Page 181 army generals: Viktor Kazantsev and Konstantin Pulikovsky.
Page 182 “I assert that the most”: Boris Berezovsky, “Lichniye svobody—glavny zakon demokraticheskogo obchshestva. Otkrytoye pismo prezidentu Rossiyskoy federatsii Vladimiru Putinu,” Kommersant, May 31, 2000. Accessed May 1, 2011.
Page 182 group voting became routine: OSCE Election Observation Mission Report 2004. Accessed June 8, 2011.
Page 183 Darya Oreshkina: Full disclosure: A couple of years after defending her dissertation on the topic, Darya became my life partner.
Page 183 more of their power to decide: Darya Oreshkina, Kartograficheskiy metod v issledovanii elektoral’nogo povedeniya naseleniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii, Ph.D. dissertation defended at Moscow State University in 2006.
Page 184 “a powerful inoculation”: Ilya Kolmanovsky interview with Alexander Margolis, St. Petersburg, June 2008.
Page 184 depended on their vote: Golos press conference, Moscow, March 14, 2004.
Page 188 An exhaustive study conducted: Soyuz Zhurnalistov Rossii, “Predvaritel’niy otchyot o monitoringe osveshcheniya s SMI vyborov Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii 14 marta 2004 g.” . Accessed Dec. 3, 2011.
Page 190 “One cannot but weep”: “Putin obyavil o perestroike gosudarstva posle tragedii v Beslane,” unsigned news item on, and the full text of Putin’s speech, Sept. 13, 2004. ml. Accessed June 9, 2011.
Page 199 “Just three weeks ago he was”: “Terrible Effects of Poison on Russian Spy Shown in First Pictures,” unsigned story, Daily Mail, Nov. 21, 2006. pictures.html. Accessed June 22, 2011.
Page 199 A few hours later… he was dead: Author interview with Marina Litvinenko, London, April 24, 2011.
Page 203 found evidence: Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky, FSB vzryvayet Rossiyu (New York: Liberty Publishing, 2004).
Page 203 other evidence began to emerge: Alexander Goldfarb with Marina Litvinenko, Sasha, Volodya, Boris… 2nd ed. (New York and London: AGC/Grani, 2010), p. 236.
Page 205 “They were very happy”: L. Burban et al., “Nord-Ost. Neokonchennoye rassledovaniye. Sobytiya, fakty, vyvody,” Moscow, April 26, 2006, Appendix 6.5, “Opisaniye sobytiy poterpevshey Karpovoy T. I.” Accessed June 23, 2011.
Page 205 “Esteemed President”: Burban et al., Khronologiya terakta. Accessed June 23, 2011.
Page 208 “You are welcome and”: Elaine Sciolino, “Putin Unleashes His Fury Against Chechen Guerrillas,” New York Times, Nov. 12, 2002. 1/12/international/europe/12RUSS.html. Accessed June 23, 2011.
Page 208 the video of him lashing out: See, for example, Accessed June 23, 2011.
Page 209 Khanpash Terkibaev: Author interview with Ahmed Zakaev, London, June 6, 2011.
Page 209 gave him all the information: “Litvinenko: FSB ubila Yushenkova za pravdu o Nord-Oste,” unsigned story on, April 25, 2003. Accessed June 24, 2011.
Page 210 Moscow, he said: Anna Politkovskaya, “Odin iz gruppy terroristov utselel. My yego nashli,” Novaya Gazeta, April 28, 2003. Accessed June 20, 2011.
Page 211 caused by an unknown toxin: “K zaklyuchehiyu kommissionnoy sudebno-meditsinskoy expertizy o pravilnosti lecheniya Shchekochikhina Yuriya Petrovicha, 1950 goda rozhdeniya,” Novaya Gazeta, July 1, 2004. Accessed June 20, 2011.
Page 211 possible secret-police involvement: Author interview with Ahmed Zakaev, London, June 6, 2011.
Page 212 Her plan was to act: Sergei Sokolov and Dmitry Muratov, “Anna Politkovskaya otravlena FSB,” Novaya Gazeta, Sept. 4, 2004.лeHa. Accessed June 20, 2011.
Page 216 312 people died: “Pravda Beslana.” Accessed June 26, 2011.
Page 216 not even heightened security: Anna Politkovskaya, “Shto delalo MVD do Beslana, vo vremya i posle,” Novaya Gazeta, Aug. 28 2006. Accessed June 26, 2011.
Page 219 “Women should not be”: Alexei Chadayev’s blog, March 21, 2006. Accessed Dec. 3, 2011.
Page 220 “We disagreed occasionally”: Alexander Litvinenko, “Annu Politkovskuyu ubil Putin,” Chechenpress, Oct. 8, 2006. cle3.html. Accessed June 27, 2011.
Page 220 he encountered a picket line: “V Dresdene Putina nazvali ubiytsey,” unsigned,, Oct. 10, 2006. Accessed June 27, 2011.
Page 220 “That journalist was indeed”: Putin speaking at a