President Garfield.”

I wasn’t sure if I should be relieved or worried. If Jack and I shared a Gift and he really was talking to the president, it would save me the trouble of maybe someday having to explain the whole I-see-dead-people thing to him. That being said . . .

I glanced around.

I didn’t see any sign of President Garfield.

Which meant maybe I should be worried that Jack was as weird as the weird guy who’d weirded me out earlier in the day.

Something told me Jack could read the cascade of worries and doubts that filled my head. He laughed. “Communing with the president. Up there,” he said, and because from where we stood I couldn’t see what he was talking about, he grabbed hold of my hand and gently pulled me to the side of the building. “I was trying to get a better look at the bas-relief sculptures.”

Bas-relief. It’s one of those terms I should have learned when I got my degree in art history. Since I didn’t, I had to learn it when I started taking visitors around the cemetery. Bas-relief describes a sculpture that’s made from chipping away stone so that the picture stands out from the background. In the case of the memorial, there are five of them, high up on the walls. Each one shows a different aspect of the president’s life: Garfield as a teacher, a soldier, a congressman, the president, and at his death. The figures on each of the reliefs are life-size.

“I was trying to get a better look,” Jack explained. “And then I realized that from down there . . .” He glanced toward the bushes. “I was just trying to see the sculpture from a different perspective. I know it’s hard for you to understand. You’re surrounded by all this incredible history all the time.”

I think that’s the first we both noticed that we were still holding hands. My brain flashed back to Ray and Doris at the graveside. My body was focused on something else. Like the heat that intensified when Jack tightened his hold on my fingers and grinned. Still hand in hand, he led me over to one of the nearby picnic tables and we sat down.

“I’m so impressed with this place, I can’t even begin to tell you,” he said. “I just can’t get enough of it. That’s why I hung around, even after you closed up the memorial and left for the funeral. How was it?”

I’d been so busy staring up into Jack’s incredible blue eyes, funerals were the last thing on my mind. I shook myself back to reality. “Funerals are never fun. And when the person getting buried is a murder victim, it’s even worse.”

“Was the family very upset?”

I thought back to everything Nick had said about his aunt, and mumbled, “Delusional more than upset,” but when Jack didn’t catch what I said and asked me to repeat it, I told him it was nothing.

It was just as well since he was staring up at the Garfield sculptures again. On the relief he was looking at, the president was posed just like the statue inside, with one arm bent and his head high. He was surrounded by other figures. Some of them looked like the men I’d seen around the table when I got a glimpse of the ghostly cabinet meeting.

“It’s the kind of beauty money can’t buy,” Jack said on the end of a sigh, and I was all set to bat my eyelashes and make some half-baked protest about how I’d been blessed by good genetics and a better-than- average understanding of skin cleaners, moisturizers, and really good sunscreen, when I realized he wasn’t talking about me, he was talking about the monument.

I was appropriately peeved, but I didn’t let on. After all, he was a history teacher, and from Indiana to boot. Maybe he just didn’t know any better.

Or maybe he did. When he looked back at me, he grinned, and whether he meant it as an apology or not, I decided to cut him some slack. He was too cute to get pissed at. At least this early in our relationship. “It doesn’t seem right to even be talking about money in a place like this,” Jack said. “Garden View is so impressive and so historic. It’s incredible, and they’re lucky to have a woman as classy as you on staff. Something tells me . . .” He cocked his head and gave me a slow look that spread fire every place his gaze touched.

Of course, I couldn’t help but think about Quinn. I mean, what woman in her right mind who’d been sleeping with the sexiest detective in town wouldn’t? Hot-as-hell smiles tend to do that to me.

Unlike Quinn, who was all about smoldering looks and pent-up emotions, Jack was much more aboveboard. He was open and honest and said what he was thinking. There was a concept that would throw Mr. Sexy Detective for a loop! It all made me think that, in addition to being as hot as a firecracker, Jack might also be a whole lot of fun.

“Let me guess, you live in a fancy condo in some trendy part of town.”

That was Jack talking, and I’d been so busy letting my imagination run wild, I hadn’t even been listening. Maybe he didn’t notice because he went right on to say, “And I suspect you have a great wardrobe, too.” He glanced over my khakis and polo shirt, which obviously weren’t anybody’s idea of a great wardrobe, and his golden eyebrows rose. “You vacation in fabulous places, right? Cancun? Rio? Punta Cana? No way you’re the skiing type. I picture you on a beach, palm trees swaying overhead and a drink in your hand. One of the ones with the little umbrellas in them.”

“I picture me on a beach, too, and in that fancy condo, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Do you have any idea the kind of money a cemetery tour guide doesn’t make?”

He laughed, but only for a second. “Not to sound morbid or anything, but funny you should mention that. I was walking around here in the quiet and thinking about you over at that funeral, and that got me thinking about that woman who was killed. I wonder how it all looks to her now? You know, life. I think about how I’m always trying to stretch my paycheck so I can make my mortgage payment, and my car payment, and have a little extra every week to go out for a burger and a beer with my friends. And I was just wondering, you know, how if once you’re dead, it all doesn’t seem really stupid. All that scrimping and all that saving, and what does it really come down to? Maybe once you’re dead and up there . . .” He pointed a finger up at the puffy white clouds that floated overhead. “I wonder if you don’t look down on the world and think, ‘I should have bought that fancy condo when I had a chance.’ Or ‘I should have gone to Cancun when I was young. I should have enjoyed life because now it’s over and—’” This time, Jack’s grin wasn’t as hot as it was just plain sheepish. He was as cute as a button.

He got up from the picnic table bench. “Sorry, I sound like a crackpot! I’ll warn you, I tend to be introspective, but I swear, I’m not usually this focused on death. Honest. I was just thinking, that’s all. You know, about how I hope that poor woman enjoyed her life, how I hope she didn’t nickel-and-dime her way from year to year and miss out on the things she really wanted. Because now she’s dead, and she’ll never get to enjoy any of it again.”

I waved away his concerns. “Not to worry. One thing Marjorie apparently never did was scrimp and save. She had more James A. Garfield memorabilia than a museum.”

“Really?” He dropped back down on the bench, all excited in a very history-teacher-like way. “I would have loved to see it. She’d probably been collecting for years. I mean, I read how old she was and that she used to be a librarian, and I’m thinking that once she retired, she would have had to cut back on her spending.”

“Apparently not. I was at her house and . . .” No, Jack had never met Marjorie. I still assumed he would think I was a loser for visiting her at home. Rather than even try to explain, I smoothly turned the attention away from that particular incident. “Ray—he’s another one of the volunteers—he told me that Marjorie just bought an original invitation to the Garfield inauguration. It was something she talked about buying a few months ago and said she couldn’t afford. But then she turned around and did it, anyway. So I guess that was a good thing. She did just what you said all of us should do, she used her money to buy the things that brought her happiness.”

“Well, good for Marjorie. I hope she rests in peace.”

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