Burlatsky, Fyodor

Burrin, Philippe

Calmanovici, Emil

camps: Communist; extermination; Hell on earth; labor; Nazi. See also gulag

Camus, Albert

capitalism: Communism vs./“capitalist encirclement,”; Eastern Europeans vs.; liberal; Nazism vs.; Westerners vs., See also market economies

care of the soul

Castoriadis, Cornelius

Castro, Fidel

Cathala, Jean

Ceau?escu, Nicolae: charismatic leadership; civil society; “Great Helmsman,”; Manea persecution; post- Communism and; Rautu and; singing International while dying; Stalinism; Tudor as court poet

CEMA (Council for Economic Mutual Assistance)

Central Committee: Luxemburg on; Romanian Workers’ Party; Socialist Unity Party (SED)

Central Committee of the CPSU; Jakub Berman; Bukharin; Cultural Department; Frolov; Gorbachev and; Lenin letters (September 1917); notorious resolutions; Piatakov; Plenum (1937); republican elections (1990)

charismatic politics: post-Communist. See also leader charisma/personality cult; mysticism; party charisma

Charter Czechoslovakia

Chavez, Hugo


Chernenko, Konstantin

Chernyaev, Anatoly

Chernyshevky, Nikolai, “Crystal Palace,”

Chesterton, Gilbert K.

chiliasms: Communist Manifesto; Communist Party; fantasies of salvation; Fascism; Leninism; revolutions (1989-91) and. See also eschatology; millennialism

China; anti-Fascism and imperialist propaganda of; Chinese propaganda; contemporary; Cultural Revolution; “High Stalinism,”; Leninist parties coming to power; mass murder. See also Mao Zedong

Chirot, Daniel

Chi?nevschi, Iosif

citizenship: Communism abolishing; Fascism eroding; nationalist “thick” notion of; revolutions (1989-91) and rebirth of, 1901. See also civil society

civilization: Communism; Nazism

civil society: and anti-Semitism; Communist disintegration of; despotism’s destruction of; dissidents and new epoch of; “institutional amphibiousness” causing; Marx on state and; nationalism competing with; post- Communism and; revolutions (1989-91) and; Russia’s “gelatinous,”; sixties upheavals and; uncivil society. See also citizenship; civilization

class consciousness; Lenin and; Marx and. See also bourgeoisie; proletariat

“class genocide,”

“class instinct,”

class murder (“sociocide”)

class struggle; East European Communist leaders and; Gorbachev and; Leninist; Marxist; Soviet and Yugoslav visions; Stalinist. See also proletariat; revolutionary class

Clementis, Vladimir

Cohen, Stephen E.

Cohn, Norman

Cold War

Cominform (Communist and Workers’ Parties)

Comintern (Third Communist International); Dimitrov; on Fascism; Geminder; propaganda machine

command economies

Communism; anomy; anti-Fascist; anti-Nazi resistance movements; The Black Book of Communism; conversion to; deradicalization; differences between Fascism and; as ecclesiology; evil identified by; ideology; l’illusion lyrique; intentionality; Jacobinism; leader charisma/personality cult; messianism; “mismemory of,”; and morality; neo-Communism; New Man; “People-as- One,”; public and private person; redemptive mythologies; revisionism; revolutionary passion; science and; similarities with Fascism; social engineering; three layers in societies of. See also Bolshevism; Communist criminality; Communist Party; Communist utopia; enemies; hegemony; internationalism; Leninism; Marxism; post-Communism; Soviet Union

Communist criminality: compared with Fascism; dissidents vs.; Gorbachev denouncing Stalin for; Khrushchev denouncing Stalin for; memory/amnesia/silence about; moral blindness toward; number of victims; post-Communism and; purges; radical evil; Romania; Soviet Union; Stalin’s crimes against the party; suffering under; terror; utopia and; violence sanctified

Communist heroic ethos; Bolshevik; Leninism; Marxist; Stalinist; War Communism and “building of socialism,”

Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels); vs. bourgeoisie; vs. capitalism; class struggle; Iano?i and; millenarian redemption; monism, proletarian development; social democracy and; violence glorified by

Communist Party: Albanian; Big Lie; Bohemia and Moravia; Cominform (Communist and Workers’ Parties); Comintern and; Czechoslovak; German (KPD); ideological hegemony; Jews in; party charisma; Polish; post- Communism and; revisionism and; Romania; Russian; Russian Federation; Spanish; Western; Yugoslavia. See also Central Committee; Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); Congresses; factionalism; Politburo; vanguard party

Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU): anti-Fascism; “capitalist encirclement,”; Congress of Victors (Seventeenth Congress); Gorbachev and; ideological hegemony; Institute of Marxism-Leninism; intraparty conflicts; Kommunist; power monopoly; resolution on energy resources to Eastern Europe; The Short Course of History of the CPSU; Twentieth Congress of 1956 (and Khrushchev’s Secret Speech denouncing Stalin); Twenty-second Congress (1961); Twenty-seventh Congress (1986). See also Central Committee of the CPSU

Communist utopia; anti-anti-utopianism; anti-Fascist; armed; Bukharin committed to; criminality and; enduring magnetism of; Fascist similarities; ideology and; Leninist; Marxist; neo-Marxists and; revisionism and; revolutions ending (1989-91); shipwreck of; Stalinist; structural challenges

concentration camps. See camps

confessions: forced. See also show trials Congresses: Fifteenth Party Conference (1927); Third Party Congress of the KPD. See also Comintern (Third Communist International); Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

Conquest, Robert


“conspiracy of academicians,” See also intellectuals

conspiracy theories; East and Central Europe; Islamist; about Jews; nationalist; Russian; similarities between Communism and Fascism; Stalinist

Constantinescu, Miron

Constituent Assembly, Lenin disbanding (1918)

constitutionalism: post-Communism. See also democracy

constitutions, Soviet

cosmopolitanism: Jews accused of; Rautu’s “Against Cosmopolitanism and Objectivism in Social Sciences,”;

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