little too flat than intended.

His eyes didn't leave mine, and he just stood in front of me.

"Excuse me," I mumbled, pushing past him.

"Oh, right." He said, absentmindedly as he stepped aside to let me pass.

"Be careful." He called out, a whisper just enough so I could hear.

I turned. "What?"

But he was on his way.

Stuffed with a pack of chips and a juice drink, I returned to the gym. The practice game was on

halftime break. For some reason, there were more girls than when I got out earlier. That was

just a few minutes ago, right? Fangirl adrenaline.

A few excuse me’s and nudges later, I finally got through the crowd but Kristine was nowhere

near our seat. I thought I got the spot wrong when someone called out to me from somewhere

in my left. I turned to see Kristine sitting by the players’ bench.

"Drei! Here!" Kristine was seated in between her brother and Anthony. Reluctantly, I

approached them. It was already full and obviously it was impossible for me to have a seat


"I'll join you. Here, you can sit beside me," Anthony offered as he moved to sit on the smaller bench where their water jug was placed earlier.

"But your jug-"

"They can place it somewhere else." He smiled. He looked like a little boy when he does that. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Kristine frown. But when I looked at her, she was talking to


Anthony and I were silent as he drank his energy drink and I ate my chips.

Then the crowd went wild when someone entered the court.

"Late but still loved," Anthony complained.

"Who?" I wondered.

"Carl Brown." He frowned, but in an attractive way. I shook my head. What was I thinking? I shouldn't be going down this road again.

I followed his gaze and recognized the guy. I bumped into him earlier. So he was on the team


"So he's Carl." I said absentmindedly.

"You know him?" Anthony sounded surprised.

"No." I replied, a second too fast. "I just bumped into him when I went out to buy these." I held up the chips awkwardly. Gosh. Why do I get all clumsy around him? Because he’s cute. Okay,


"Just like how you bumped into me earlier?" He teased. "But I'm sure it's different with me."

Did I hear that right? "What?"

A loud buzz filled the gym. "Game guys!" He stood up and flashed me a smile. Yes, it’s official. I just melted on the spot.

Kristine joined me. "So, you're friends already?" She asked. Is it just me or is that jealousy drenching her expression?

"Acquaintance." I smiled, trying my best not to grin like an idiot.

"Good." She looked relieved. "I mean, it's good that at least you're acquaintances already." She said almost defensively. "Those girls would give anything to be in your place just moments ago."

"Yea." I nodded. "I know."

When the game was finished, Kris and Anthony disappeared to the dugout. Kristine and I waited

in the gym.

"You got a ride?" She asked me as I rummaged in my bag.


“You can drive? Cool."

"I don't. Though I know how to. My mom wouldn't let me." I said, finally fishing my phone to text Mr. Champ.

"Oh. Really?"

I nodded, and saw Carl emerge from the lockers.

When he spotted me, he smirked as he approached us.

"Hey Carl!" Kristine chirped, bright as always.

"Hey Kristine. Who's the pretty face?"

"Andrea Tullieno. Just call her Drei." She talked too fast before I could elbow her.

Carl extended his hand, but was shoved awkwardly into my personal space as someone

pushed him from behind.

"Hey dude!" Kris almost tackled Carl to the floor. I took a few steps backward.

Carl rolled his eyes. Anthony patted his back and joined us.

"Let's go." Anthony announced.

Outside the gym, I found Mr. Champ on the parking lot just as we approached Kris and

Anthony's cars.

"Hey I'll go ahead. Nice meeting you all." I smiled, and the twins waved. Anthony smiled and waved charmingly. Carl didn't even spare me a glance, but when I turned I heard a familiar "be careful" again.

I turned, and Carl flashed me a smile I didn't know what to make of.

Chapter 2

"Are you leaving already?" Carl was suddenly behind me just as I turned to leave the cafeteria.

People were pouring in and crowds weren’t exactly my thing.

"Uhh. Yes," trying my best not to roll my eyes. I wasn’t exactly poised to enter the area, was I?

"So I see you've worn glasses." He pointed out, keeping up with the small talk.


"One-word responses today?" He joked, even managing to position himself in front of me and walking backwards as he talked.

I smiled faintly. Well, you have to give the guy some credit.

"Hey you guys!" Kris suddenly was beside me. "What’s up?”

Why did people show up all of a sudden?

"Not at all," Carl replied, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in his voice.

"Where's---" I turned to Kris.

"Here!" Kristine caught up with us.

Now I didn’t have to force a smile. "Sorry if I was absent this morning," she said to me. "Kris wasn't much of a caregiver."

"Why? Are you sick? What happened?"

"It's just a cold, Drei. Don't worry about her," Kris suddenly interjected.

I was still enjoying their banter when I suddenly remembered I left something in my locker.

"Hey, I have to get something from my locker. I'll catch up with you guys later," I told them as I went to the opposite direction.

"I'll come with you," Carl and Kris offered at the same time.

Kristine shot me a look and dragged Carl right away. "Hey Carl, why don't you come with me

instead? I need to buy something from the cafeteria."

I think I saw Kris mouth a thanks to Kristine but I ignored it.

"What's with the glasses?" Kris said when we were alone.

"Near-sighted," I said, but more happily now.

"They look good on you," he complimented.

"Err, thanks," I felt a blush was climbing up to my cheeks. Good thing we reached my locker already, and I didn't have to face him with that awkward color on my face.

"Hey Kristian Wong!" A familiar voice approached Kris as I was busy finding my notebook in the locker.

"Hey Anthony

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