some weeks back to the head of Chesapeake Bay? They have a great army massed around Yorktown. E musket behind every tree. But when we heard that an English squadron had looked into the bay we thought we were relieved. I understand a little French and heard the guards speaking of their arrival.'

Heyward said, 'Hood's ships.'

Bolitho nodded.' When was this?'

The ensign shrugged.' Three days back. I have lost count of time.'

Bolitho tried to shut out the pitiful cries alongside. He knew little French. Little more than he had used to deceive the boat, but sufficient to recognise pleading? A man being held while Dalkeith got busy with his


Three days back. That fitted what Odell had reported. Hood must have taken a quick look into the bay, and finding no sign of de Grasse had pushed on for New York?

The ensign added weakly, 'The French are expecting their own fleet. That was why, when someone hailed them in their own language, they…'

'What?' Bolitho seized his arm, his voice harsh despite the man's condition.' Expecting their own fleet?'

The ensign stared at him.' But I thought I imagined our ships had gone to fight them off, sir!'

'No.' He released his arm.' I fear that when they reach New York and discover their mistake it will be too late.'

'Then the army is done for, sir.' The ensign walked unsteadily to the rail.' All this.' He shouted across the dark water.' All for bloody nothing!'

Dalkeith appeared on deck and with a brief nod took the officer's arm?

Bolitho said, 'Take care of them for me.'

He turned away. They would be prisoners again very soon unless he could decide what to do?

Buckle was watching him anxiously.' What about Mr? Tyrrell, sir?'

'D'you imagine I've not thought about him?' He saw Buckle recoil.' We will pass the word to Heron immediately. If she can work clear tonight Farr must carry the news to Admiral Graves. There might still be time.' He saw the purser hovering by the hatch.' Fetch some paper and I will write a note for Farr.'

To Buckle he added, 'I'm sorry I abused you. It was a fair question.'

He looked towards the land.' We will weigh at first light and move closer inshore. Have the sweeps ready in case the wind loses us. I'll not throw Tyrrell and his men away without a fight.' He remembered the lieutenant's words in that far off garden. In Sparrow we look after our own. He added quietly, 'We've all come too far together for that.'

Dalkeith crossed the deck as Bolitho walked to the

taffrail. To Buckle he whispered, 'What's the captain going to do?'

Buckle shrugged.' Something crazy, I expect.'

The surgeon wiped his hands on a piece of waste? 'But you approve, nonetheless?'

Buckle grinned.' Don't make much difference what] think, does it? But I s'pect he'll think of something.' He added vehemently, 'I bloody well hope so, for all our sakes!'

18 Only THE BRAVs STOCKDALE padded across the quarterdeck and held out a pewter mug?

''Ere, sir. Some coffee.'

Bolitho took it and held it to his lips. It was barely hots but cleared the dryness from his throat?

Stockdale added thickly, 'The galley fire was doused, so I 'ad to warm it on a lantern in the shot locker.'

Bolitho looked at him. Was it imagination, or were Stockdale's features growing more distinct in the gloom? He shivered. More likely he had been too long on deck, waiting and wondering. Yet he could do no good by pacing the deck and going over his ideas again and again?

'It was a kind thought.' He handed him the mug.'] feel awake now?

He peered up at the rigging and furled sails. The stars were still there, but paler. That was no illusion?

'Where is the wind?'

Stockdale considered the question.' As afore, sir? Nor' nor'east, if I'm not mistook.'

Bolitho bit his lip. He had already decided it was so? Stockdale was usually right, but his confirmation did little to help?

He said, 'Rouse the master. He is by the hatchway.'

Buckle sprang to his feet, wide awake at Stockdale's first touch?

'What is it? An attack?'

'Easy, Mr. Buckle.' Bolitho beckoned him to the rail? 'The wind has dropped, but still too far north'rd to help us.'

The master said nothing and waited to see what the captain had in mind?

'If we are to be of any use, we must drive higher into the bay. It would take hours of tacking back and forth, with little to show for our pains. But if we stay here at anchor we can help neither the first lieutenant nor ourselves if an enemy arrives.'

Buckle yawned.' That's true enough.'

'So call all hands and run out the sweeps. We will get under way and not wait for the dawn.'

Buckle pulled out his watch and held it against the compass light?

'Hmm. It'll be a hard pull, sir. But the current will not be too much against us.'

He walked to the nettings and kicked a shadowy figure who was sleeping soundly on the bare planks?

'Up, boy! Tell Mr. Glass to call the hands. Jump to it!'

Bolitho went quickly to his cabin and concentryted for severyl minutes on his chart. Recalling what Tyrrell had told him, and adding the information to what he knew already, he settled on his plan of action. Beyond the cabin he could hear the tramp of feet at the capstan, the regular clink of a pawl as the cable came inboard?

He put on his coat and adjusted his swordbelt. How strange the cabin looked in the solitary lantern's light? Cleared for action like the rest of his ship, the guns creaking gently behind their sealed ports, powder and shot, rammers and sponges, all within easy reach. But no one stood near them, for like the remainder of the gun deck, every hand would be needed to raise anchor and man the long sweeps. The latter had got them out of trouble before. This time they might do the same for Tyrrell and his men?

He left the cabin and ran swiftly up the ladder?

It was lighter. There could be no doubt about it. E sort of greyness above Cape Henry, and he could see the swirl of currents well clear of the hull?

He saw the long sweeps swaying above the water on either beam, the men hunched around them, chattering quietly while they awaited an order from aft?

Heyward touched his hat.' Anchor's hove short, sir.' He sounded tense and very alert?

Bolitho strode from side to side, watching the ship's swing towards the shore, the ripple of water below the gangways?

'How does it feel? From midshipman to first lieutenant with barely a pause?'

He did not hear Heyward's reply, and knew he had only asked the question to cover his own andiety. If the men lost control of the sweeps he would have to anchor immediately. Even then he might be driven too close inshore for comfort?

From forward he heard Bethune's cry, 'Anchor's aweigh, sir!' The patter of feet as men ran from the capstan bars to add their weight on the sweeps?

Then Glass's voice, 'Steady! Standby!'

Bolitho gripped his hands together until the fingers almost cracked. Why the hell was he leaving it so late?

In a moment the ship would be aground?

'Give way all!'

The sweeps swayed forward, dipped and then came steadily aft?

Behind him Bolitho heard the wheel easing gently, and Buckle's quiet cursing as he endured the tension in his own style. He tried to relax his muscles. Glass had been right to make sure of that first stroke. But it was one thing to know it, another to remain aloof in the face of danger to his ship?

Up and down, forward to aft, the sweeps creaked busily but without undue haste, until Buckle called, «Steerage way, sir!'

'Good. Hold her due north, if you please.'

Heyward removed his coat.' I'll go and lend a hands sir.'

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