about leaving your nose alone. Why run the risk of something going wrong when your man is already happy with the way you look? Why lose the extra weight if your man is happy with you the way you are? Sure, it's.ne for you to do it if it's something you want to do for yourself. But a man isn't going to care about it one way or the other if he's already happy with what you have.

A lot of men in their forties and.fties start trying to validate themselves by going out with women who are signi.cantly younger. It's the equivalent of those sameage men going out and buying itty-bitty sports cars with big engines that make a lot of noise; they do this because their engine doesn't make a lot of noise anymore. This is especially true if that man doesn't have his life together. This isn't a re.ection on women at all; it's his problem. But guess what? There's a younger man looking at you right now, saying to himself, Wow I sure wouldn't mind validating myself with her! There's a lot of that going on, too, you know. Like I said before, there's somebody for everybody.

Men like all kinds of women. There's a man out there for every body type. There are men who like them big, there are men who like only small, petite women, and there are men who prefer women who.t between those sizes. It runs the gamut. It does not matter what size you are there is a man somewhere for you.

I wouldn't, and most nonsmokers wouldn't, either. The skin of women who smoke ages prematurely and their lips are stained. It ages them internally, too. And for me, it exhibits a weakness and a lack of understanding about their own health. Once we nonsmoking men see that a woman doesn't care about her own health, we immediately equate that to her inability to care for her man and her kids. Most nonsmoking men will not tolerate a smoking woman not on a permanent basis. We'll sleep with you, but we're not taking you home.

A man who loves you is going to love you regardless. As we ourselves get bellies and love handles, we certainly understand yours. We get that you're not going to look exactly like you did when we.rst met you. If you can keep it in some kind of parameter, though gain ten pounds, but avoid gaining a hundred and be sexy and.x it up and look nice with whatever extra weight you've put on or taken off, we're cool. If your man is shallow, he'll insist he just can't see past it. But if a man recognizes that, a few pounds notwithstanding, you're still making an effort to do what it takes to be visually appealing, he will be.ne with it.

Heels, baby. Heels. If we could get athletic shoes with heels for women, we would. It's just a really sexy thing to us. I don't know a single man who prefers women in.ats; I've never run into one. We all think heels make your legs more beautiful, they make your walk more feminine and you, too. And that's what we're attracted to.

A smart man can't date a dumb woman. But he can use a dumb woman. Most smart men don't want to date a dumb woman because we need to know that she can handle herself and our affairs, especially if we're thinking about giving her a ring. She can't walk into the of.ce party acting like the of.ce dummy. Now, we don't mind having a woman on the side who is dumb and.ne, but we won't keep her.

It's a total come-on. In our mind, if you want to buy us a drink, you want us. And if we think you want us, well, then, game on we're coming in for the kill.

Some men like it, but a man who doesn't drink certainly isn't going to care for a woman who partakes in the spirits. Know, though, that no man likes a drunk woman, unless you're in college and we're heading back to your dorm room. Remember, men want women to act like ladies at all times. If you drink socially, cool. But if your man has to carry you out, because you've passed out, you're hanging on to someone else, or you're talking loud and telling him you like slamming down shots, it's going to be a problem.

Only if you're in a committed relationship. Other than that, all he'll think is (a) you're trying to trap him, and (b) you expect something in return. Just wait and see what he's going to bring to your table.rst let him be the man and spoil you. Real men like to do this for the women they care about. Note: Be thankful for the gifts he gives you, but don't take it as the end all/be all sign that you're going to get a ring next week. A gift is just that a gift. Not a sign of things to come. Only his actions the way he professes, protects, and provides for you will give you a true sign of how this man feels about you.

Don't do it in the beginning of the relationship, unless you're perfectly comfortable with the title gold digger. But if you're in a relationship just you and him and you're really in a.nancial pinch, mention it and see how he reacts. Say, I'm really in a crunch, and I'm embarrassed to ask, but I really need your help. Do you think you could loan me $100 to meet this payment? I'll pay you back as soon as I can. Most men who really care about you won't think anything of it if they have it.

