That night she was scheduled for library duty, but Tuesday she determined again to ask blonde and beautiful Sissy Mason to her apartment for some of her own special brand of tutoring. She could not have known that such thoughts were considerations of the impossible, for that night she was to discover just how true her fears about coeducation really were.

Just before ten o'clock, Glen started to close the library for the evening. She was sure all the students had left. There were only a few books scattered on the tables along with occasional pencils or slips of scratch paper. As she walked the length of the room and back again, she was at first aware of a strange sensation nagging her about not being alone. Then, as she neared the far shelves, she became conscious of hushed voices talking in eager whispers.

At first she could neither make out the words nor identify the speakers, but as she tiptoed closer, she was sure that one speaker was Sissy Mason. The other was a male whose voice she was sure she had never heard before.

Glen stopped on one side of a floor-to-ceiling bookcase and frowned as she heard Sissy say, 'Oh. It's hard!'

'Go ahead,' the boy said, 'Jerk it.'

'It won't hurt?'

'Hell no. It feels good.'

'So does that,' Sissy said.

'Yeah. You're all wet and hot to trot.'

The girl moaned.

'Want to?' the boy asked.



'But, we're in the library.'

'Hell,' the boy said. 'I know where we are. I want to get my joint in you.'

'I've never done that before,' Sissy said.

'You're cherry?'

'Well, not exactly.'

'Half cherry?'

She giggled.

'Come on,' the boy urged. 'I'm about to resort to rape. You've got me so fucking hot.'

'Yeah,' the girl said. 'Me too. You sure do have educated fingers.'

'In a cunt like yours, it's pure instinct.'

Glendora heard a rustle of clothing and a movement of bodies on the other side of the bookcase, then a soft low sigh.

'Oh my gosh!' Sissy said.

'Good, eh?'

'Oh… Jack… I never thought… '

'You're good,' he said. 'Move like that… just like that…'

Glendora could feel herself becoming more and more aroused as she listened to the sighs and groans coming from the other side of the bookcase. She could not allow such a thing to happen in the library. The whole school, she thought, was going completely to ruin.

With rapid steps she strode around the end of the bookcase and walked down the other side. The couple thrashing in sexual abandon on the floor was obviously completely unaware of her presence.

Sissy Mason lay spread-legged on her back. Her uniform skirt was bunched around her waist and her blouse was unbuttoned to reveal her large young breasts. Over her, also naked from the waist down, his firm rounded buttocks rising and falling with sensuous rhythm, was a young man.

Both of them had their eyes closed. Both were moaning and grunting in abandoned pleasure as they strained their young bodies to achieve the pinnacle of sexual pleasure.

Glen watched in utter fascination. She knew her duty was to pull the young man out of Sissy's hot flesh and to admonish both of them for defiling the library and committing an immoral act, but the sheer beauty of it held her in an emotional vise.

She gritted her teeth and stared at the two bodies as Sissy moaned.

'Oh, Jack,' the girl gasped. 'Oh, Jack… I'm…'

'Me too, Sissy… come on… baby… come off…'

'Oh, Jack… yes… oh yes… '

They both seemed to grunt at the same time. Their young bodies quivered together as they sighed and clawed at each other. Then as if suddenly drugged, they lay silent. They might have been dead until Glendora, finally forcing herself to some semblance of self-control, spoke.

'Well,' she said. 'What's the meaning of this?'

Sissy Mason opened her eyes and stared at the teacher in fear and amazement. Her mouth moved several times but no sound came out.

The boy seemed more casual about the situation. He rolled free of Sissy's body and reached for his underdrawers and trousers before he stood up.

'Meaning?' He frowned slightly as he stared at Glen with deep-set, very sensual dark eyes. 'We're fucking, that's all.'

'That's all!' Glen tried desperately to gain some semblance of control as she glanced from the handsome young man down to Sissy who was frantically trying to refit her bra over large, well-formed breasts and button her uniform blouse.

'Sure,' the boy said.

'This is the library,' Glen said. 'We have rules on this campus.'

'Against fucking?' He seemed genuinely amazed.

Glen stared at him. She could not help but run her eyes over his well-formed muscular torso down to his naked hips and exposed manhood. She resisted a sudden urge to fall on her knees, cup the entirety of his masculinity in both her hands, and suck the length of his penis into her mouth. She lifted her eyes and tried to sound harsh and commanding as she ordered him to put on his trousers.

'You, young lady,' she said to Sissy, 'are to report to Dean Lydecker right after breakfast tomorrow.'


'Don't argue with me. He'll know what to do with your pretty little butt.'

'I'm not going,' Sissy said.

'You're what?'

'You heard me,' the girl said as she rose to her feet. 'And you know why. If I go to Dean Lydecker just for passing out a little ass on the library floor, I sure as shit am not going to keep my mouth shut about some fancy tutoring sessions I've been to.'

'You wouldn't!' Glen said.

'I sure as shit would,' the girl said. 'Think about that, Miss Adams, and if you still want me to shag ass over to Dean Lydecker's office, you just tell me so at breakfast.' She lifted her chin high, and with a provocative and arrogant swish of her hips, brushed past Glendora toward the library door. Glen turned to look after the sensuous young girl, and saw to her amazement that, in her Tight hand, she was carrying a flimsy bit of cloth. She hadn't put her panties back on.

Her whole life seemed to be coming apart at the seams. There seemed no longer to be any discipline at the school.

She turned to the handsome dark-haired young man standing before her. He was just over six feet tall and built like an accomplished athlete. Something about his easy, unaffected manner disturbed her and the way his gypsy like eyes stared directly at her was unnerving, to say the least.

'What's your name?' Glendora demanded.

'Jack,' He told her.

'I know that. Sissy screamed it enough. What's your last name?'

'Paris,' he said. 'Jack Paris.'

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