a resolution of May 8, 1992, #88; Marina Salye, “Putin—prezident korrumpirovannoy oligarkhii!” obtained from the Glasnost Foundation in Moscow, March 18, 2000.
Page 122 “I think the city”: Gevorkyan et al.
Page 122 “The point of the whole operation”: Salye, “Putin— prezident.”
Page 123 a three-page letter: “Analiz normativnykh dokumentov, izdavayemykh merom i vitse-merom S. Peterburga,” dated Jan. 15, 1992, bears the notation: “Given to B. Yeltsin on 15 January 1992.”
Page 124 Sobchak was handing out apartments: See, for example, “Rasporyazheniye mera Sankt-Peterburga o predostavlenii zhiloy ploshchadi Kurkovoy B. A.,” 08.12.1992, #1107-R; and “Rasporyazheniye mera Sankt-Peterburga o predostavlenii zhiloy ploshchadi Stepashinu S. V.,” 16.12.1992, #1147-R.
Page 125 “And here are the papers”: Author interview with Marina Salye, March 14, 2010.
Page 125 “This was different”: Ibid.
Page 126 the Supreme Soviet had a presidium: http://1993.sovnarkom.ru/TEXT/SPRAV CHN/VSOVET/vsovet1.htm. Accessed April 2, 2011.
Page 127 a decree dissolving the St. Petersburg city council: Besik Pipia, “Lensovetu stuknulo 10 let,” Nezavisimaya gazeta, April 5, 2000. http://www.ng.ru/politics/2000-04-05/3_lensovet.html. Accessed April 2, 2011.
Page 127 in favor of supporting Putin: Author interview with Marina Salye, March 14, 2010.
Page 129 “a bureaucratic police regime”: “Pokhmelkin, Yushenkov, Gologlev i Rybakov vyshli iz SPS,” unsigned news story, newsru.com. http://www.newsru.com/russia/14jan2002/sps.html< /a>. Accessed May 8, 2011.
Page 129 Yushenkov was shot: “V Moskve ubit deputat Gosdumy Sergei Yushenkov,” unsigned news story, newsru.com. http://www.newsru.com/russia/17apr2003/killed.html. Accessed May 8, 2011.
Page 129 “Sometimes, when we journalists”: Masha Gessen, “Pamyati Sergeya Yushenkova,” polit.ru, April 18,2003. http://www.polit.ru//world/2003/04/18/615774.html. Accessed May 8, 2011.
Page 132 “could be removed by those very same”: Gevorkyan et al.
Page 133 a European Union event in Hamburg: Vladimir Churov, quoted ibid.
Page 134 The city’s economy was in shambles: Anatoly Sobchak, Dyuzhina nozhey v spinu (Moscow: Vagrius/Petro-News, 1999), p. 72.
Page 135 relative levels of standard of living: Original reporting for Masha Gessen, “Printsip Pitera,” Itogi, Sept. 5, 2000.
Page 135 “There was a concert”: Alexander Bogdanov, interview, Obshchestvennaya zhizn’, pp. 431–32.
Page 136 “Not once during this time”: Radio Liberty interview with Yuri Boldyrev, March 9, 2010. http://www.svobodanews.ru/articleprintview/ 1978453.html. Accessed Dec. 1, 2011.
Page 137 “There was a show”: Ilya Kolmanovsky interview with Anna Sharogradskaya, June 1, 2008.
Page 138 a brutal attempt on his life: Sobchak, Dyuzhina, pp. 73–78.
Page 138 giving out loans and grants: Boris Vishnevsky, “Kto i zachem kanoniziruyet Sobchaka?” Radio Svoboda, Feb. 25, 2010. http://www.svobodanews.ru/content/article/1 968322.html. Accessed Oct. 27, 2011.
Page 139 Almost all the building’s residents: “Lyudi oni horoshiye, no kvartirny vopros ih isportil…” Na strazhe Rodiny, August 14, 1996; Brian Whitmore, “Is a Probe of City Graft a Tool of City Hall?” St. Petersburg Times, April 9, 1998.
Page 140 arranged a good post for him: Gevorkyan et al.
Page 141 all but running to the plane: Ibid.; Boris Vishnevsky, K demokratii i obratno. http://www.yabloko.ru/Publ/Book/Freedom /freedom_054.html. Accessed April 10, 2011.
Page 141 taken verbatim from an American textbook: Julie Corwin, “Russia: U.S. Academics Charge Putin with Plagiarizing Thesis,” RFERL website, March 27, 2006. http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1067113.html. Accessed April 10, 2011.
Page 142 the former mayor was aiming: Peter Reddaway, “Some Notes on the Possible Murder of Sobchak, the Political Career and Persecution of Marina Sal’ye, and Some Related Cases,” unpublished paper.
Page 142 “the new Stalin”: Reddaway.
Page 143 The request was urgent: Author interview with Natalia Rozhdestvenskaya, March 2000.
Page 144 he advanced the theory: Arkady Vaksberg, Le Laboratoire des Poisons: De Lenine a Poutine (Paris: Buchet Chastel, 2007).
Page 144 Vaksberg’s car was blown up: Reddaway.
Page 150 its voter rolls swelled: OSCE Mission report on the March 26, 2000, election, Russian translation. http://hro- uz.narod.ru/vibori.html. Accessed May 17, 2011.
Page 151 over 52 percent of the vote: 2000 election statistics. http://www.electoralgeography.com/ru/countries/r/russia/2000-president-elections-russia.html. Accessed March 17, 2011.
Page 151 Kremlin’s historic Great Palace: Andrei Kolesnikov, Ya Putina videl! (Moscow: Eksmo, 2005), p. 13.
Page 151 suffered a trauma at birth: Movement specialist Brenda Connors quoted in Paul Starobin, “The Accidental Autocrat,” Atlantic, March 2005. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2005/03/the-accidental-autocrat/3725/.