'Yes. Make sure we have every available man working. Those redcoats as well, if they have the strength.' He checked him as he ran for the ladder? 'There is no need to tell the soldiers we are heading towards the enemy, Mr. Heyward!' He saw him grin?

'They'll find out soon enough.'

Buckle and a solitary seaman stood at the wheels and Bolitho walked right aft to the taffrail without speaking. He saw the nearest cape more clearly now, the pattern of white-caps at its base to mark some small cove. An empty place. When daylight came, and Heron was seen to be gone, his men might question his action, and rightly. But if their presence was to be ob any use to the admiral, then they must learn everything possible. The released soldiers had told them much? But a lot could have changed since they had been taken. He smiled grimly. He was deluding himself. But for Tyrrell and the others, would he really have remained here in the bay?

He heard shouts on deck and someone speaking in French. Heyward was more than a good companions he was proving to be an excellent officer. Without further consultation, and at the risk of his captain's displeasure, he had released the French prisoners and put them to work. All strong, beefy soldiers who had led a fairly comfortable life guarding prisoners, they would make a small but significant difference to the heavy sweeps?

Some gulls rose screaming angrily from the water where they had been sleeping as the Sparrow moved amongst them at a slow but steady crawl. Time dragged by, and Bolitho saw that the soldiers' coats were red again instead of black as they had appeared in the darkness. Faces regained personality, and he was able to see those who were standing the strain and others who were being relieved at more frequent intervals to regain their breath?

A blacker shadow loomed and held firm across the starboard bow. That must be the inner side of Cape Charles, he decided, with Tyrell's middle-ground some distance below it?

'Bring her up a point, Mr. Buckle.' He heard the helm squeak.' We must pass the cape with the mainland to larboard. There'll not be too much water in the channels so hold her steady.'

'Aye, sir. Nor' by east it is!'

The ship was heading almost directly into the winds and he could feel it on his face, smell the land and its freshness in the dawn air. But it was more sheltered and he was relieved to see the sweeps were still moving in unison, although the actual progress was probably less than a knot?

He sought out the young ensign and called him aft? He arrived panting on the quarterdeck, and Bolitho said, 'Look abeam. How near are your outposts?'

The soldier peered across the larboard nettings and raised one arm?

'That bit of land, sir. That'll he the turning point. A lot of sand there. We lost some barges a few weeks back when they ran ashore. A mile or so further and you'll be able to see the mouth of York River just beyond a pair of small islands.'

Bolitho smiled.' I expect you're surprised we're heading this way.'

The ensign shrugged.' I am past surprise, sir.' He stiffened.' I heard a bugle. That'll be our lads.' He tapped the rail with his fingers, his face engrossed? Then there was a long drawn-out trumpet call, which sent a cloud of gulls flapping and squeaking from the land. He said, 'The Frogs. Always a minute behind our reveille.'

Bolitho tried to break him from his mood.' What ob the Americans?'

The ensign sighed.' They have artillery over the river? They'll start firing at first light. More effective than any damn bugle!'

Bolitho turned towards Buckle.' We will keep on this course as long as our people have strength for it. The wind will favour us when we finally go about, but I want to get as far above York River as I can.'

He looked aloft and saw the masthead pendant for the first time. It was flapping gently astern, but showed no warning of a strengthening wind. If it got up now, his men would be unable to hold the stroke. Even with Tyrrell's boat crews it would have been hard. Without them, impossible?

When he glanced abeam he saw the overhanging spur of Cape Charles, and far beyond it, like a thin gold thread, the horizon. Showing its face to the sun which was easing into view, parting sea from sky, night from day?

There was a muffled bang, and seconds later he saw the telltale white fin of spray to mark where a ball had ploughed into the bay?

The ensign remarked indifferently, 'They'll neve_

reach you at this range. You've a good half a mile to play with.'

'Where is the battery?'

The soldier studied him curiously.' Everywhere, sir? There are guns right round this sector. Yorktown and its approaches are hemmed in a ring of iron. Our army has the sea at its back.' He suddenly looked very young and vulnerable.' Only the fleet can bring relief'

Bolitho pictured Farr's Heron making all haste towards New York. Even there he might find Hood gone, perhaps further still to Newport to contain de Barras?

He thought, too, of Odell's solitary vigil in his Lucifer? If the French did come by way of the little-used Bahama Channel, he would need no encouragement to make sail and run?

He blinked as a shaft of sunlight played across the distant cape and coloured the yards and stays like honey. He pulled out his watch. Tyrrell should have made his contact with Cornwallis's pickets and be on his way back to Lynnhaven by now. By weighing and putting the men to the sweeps, their meeting should have been brought forward by an hour at least?

Glass ran up the ladder, his chest heaving from exertion?

'Can't hold 'em much longer, sir!' He peered down at the sweeps, at their sluggish rise and fall.' Shall I put the rope's end to 'em, sir?'

'You will not.' Bolitho looked away. There was no malice in Glass, nor was he prone to unnecessary force. It was just that he did not know what else to do? 'Tell them. Another half hour. Then we make sail, or anchor.'

Glass shifted awkwardly.' It'd be better from you, sir.'

Bolitho walked to the rail and called, 'One more turn of the glass, lads!' He heard groans, the mingled curses and gasps from those still hidden in shadow? 'It's that or leave our people out there to fend for themselves! Remember, it might have been you!'

He turned away, not knowing if his words had achieved anything but resentment?

Glass watched critically and then spat on his hands? 'That done it, sir! Better already!'

Bolitho sighed. The stroke looked as weary as before, but if the boatswain was satisfied, then…? He swung round as a voice called, 'Boat, sir! Fine on the larboard bow!' Bolitho gripped the rail.' Just the one?' 'Aye, sir.' 'Bring her round two points to larboard.'

Bolitho tried not to think about the missing boat. He felt the hull yaw, the stroke failing as the helm went over?

The soldier said quietly, 'No closer, I pray you. You'll be in cannon-shot before long.' Bolitho ignored him.' Pull, lads! Come on, do your damndest!' One man fell exhausted from a loom and was dragged away by Dalkeith? The lookout yelled, 'It's the second cutter, sir! Mr? Graves!'

Dalkeith heaved himself up the ladder and stood at the rail?

'I know what you're thinking, sir.' He did not flinch under Bolitho's cold stare.' He'd not leave you. Not for anything.'

Bolitho looked past his shoulder at a patch of land. In the strengthening light he saw tall trees and a round hill beyond. They were motionless. The sweeps were only keeping Sparrow steady against wind and current. In a minute she would start to pay-off and drift inshore. They had done their best. It was not enough?

He snapped, 'Damn your eyes, Mr. Dalkeith! I'll not be lectured by you!'

He leaned over the rail.' Mr. Heyward! Stand by to let go the anchor!'

Bolitho waited while men ran to the call and Glass sent others to bear down on the flagging sweeps where exhausted sailors had fallen to the deck. He heard a bang and saw a ball ricochet across the water to throw up a plume of spray very close to the approaching cutter. The boat was moving rapidly towards him, and he could see Graves by the tiller, his hat awry as he beat out the time to his oarsmen?

'Ready, sir!'

He chopped with his arm.' Let go!'

Even as the anchor took grip and the bull swung carelessly to the cable, he yelled, 'Withdraw sweeps, Mr. Glass, get those men on their feet!'

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