Larry Bond, Jim DeFelice
Shadows of War
Major Characters
February 2014
Fresh Riots Suppressed in Northwest China
WULUMUQI, NORTHWESTERN CHINA (World News Service) — Unofficial sources reported today that government forces had suppressed a riot near the town center, the third report of a disturbance in northwestern China over the past week.
While food riots have subsided with the selection of China’s new premier, Premier Cho Lai, Western analysts say Cho Lai faces a difficult task as China confronts devastating food shortages brought on by a third consecutive year of record drought. With food and other commodity prices soaring and the country already battered by the worldwide depression, an estimated forty percent of the Chinese male working-age population is out of work.
In Chinese-occupied Tibet, six persons were shot to death by soldiers during…
Housing Prices Hit New Record Low in U.S.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP-Fox News) — The FDIC today released a report showing that house prices in the U.S. had reached their lowest point in fifty years, when adjusted for inflation.
Analysts caution, however, that the statistics are somewhat misleading, as rampant inflation in the food sector over the past two years has skewed inflation numbers skyward. The unprecedented rate of inflation is due to decreased crop yields throughout much of the world, and the consequent pressure on American farm prices.
“If we were in a period of normal inflation, say only three or four percent,” said John Torano, analyst for the HSBC-Key-Banco, the world’s largest bank, “then the decline in house prices would be only about twice what we saw in early 2009.”
Still, Torano and others admit that the downward pressure on housing prices will put more families in jeopardy. The bankruptcy reform laws passed last year failed to lower the number of filings…
Brighton Beach Renaissance Continues
LONDON (Reuters-Gannet News Service) — Sally Smith frowned as she pulled into the parking lot B of the new Brighton Motor Park. The sign at the entrance flashed “FULL,” even though it was only half past eight.
“Balls,” said Smith in frustration as her two little girls complained sleepily in the rear seat that they wanted to get swimming. “It’s getting so you have to come an hour before dawn to get a parking spot.”
Smith’s problem is cause for celebration among the owners of hotels and tourist spots in this seashore town, which until two years ago was a boarded-up ghost, fifty years past its glory.
Now, thanks to a climate shift that has raised the average year-round temperature in southern England to a balmy seventy-eight degrees, Brighton is booming. In March, where once the average high temperature was a damp 8.3 Celsius, or 47 degrees Fahrenheit, sunbathers must be careful in the afternoons to avoid sunstroke. Last week, the temperature peaked at 32 Celsius, or 89 Fahrenheit — which would have been a near-record for August just two years back.
Scientists say the warm-up is due to a number of factors besides the general trend of global warming. In Brighton’s case, the combination…
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