Jack’s visit planned

Stevenson in

Dallas Morning News

Dallas Police Department

D’Amato, Paul Emilio

da Vinci, Leonardo

Davis, Jefferson

Davis, Thomas

Dealey Plaza

de Gaulle, Charles

Democratic Party

elections of 1962 and

nomination of 1960

nomination of 1968

de Mohrenschildt, George

Diamond, Neil

Diem, Ngo Dinh

DiMaggio, Joe

Dugard, Alan

Dugger, Ronnie

Dulles, Allen

Dumphy, Chris

Ebbins, Milt

Edwards, Robert

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eisenhower, Mamie


of 1960

of 1962

of 1964

of 1968

of 1972

Elizabeth II, queen of England

Emancipation Proclamation


Essex, USS (aircraft carrier)

Evers, Medgar

Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm)

Fain, John

Fair Play for Cuba Committee

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

civil rights movement and

Jack investigated by

Jack’s assassination and

Mafia and

Monroe and

Onassis and

Oswald and

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)

Ferguson, Anne

Finnerty, Frank

Fischer, Ronald

Fischetti, Joe

Fischetti, Rocco

Formosa, John

Foster, Bob

Frazier, Wesley

Frederickson, Cora

Freedom Riders

French, Daniel Chester

Friedan, Betty

Frost, Robert

Fulbright, William

Gadsden, Walter

Garbo, Greta

Garfield, James

Garner, John Nance

Georgia, University of

Giancana, Sam

Goldwater, Barry

Goodwin, Richard

Goulet, Robert

Graham, Billy

Grant, Ulysses S.

Greer, William

Gromyko, Andrei


Hannah, John A.

Harding, Warren G.

Harrison, William Henry

Hatfield, Robert Edward

Hayes, Rutherford B.

Hemingway, Ernest

Herter, Christian

“Hidell, A. J.” (Oswald alias)

Hill, Clint


Historic Automotive Attractions Museum

Hobson, Valerie

Holden, William

Hoover, J. Edgar

civil rights leaders and

Jack and

Jack’s assassination and

Monroe and

Hosty, James, Jr.

Hudson, Bill

Hughes, Sarah


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