And then in the next moment he became the scientist again, and more. He became the man who was going to tell the world what was going on, who was going to help keep people from dying.

Josh pushed himself to his feet, aching, weakened by hunger and fatigue, by a thousand cuts and bruises. M? scrambled to her feet beneath him. He saw her face, the question in her eyes she didn’t have the words to ask.

“We’ll make it,” he told her.

He turned around. The truck was on fire. Mara lay in the road. The explosion had torn into the small rucksack on her back, battering the contents. Josh tore the pack off, looking for wounds. The mangled gear had apparently saved her life, preventing any of the shrapnel from entering her back.

Heavy gunfire ripped through the other side of the road only a few yards away. He bent and put his shoulder into her side, lifting her upward. He staggered under her weight, but made it to the side of the road.

M? was waiting.

“Take the gun,” he told her, letting go of Mara just long enough to point to the rifle on the ground.

The girl hesitated, then scooped up the weapon from the ground as if it were a piece of poisoned fruit. Josh started up the road, Mara on his back.

She groaned.

“Jesus you’re heavy,” he complained, still moving, but just barely, as he went up the incline. A few yards past the path to the mine he spotted another old, overgrown road. He kept going, pushing his legs forward despite the burn that spread from his thigh muscles to the rest of his legs. The mine was a trap; the Chinese would look there first.

He continued, moving slower and slower, until he spotted a narrow culvert running under the road. The cement pipe below contained a stream, which ran southward after crossing beneath the roadbed.

Josh veered toward the shallow embankment, heading toward the creek. Within three steps he lost his balance and fell on his side, slipping down into the water and losing Mara in the process.

M? ran to him to see if he was all right.

“Yes, yes, I’m all right,” he told the girl. “It’s okay.”

“God,” groaned Mara on the ground a few feet away. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, what the hell?”

Josh got to his knees and splashed water onto his face. Then he cupped his hands and took a few sips before rubbing the water on his eyes.

Mara remained dazed on the ground. The gunfire continued in the distance. Josh got to his feet and went to her.

“We have to keep moving,” he said. “Come on.”

“What the hell?” Her voice was a mumble, far away. “My bag? Where’s my bag?”

“It got blown up,” he said.

“God, my back hurts.”

“You’ll be all right. You’re not even bleeding.”


Josh took the gun from M?’s hand.

“If you could walk, it would be really good,” he told Mara. “I don’t think I can carry you anymore.”

“Walk,” she repeated as he helped her to her feet.

Mara was shaky, but she kept her balance as they started down the stream. Josh took the rear, figuring that was where the threat would come from.

“Where are we going?” asked Mara.

“We’re just going,” said Josh. “Keep moving. Go!”


Northwestern Vietnam

The tracers flying out from the edge of the jungle told Jing Yo several things, the most important of which was that they were not fighting Vietnamese soldiers, or at least not regular soldiers. The gunfire was much more carefully aimed and coordinated, the shots purposeful even when they missed. The tracers weren’t being used to help the soldiers aim; rather, the rounds told the gunner he was nearing the end of his box. As he stopped to reload, another took up the fire, so that there was never a break in the gunfire that could be exploited.

The sound of the weapons was also telling — it was tinnier than an AK-47’s. Yet it was deeper than the slish-slish a SCAR would make — an indication, Jing Yo thought, that these men were not Americans.

Perhaps not, though they had at least one thing in common with the American SEALs Jing Yo had briefly trained with at the start of his career — they were turning an incredibly minute tactical advantage into a commanding position. They had the road completely covered, yet Jing Yo believed they had no more than six men, and most likely only four. They even used the destruction of their vehicles to their advantage, using the covering smoke to launch brief feints to stall a counterattack.

The helicopter gunships were impotent. The enemy force was so close to Jing Yo’s men that they couldn’t fire their rockets without either exposing themselves to more grenade fire or risking a miss that would kill their own troops.

“Couple of grenades there and we can push whoever’s holding that spot back,” said Sergeant Wu, crouching near Jing Yo. He pointed left to the north side of the road, where a slight rise gave the enemy just enough of a vantage to keep the commandos in place. “We can gang up on them. Sweep around once we’re on that side of the road and beyond their trucks.”


The gunfire continued, controlled bursts plowing through the jungle anytime Jing Yo’s men tried to move.

“We get that side, we can roll them up,” said Wu, elaborating on his plan. “We push them back from the road. Helicopters can come in and pick up the wounded from the crash.”

Jing Yo didn’t answer.

“You want to wait until the reinforcements get here?” Wu asked. Soldiers from the unit that had been at the farm had landed up the road and were marching up the road. “They’ll be here in five minutes. That’ll work, too.”

“Why do you think the enemy is still firing?” Jing Yo asked his sergeant.

“What do you mean?”

“If we were holding that position, we would have moved back by now. We would try to get away before our enemy could bring in many reinforcements. We would expect reinforcements.”

“Maybe they don’t. Or maybe they’re stupid.”

“They’re not stupid.” Jing Yo shifted his rifle. “They are covering a retreat.”

“All right. But we can’t deal with that until we deal with them.”


The soldiers must have gotten the scientist; it was the only reason they could be here.

Which way was he going? Directly behind them? Or somewhere else?

There was no way to know. The safest line of retreat would be behind the defenses. Jing Yo would have to try that way first.

The enemy would naturally expect the attack the sergeant had suggested, since they would know or at least suspect that was the direction the reinforcements would come from. He would therefore pretend to launch the assault there, but instead come up from the other side, the southwestern corner, across the road. The defenders would either retreat immediately, or be caught in place as the reinforcements arrived.

“I will take Ai Gua and Private Kim with me,” Jing Yo told Wu, outlining his plan. “We will circle around and launch an attack from the southeast, behind the position at that point in the road.”

“The jungle is pretty thick there.”

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