Alexopoulos, Golfo

alienation: Communist Party transcending; revisionist concept of

aliens: Communist regimes as victims of. See also ethnocentricity; Jew

Al Qaeda

Althusser, Louis

Amis, Martin

amnesia: about criminality; institutionalized; mismemory; politics of; “voluntary amnesia,” See also falsification; memory

amnesties, de-Stalinization

anomy: Communism and Fascism as reactions to; Communist

antipolitics. See also reinvention of politics

anti-Semitism. See Jew

Antonescu, Ion

Applebaum, Anne

Aragon, Louis

Arbatov, Alexei

Arendt, Hannah; conflict between power and reality; conscience breakdown; Essays on Understanding; “From humanity, through nationality, to barbarity,”; “little varieties of fact,”; Origins of Totalitarianism; replacement of “the suspected offense by the possible crime,”; “superfluous populations,”; terror; “thoughtlessness,”

Aron, Raymond, Democratie et totalitarisme; Memoirs

Attali, Jacques

Auster, Paul

authoritarianism: bureaucracies; “competitive authoritarianism,”; democratic (liberal) socialism vs.; East and Central Europe; Leninism; Marxist components; Marx’s personality; neo-authoritarianism; post-Communism; pre-Leninist; Putinist; radical-authoritarian trends; Russian traditions; salvationist; Stalinist; Western post-Marxism vs., See also totalitarianism


Bacilek, Karol

Badiou, Alain

Bahro, Rudolf

Bakunin, Mikhail

Balbo, Italo

Balkans: Stalinist agenda; Western, See also Albania; Croatia; Serbia

Baltic states: Gorbachev and use of force in; impersonal democratic procedures; Nazi and Soviet mass killings; Soviet/Russian occupation. See also Latvia; Lithuania

Banac, Ivo

Bartov, Omer

Basescu, Traian

Bauman, Zygmunt

Baumler, Alfred

Bayer, Wilhem-Raymund

Belarus: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Holocaust impacts; human rights

Belgrade, April student protests

Beniuc, Mihai

Benjamin, Walter

Berdyaev, Nikolai

Bergelson, David

Berlin, Isaiah

Berlin Wall, fall of

Berman, Jakub

Berman, Paul

Bernstein, Eduard

Bernstein, Leonard

Besancon, Alain

Big Lie: Communist; post-Soviet. See also amnesia; falsification; truth

bin Laden, Osama, Al Qaeda

biological distinctions: Nazi. See also ethnocentricity

The Black Book of Communism


Bloch, Ernst

Blomberg-Frisch affair

Blum, Leon

Bogdanov, Aleksandr

Bohemia: Communist Party; and patrimonial legacy

Bolshevism; Communist Manifesto and; conversion of; converting into an emerging version of Communist-Fascism; critics; cult of the party; cult of totality; de-Bolshevization; Declaration of the Rights of Toiling and Exploited People (1918); vs. democracy; dream of total revolution; Fascism vs.; Gorbachev and; humanism; ideology; Judeo-Bolsheviks; justice subordinated to party interests; “language of magic,”; Menshevik split with; messianism; mission; “modern agenda of subjectivization,”; and morality; New Faith; norms of culture of; October Revolution (1917); Old; party charisma; political “sins,”; post-Soviet Russia; revolutionary passion; Stalinistnationalist traditions of; “substitutionism,”; takeover of power; terror; victory in the civil war. See also Communist Party; Communist utopia; Leninism; Stalinism; vanguard party


Bonner, Elena

Borkenau, Franz

Bormann, Martin

Bosworth, R. J. B.

Botez, Mihai

Bourdieu, Pierre

bourgeoisie; both Communism and Fascism vs.; Communism vs.; Fascism vs.; Jewish

Bracher, Karl Dietrich

Brandenberger, David

Brandt, Willy

Bra?ov workers’ protest movement

Brezhnev, Leonid

Brown, Archie

Browning, Christopher

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

Budapest, neo-Marxist School/Petofi Circle

Buhr, Manfred

Bukharin, Nikolai; The ABC of Communism (with Preobrazhensky); Economics of the Transition Period; “To a Future Generation of Party Leaders,”

Bukovsky, Vladimir

Bulgaria: Danubian confederation; extermination camps and mass executions; “High Stalinism,”; Mladenov; post-Communism; working class passivity

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