'I assume you're one of the experimental boys here at Northrup.'


'And it's obvious that you consider the academy nothing more than a herd of young females available only to satisfy your depraved lusts.'

'Not really,' he said. 'I mean, the education here is supposed to be the greatest, but look, she was hot to trot and so was I. What the hell's the matter with knocking off a little ass if nobody gets hurt?'

Glendora's mouth dropped open. 'What's the-' She couldn't go on.

'Yeah,' he said. 'Tell me, what the hell's wrong with fucking? You act as if this were the end of the world. Sure, I'd rather be doing it in bed, but I'll tell you, I don't know if I could cope with all those horny girls in the dorm.'


'Sure,' he said. 'Locked up here in this god-damned Victorian anti-sex league. They're all dying to get some cock in them.' He looked at her very steadily. 'You know,' be said very slowly, very pointedly, 'I'll bet you are too.'

'Young man, mind your manners!'

'Aren't you?' he insisted.

'No, I am not!'

'Bullshit!' he said. 'I'll bet it's been months since you've been fucked, maybe even years. Hell, I'll bet you're just dying to get your gash plowed.'

'Hold your tongue!' she snapped.

Suddenly, she saw him zip his fly down and reach within his trousers again to expose his masculine member. He stroked it back and forth a few times, and as she watched in shocked amazement, brought it again to rigid erection. She stared at it with her mouth open, unable to speak.

'Looks good, doesn't it?' he said. 'Come on, be honest. That's what you really want, isn't it? That's what you'd really like to get a hold of. Aren't you tired of being a fucking prude? Why not try it? Come on. You'll like it.'

She could no longer help herself. She reached Out, grasped his hard flesh in his right hand and felt the heat of his body and the rigidity of his muscles under her touch. Like a robot controlled by a strange foreign power, she dropped to her knees before the young man and fairly gobbled his masculinity into her hot and eager mouth.

'Yeah,' she heard him say above her as he moved his hips back and forth. 'That's great.'

She could not control herself! She drew his hard member as deeply into her mouth as she could, ran her tongue completely around it, and then puffed her cheeks in and Out. She caressed his scrotum with one hand, kneading gently on his testicles as her other rubbed the length of the shaft she could not draw completely into her mouth. Above her, she, heard him sigh and knew that the thrill she was receiving by licking and sucking him was being passed on to him with even greater intensity.

'Good,' she heard him gasp. 'Real good.'

He was ticking his hips back and forth with more rapid rhythm now. She knew he was about to ejaculate and she wanted to feel the hot spurt of his semen scalding on her tongue and throat. She reached behind him and placed her palms against his pulsating buttocks and with an almost feverish intensity she moved her mouth back and forth on his rigid penis.

'Yeah… oh… yeah… ' she heard him say.

Then the member in her mouth seemed to snap to an even harder state of erection. It quivered within the hot flesh of her mouth and then felt like it had exploded. The hot liquid of his release shot over her mouth and tongue, burned pleasantly down her throat, and seemed to flow throughout her entire body, caressing every nerve, cleansing every fiber of her body and soul. She sucked greedily, trying to draw every tiny drop of it into herself.

Still his hips ticked,back and forth as she greedily pulled on his flesh, sucking harder and harder until a small semblance of sanity returned to her. Suddenly, she felt ridiculous. She was on her knees in the school's library and she had her mouth literally full of a young man's penis. For a moment she was totally unaware of how she had come to be there. It was as though she had somehow blacked out and had regained only a pan of her consciousness.

Embarrassed, ashamed of herself, and humiliated; she released his penis and staggered to her feet. She could not bring herself to look him in the eye.

'Well,' he said as he rezipped his fly. 'That wasn't all that bad, was it?'

She couldn't answer.

'You give real good head,' he said. 'I wonder if you fuck as well.'

'No,' she gasped. 'Please, I-'

Gently he pulled her toward him, and with one hand under her thin lifted her face until her eyes could not avoid meeting his dark sensuous stare.

'Hey,' he whispered. 'We could really swing together, you know. Not like Sissy, but, for real.'

'No!' she gasped as she pulled herself away from him. 'No! I can't! I won't. I-'

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she whirled away from him and dashed out of the library and across the darkened campus to her apartment.

There, she slammed the door behind her and dashed into the bedroom where she threw herself face down on her bed.

'Oh, no,' she gasped aloud. 'I won't do it! I can't do it!'

But even as she sobbed her protests, Glendora Adams knew that somehow-some way-her entire life had changed, and that Jack Paris, the young man she had caught fornicating in the library, was directly responsible for that change.

Chapter 13

The following morning Glen did not order Sissy Mason to go to Dean Lydecker's office. She was barely able to discharge her teaching duties. She was in a shocked daze throughout the day, and by evening she was in no better state of mind. Because she believed herself unable to face her duties as dormitory mistress and also because she did not think she could bear the emotional strain if any of the girls she had seduced were to visit her apartment, Glen decided to stroll over the campus.

It was a beautiful spring evening. The academy was quiet because it was study period. Most of the girls were in their rooms going over their books and notes in preparation for the final examination period which would be starting in just a few more weeks. The experimental boys had all supposedly left and were doing their studying in their own homes.

Aimlessly, apparently without taking any direction, Glendora found herself strolling toward the playing fields in the general direction of Norton Concort's house. Some magnet seemed to be compelling her toward the administrator's house, but when she noticed the path she was following, she stopped abruptly.

She had no intention of being humiliated by the administrator again and certainly did not want to experience again the shock and disgust of being betrayed by Brigette. She stood without moving for a long moment. The school and trees were behind her, the playing fields before her. Beyond them, the administrator's house.

Again, doubts and confusions assailed her. Who was she? she wondered. What was life really about? She was thirty years old. Her youth was finished, but a great deal of life lay before her. The trouble was, she didn't really know what path to follow. She fought against the notion that men were actually attractive to her. She tried to dismiss and forget the memories of sexual excitement and abandon she nurtured as a result of her recent experiences with men.

Again, fear filled her. She remembered her first terrifying experience when she was in high school. She became conscious of the darkening shadows around her and the coming chill of spring evening. Suddenly, she felt a sense of foreboding. She was sure she was not alone. She could almost feel the pressure of hostile eyes on her. Like a frightened animal, she turned back toward the school and with a quickened pace walked toward the trees which separated her from the main campus.

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