King, Martin Luther, Jr.
assassination of
FBI and
Jack meets with
March on Washington and
Ku Klux Klan
LaLanne, Jack
Landers, Ann
Landis, Paul
Lansky, Meyer
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy (sister)
Lawford, Peter (brother-in-law)
Lawson, Winston G.
Leavelle, J. R.
Lee, Robert E.
LeMay, Curtis E.
Lincoln, Abraham
assassination of
funeral of
Lincoln, Evelyn
Lincoln, Willie
Lincoln Memorial
London Sunday Times
Luciano, Lucky
Macmillan, Harold
Bobby and
Jack and
Jack’s assassination and
Monroe and
Mahfouz, Naguib
Malcolm X
Malraux, Andre
Manchester, William
Mao Zedong
March on Washington
Marshall, Thurgood
Martin, Dean
Martin, Louis
primaries of 1946
Teddy as senator for
McIntyre, Bill
McKinley, William
McNair, Denise
McNamara, Robert
Mearns, David
Meredith, Lynn
Midnight Ride, Operation
Milam, J. W. “Big”
Militant (newspaper)
Miller, Arthur
Mona Lisa (da Vinci painting)
Mongoose, Operation
Monroe, James
Monroe, Marilyn
Napoleon Bonaparte
National Gallery of Art
National Indignation Convention
Nazi Germany
Nelson, Doris
Newman, Larry
New York Times
New Zealand
Nhu, Ngo Dinh
Nixon, Richard
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
nuclear weapons
Ocean’s Eleven (film)
O’Donnell, Kenneth
Onassis, Aristotle
Oneal, Vernon
Oswald, Audrey Marina
Oswald, June Lee
Oswald, Lee Harvey
arrest of
assassination executed by
assassination planned by
attempts to go to Cuba
burial of
childhood and youth of
children of
CIA and
conspiracy theories and
Cuban missile crisis and
defects to Soviet Union
escapes after assassination
family and
FBI and
jobs of
killed by Ruby
Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and
marries Marina