Without a doubt. If you're dealing with a man whose life isn't on track, who isn't at peace with who he is, how much he makes, and what he does, you might have a guy who'd be reluctant to help because he's still struggling to reach his goals and won't have time to help you with yours. But if he has his act together and he's really secure in his manhood, he'll help.

Not at all. These days it's almost a necessity for both the husband and the wife to work to make ends meet. But if a man is in a position to provide everything his family needs, most men would not have a problem with his woman staying home.

This is the twenty-.rst century, so most men don't have a problem with women drivers. But there are still some old-fashioned, chauvinist men who think women should leave the driving to the opposite sex. I don't know what cave they're living in. Matter of fact, I haven't met any of them yet.

No. Some guys like that, but mostly what they like is enjoying the game in peace. If you're not into it, go.nd something else to do.

We'll go if you make us and it's the only way we can spend time with you. But it's not what we want to do. Think about it: the Men's Department is almost always on the.rst.oor, by the door, and always one of the smaller sections in the store. There is no juniors department, no couture department, none of that. It's so we can get in and get out. You never walk in and see men rummaging through the sales racks and holding shirts up to their chests and openly asking if they'd look better in the blue or the green. We go in knowing exactly what we want, and come out with it. Rarely anything more. In and out: that's what we like about shopping. Getting in, and getting out.

It depends on the man. But really, who cares these days? It's not the big stink that it used to be. Personally I don't care. Love comes in every color and if a person.nds love and that person is of a different race from him or her, it shouldn't matter because the two of them found love. And isn't that what counts the most? Women have to make sure, though, that that's what they're doing it for. If she's doing it for some kind of status, then that's a horrible reason to get married to someone from a different race. But if she's doing it for love, more power to her.

Because we're hot. We're exhausted. We put in a lot of work, we're sweaty and burning up and we just need you to hold on a minute before you come climbing over to the side of our bed talking about holding something.

It's not a good idea to break that news at the kitchen table or on a long car ride. Nothing good can come from that. When you question our sexual abilities, we get really nervous and really self-conscious really quickly. I suggest you break the news while you're in the act. We're a little bit more open to it then. Say something like, Oh, I like it when you do this, or That's nice, baby, now do it this way, and watch him go to work. We'll put our backs into it then, because it makes us feel like we're pleasing you instead of absorbing complaints. During the act, we're open to any and all suggestions, as long as we think we're getting it.

Whatever you do, don't open this conversation with the dreaded four words: We need to talk. Our defenses immediately go up, warning signs start.ashing before our eyes, and now we're pretty con.dent whatever good time we had planned is about to be ruined. Instead, try telling your man spontaneously something like, I just can't get enough of you. That will make him know that the bar is up there he'll be more than willing to jump over it because you've made him feel like you want him, instead of like there's something wrong.

One day is more than enough punishment for us if we're talking about some kind of argument. You're mad about something he said about the kids and you don't want to have sex tonight? Okay. But tomorrow, if you're still mad about the kids and he's tapping you on the shoulder and you're shaking off his hand, that's a problem. Men are not going to hang in for that too long. But we'll go without longer if we violated your trust in some kind of way and we need to gain back your respect and trust. We understand that much.

I haven't a clue only gay men, or women who've dated men on the down low, can answer that question for you. I don't fall into either of those categories.

If a man goes along with an open relationship or he offers it, he's doing so because you are not in his long term plans. He does not see a future with you. Both of you can stop all this We wanted some spice in the relationship talk. When a man loves you, he's not trying to share you with anybody period. When you.nd that guy who's willing, I will show you the guy who's not in love with you. We're just not cut out that way.

Yes it makes us uncomfortable. We think you're trying to dig deep into our soul when you start trolling through

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