and gypsies can’t persuade me, then neither can my parents; besides you already made her melt like butter with your vampire mojo.”

He leaned over, giving me a quick kiss, laughing at the truth I spoke.

Before I knew it, evening was here and I was sitting on the end of Davin’s bed, watching him get his suitcase prepared for the overnight trip he was leaving on in just a few short hours. If he was planning on making it back by tomorrow, I didn’t understand why he needed to pack a suitcase.

I had my doubts that he could make it to Colorado and back with any useful information in such a short amount of time, but he promised me that he would be home in time for Halloween night.

Not because we had some huge Halloween party planned like normal kids, but because that was when Xander was supposed to arrive in town, and according to his mother, was still the plan. I was also keeping my fingers crossed that he’d make the Fall Harvest Dance so that I wasn’t tagging along with Sully and Gretchen.

Davin leaving me in the midst of a supernatural war for an overnight trip was intended to shed some light on what that gypsy woman had cursed me with, and I prayed he would also have an answer of how to get rid of it. As for the Loup Garou and Xander, I didn’t know what to expect, or what was going to happen. I just hoped the werewolf would stay at bay until Davin arrived back into town. If he caught wind Davin was gone, we would have an even bigger problem to deal with.

“I want you to go home tonight and go to school tomorrow as normal. Sully has been instructed to stick by your side anytime you need to travel outside of the house. Do not leave without Sully. He will bring you to the dance with him and Gretchen, and I shall arrive there shortly after.”

“So, how am I supposed to go to school if that means I have to leave the house without Sully? I’m sure my mom will refuse to let him stay the night.”

I knew it was a stupid question, but I had to throw a little bit of sarcasm his way because I was still very unhappy about him leaving me right when all this stuff seemed like it may be coming to a head.

He stopped what he was doing, so he could look me straight in the face. “He will be there in the morning to pick you up.”

After his dry statement, he continued to put a few more things into his overnight bag and zipped it closed once he was finished. He sat down softly next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. “Don’t look so worried, everything will be fine, love. I promise.”

I had been trying to keep any evidence of worry off of my face, but somehow it must have slipped through the sarcastic remarks.

“Worried? Who’s worried? I mean a werewolf that has possibly turned my best friend into one of those hideous creatures, and my body being infected by an ancient curse is hardly cause for worry.” Yep there was another one I just threw out there.

He let out a sigh, squeezing me tighter against him. “Let’s get you dropped off safely at home because as much as you hate hearing this, I need to feed before tomorrow so that I am fully nourished if there is a fight to be had. The full moon is Halloween night, which, in theory, will give more power to this beast. I don’t want any of my strength diminished.”

When he said feed, I knew that meant using Constantine, aka the willing donor. It still managed to make me jealous knowing she could give him what he needed.

I nodded, pushing myself off of the large bed that was sunken in where we sat from both of our weight on the end of it.

We walked hand in hand to my front door, which is where he stopped before turning me towards him. “I love you Adelay, and I will be home before you know it with a solution to at least one of our problems, and then I will move onto the next.”

He leaned down, kissing me firmly on my lips. I traced my tongue along his cool lower lip, feeling him shiver when I did so. He kept his mouth on mine for a few moments, then moved his lips in a crooked line to my cheek, nose, and ended at my forehead.

“Hurry home,” was all I managed to squeak out; because if I tried to say more, I knew I would end up begging for him to stay, only to be disappointed.

I twisted the doorknob and turned one last time to watch him walk away, but he was already pulling away. Damn vampire speed.

My mom was sitting comfortably on the couch with the fireplace burning, making the room invitingly warm. She held a book in her hand, and a glass of hot tea was on the end table next to her.

She looked up once she realized I had entered the room. “Hey there, sweetheart. Why such a long face?”

She smiled brightly, then lifted the blanket she was wrapped in that my grandmother had knitted in the most hideous mismatched colors I’d ever seen, inviting me to sit with her. I curled up next to her, tucking my feet up under the blanket that was draped over us both now.

“I’m sure you’ll be okay one night without him.”

“I’m just tired, mom; it’s been a busy week at school.” She had no idea. This was far more complex than simple puppy love, "just missing my boyfriend" like she was brushing it off as.

Quite possibly, this one night without him could mean I would

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