I touched her uninjured shoulder. “Jason said you need to stay put.”

“He bit me.” She reached up with her other hand to touch the bandage on her shoulder.

“I know.” I brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Jason thinks you’re psychic abilities are helping you with this…”

Nadya pressed her lips together. “I heard you talking. I know I’m infected.”

Infected. My gut twisted with guilt.

“It’s not your fault, Sash.”

I stifled a gasp and met my sister’s eyes. “You’re reading my mind.”

“Not really.” She managed to get to a forty-five degree angle and settled against the pillows. “I can feel your guilt, and I’ve known you long enough to know you probably think you put me up to this or that you failed me somehow.”

“I did both those things.” I sat on the edge of her bed, straightening out my wounded leg across the mattress.

“You did not.” She shook her head. “Don’t take credit for what that psychopath did.” She paused. “Is he…”

I nodded. “I got him. I’m just sorry I didn’t get a clean shot until after he bit you.”

“At least he’s gone now.”

She closed her eyes, and a tremor shot through her body. This wasn’t something she could go see a crisis counselor about. No psychiatrist was equipped for werewolf post-traumatic stress therapy.

“I’m okay, Sash.”

I glanced down to find Nadya staring up at me. The words “for now” hovered unspoken between us. Jason said her DNA was already mutating. He also told us he had no idea if that meant she’d eventually end up like Fonthill. He’d taken blood samples and would do his best to find a way to control the infection if he couldn’t find a way to reverse the mutation.

My baby sister had a bomb ticking inside of her and we had no idea how much time she had left.

Why couldn’t it have been me?

Nadya laid her hand over mine, interrupting my thoughts. “Tell me about Aren. Now that the stalker is out of the picture, are you going to stay in Reno for a while?”

The drastic change in subject told me my sister didn’t want to think about her condition right now. I didn’t blame her, but I wasn’t ready to think about the hurt I saw in Aren’s eyes, or the way he set his jaw and slammed the door.

“I’m staying until you’re feeling better.”

“I guess I won’t be able to get to Massachusetts to finish the semester.”

“Probably not, but maybe you can transfer to a school here in Reno. Close to the Pack.”

“Finishing my degree is probably the least of my worries right now.” Her lips curved into a weak smile. “There’s no cure for a werewolf bite, is there?”

I shook my head slowly. “No. But if Jason can find a way to control the mutation or reverse it to keep the adrenaline levels down, then you could live a normal life.” I shrugged. “Well as normal as you can for someone who changes into a wolf during a full moon.”

Full moon. Two days from now. I stared at my wounded sister trying not to panic. How could she shift in this condition?

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She rested her hand over mine. “I bet that’s going to be amazing.”

My brow creased. She didn’t sound like she was being sarcastic. “What?”

I felt her forehead. Hot, but nothing like it was right after the bite. She didn’t look delirious.

“I can’t change what’s happened. It seems like a waste of energy to mourn for what I can’t control. It’s easier to see it as a new adventure, right?” She took a deep breath, and her voice softened. “I don’t want to die, Sash, but if it’s coming sooner than later, then I want to really live the time I have left.” A tear spilled down her cheek, and she wiped it away quickly, forcing a brave smile. “How many people get the opportunity to see the night like a wolf?”

“Not many,” I whispered, bending down to hug Nadya.

We clung to each other for a moment until I felt her sink back into the pillows. Pride swelled inside of me. I’d been so petulant and angry after I was bitten. And yet, Nadya chose to see it as an adventure, an opportunity.

I shook my head. “When did you grow into such a strong lady?”

She sniffled and grinned. “Well, my sister is a hard-nosed cop. I copied her while she was out catching criminals.”

“I wish I could take the credit.” I glanced over at the door and back at Nadya. “Aren and I are over.”

Nadya frowned. “Lana told me you’re his mate.”

I raised a brow. “What else did she tell you?”

“She was only answering my questions.” Nadya gripped my hand. “I wanted to know who this guy was that my sister was so crazy about. I liked the way he stayed close enough to you to be protective but far enough away that it didn’t piss you off.”

I laughed despite the way my heart clenched in my chest. “He’s one in a million for sure.”

“Then why is it over?”

“Because this never would have happened to you if I hadn’t met him. I never would have allowed you into such a risky situation, but apparently I’m stupid when it comes to love.”

She squeezed my hand. “You love him?”

“It doesn’t really matter. It was all a mistake.” I blinked my eyes hard, doing my best to tamp back the pain. I reached up to brush her hair back from her face. “I’ll get over him. I’ll never get over what’s happened to you because of my poor judgment.”

A sob choked my voice. I squeezed the bridge of my nose forcing the tears to retreat, and cleared my throat. “Once my leg is a little steadier I’ll see about openings on the force here in Reno. You and I can find an apartment and work through all of this together.”

I bent to kiss her forehead and silently prayed I wouldn’t lose her.

Chapter Fifty-Seven


Sebastian barely glanced at Gareth before his dark eyes met mine. “General Miller made a call to let us know that Fonthill had been neutralized. I came to clean up your mess.”

“Our mess?” Gareth started toward the jaguar, but I caught his arm. Thankfully, Gareth didn’t know Sebastian was the jaguar that murdered his brother. If he had, I never would have been able to keep Gareth from killing him.

For a split second I thought about telling him.

“Burning down a lumberyard is a hell of a cleanup.” I glared at Sebastian.

He took a step toward me. “Sasha was injured. I caught the scent of her blood on the bullet casings.”

I bristled just hearing the bastard saying her name. “Sasha’s fine.”

“Please thank her for taking out my target.”

“How do you know she was the one who killed him?” Gareth asked.

Finally Sebastian acknowledged his existence. “Because I found wolf blood and brain matter. Sasha is the only one of your group who could make that kind of shot with a pistol.”

I heard the horns and sirens of the fire department in the distance. “Shit. We’ve got to get out of here.” I tossed the second set of keys to Gareth. “My ankle is jacked up. You’re going to have to drive the Lotus home.”

When I turned around again, Sebastian was already gone.

My swollen ankle, the burns across my back, and my smoke-filled lungs ceased to exist the moment I

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