door, then moments later Katerina stepped inside. Her dark red hair had the perfect waves it always had, and her eyes were as fierce aqua as ever.

“Davin darling, your father would like to have a talk with you two in the kitchen. I have to be off to the studio, but please be careful and prompt with your travels tonight, we need you here.”

I lifted my eyebrow at him indicating that I felt the same way, but he just winked at me and nodded to Katerina. “We’ll be down shortly mother, and don’t worry I will be home tomorrow with more information and a werewolf to kill.”

She blew a kiss to him, shutting the door behind her. I gritted my teeth, pulling myself out of the warmth of the bed and grabbed my overnight bag that was sitting on the floor on my way to the bathroom to get ready.

After slipping on a pair of black leggings, and a matching zip up hoodie, I pulled my hair up messily on top of my head, and quickly freshened up my face and brushed my teeth before taking a squirt of the beautiful crystal perfume bottle as I left the bathroom, leaving the air with the scent of fresh rose.

Davin was waiting patiently on the lounger when I came out of the bathroom. He stood up, signaling me to the door, and placing his arm around my lower back so that we could walk together to the kitchen where Eli was waiting for us. Eli was just placing the teakettle on the stove when we walked in. He gestured warningly for me to have a seat at the counter where he was now standing with a newspaper in his hand.

I twitched when he tossed it in front of Davin with a smack on the granite. “Read the front. There’s been another attack on a woman, only this time it’s here in Hanover.”

The previous attacks had been in Lebanon and Manchester which the police had classified as animal attacks, blaming the victims for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, only to continue on to tell people not to travel alone in certain areas. But we knew what was really responsible for these women’s murders, and why they were hitting so close to home now.

Staying out of certain areas would do nothing to stop the vicious string of attacks. I leaned over Davin’s shoulder reading the article, not seeing anything of great difference from the previous articles, except one line that jumped out at me right when I reached the bottom of the page. The attack took place in Hanover Cemetery last night at approximately 9:00 pm. Investigators report that the animal markings were similar to the recent attacks in Lebanon.

I tapped the sentence with my finger in front of Davin’s face. “That’s where I was when I went to coffee with Gretchen yesterday, except my body never left the chair. I was in the cemetery with Xander. Kind of a coincidence my vision is where the murder took place last night, don’t you think?”

Eli and Davin both looked at me then back at each other. Davin lifted his eyebrow. “It’s no coincidence. This curse is changing every day and appears to be getting stronger the closer we get to each other.”

Eli looked intently at Davin. “How do you mean?”

“Father, I was in her dreams months before she moved here, then she began reliving my old memories whenever she touched me during the times she was asleep, and now it’s visions of what’s to come while she’s still awake.” Davin looked to me now. “I believe the cemetery is where he was or will be changed. This gives me an even better reason to get to Colorado and talk to this Tommy guy and figure out what we do to rid you of this curse, without getting you killed in the process. It’s a race against time now. These creatures want it, and I want it gone.”

I was still finding it hard to swallow the fact that Xander probably wasn’t coming back to me, but there was still just a small hope holding on inside me that maybe, just maybe, he was still the Xander I loved.

Even if the Loup Garou had him, it was possible he hadn’t changed him yet and was just using him to get me within his grasp.

I looked at Davin who just shrugged his shoulders, implying he knew what I was thinking so I took the shrug as confirmation it was a possibility. My cell phone rang, breaking the silence that befell the room.

MOM flashed on the screen. “Hi, Mom.”

“Adelay, are you planning on coming home anytime this week? I’m sure Gretchen doesn’t need you every night her mother is gone, does she?”

“I’ll be home tonight. I’m visiting Davin for a little while today before he...” I was trying to think of a good excuse to where he was going to be. “Before he goes to Manchester with his parents.” I looked over at Davin, who was smiling at my bad attempt of an excuse to his whereabouts tonight.

“Well, why you’re there Adelay, why don’t you see if this weekend works for the dinner I promised him I’d make?”

I rolled my eyes. She was going to be sorely disappointed when she realized he wouldn’t be able to even put a bite of her food in his mouth, since he’d only survived off of a liquid diet the past two hundred years.

“See how Saturday works, okay sweetie?”

“Okay, Mom. I’ll be home soon. Love you.” I clicked my phone shut before she could say anything else.

“I’ll be back in time to impress your wonderful parents, and sweet talk them both into letting you love me.”

“No one’s letting me love you. I do believe that is one thing that is still my choice. If werewolves

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