our past and, possibly, passing judgment on it. Still, you have the right to know about a man's past. Just don't ask about it on the.rst date, because you will not get an honest answer, ever. He hasn't even decided about how permanent this thing between you is going to be there'll be no need to reveal the soul. Don't even waste your time asking about his previous woman; all he's going to claim is hurt, not what he may have done to her. Give your relationship time, and he'll reveal what you need to know.

Most men have a problem with that. Think about the three ways I told you a man shows his love. He protects, provides, and professes. And if we can't say This is Mrs. Harvey, then you're taking away the very core of how we show our love. We also need to know that we have your loyalty, and you show that by taking our name. We really don't care how important your dad's name or your family name is to you; we're about to start a family. A man needs to know you're as committed to this family as you are to your old one. You can hyphenate it if you want to, but that last name really needs to be the same as your man's. And if you're not committed to that, then why don't you just go marry your daddy?

There's no need to do that; we've got that covered. We're pretty clear that our woman can walk out at any time. But if you push it and try to make us jealous, you're going to be playing a dangerous game. Doing that almost always triggers a re.ex in a man; he might be liable to say, Oh, okay two can play at that game! If you feel like you have to make him jealous because you're not getting the attention you want, you might want to consult the Men Need Standards Get Some chapter, and then use some of those tips to get the man you need and deserve.

I strongly suggest that if you're in a fully committed relationship, all the chitchat you're having with a male friend gets dialed back. Take down the college pictures of the two of you, don't let him call the house or send gifts and such; continuing this every day is just asking for trouble. Think about it: I don't care if you could only see her picture in the dark with an invisible blue light; if your man kept a picture of another woman in his personal belongings, you'd lose your mind. How would you like it if he had a woman calling the house asking to speak to him? Or he accepted.owers from her? Exactly. What I suggest is that you avoid doing anything that will make your man have uncomfortable thoughts about you and someone else period. Form a two-handed circle and don't let anyone else in, especially male friends. You'll be happy you did.

Mostly out of weakness and a need to control something in their lives. But I have found that men who hit women have no tales or stories of hitting men. They're that weak.

We don't mind them. I mean, your man can't tell you not to have girlfriends any more than you can say he can't go play golf with the boys. Girlfriends are.ne.

We hate gossiping. But we know we can't stop it. It's an invasion of privacy, and a man is pretty con.dent that if you and your friends are willing to talk about other people together, then your friends are probably talking about you and him, too. Keep that in mind the next time you start getting all into other people's business.

Not if she's The One. Wives and signi.cant others are off-limits in conversations between men, because no man wants you thinking about his woman any kind of way, much less in a romantic or sexual way. Every man is clear on this. However, if you're not The One you're just someone that we're doing while we look for The One then you will be talked about, rest assured.

Look, if you don't have a good relationship with his mother, and she doesn't care for you, it is going to be stressful. Any woman who has been in a relationship with a man for ninety days should have met the family already, and if he hasn't introduced you, then you either need to ask why, or you should pretty much accept that he's not interested in forging a long-term relationship with you. If you're good enough for him to make it to his bed, you should be good enough to meet his mother.

Hell, no. No man is breaking up with his girl because she doesn't get along with family members (other than his mother). A sister doesn't have to come around to the house and be a part of family functions if she can't get along with the woman a man loves. The same holds true for cousins, aunties, and uncles.

If you put your family before him, he's out of there.

It's cool men know the child has a father, and if he's in his kid's life, we understand we'll have to have some type of interaction with him. But your new man needs to be able to come to your house and be himself. If he's in a committed relationship with you and he sees the kids doing something wrong and he can't say anything to them about it, then you're not letting him be the provider and protector he wants to be, and that's going to be a problem for him. You can't allow a man to buy school clothes, help put a roof over your head, put groceries in the refrigerator and buy gas for the car, and then tell him he doesn't have the right to be a father.gure if not a father to the kids. If that's the case, then what is his point of being there? You'll have to.gure out some kind of balance one that allows your child's father to do his job, but also allows your new man to do his job, too. And if he can't participate in raising the child, that could explain why the baby's daddy left in the.rst place.

Look, there are only a few Will and Jada Pinkett Smiths in this world. If you're one of them, congratulations. But really, he's not betting that you two will hit it off too well, and so he won't force the issue.

If you're calling to say, I have a special surprise for you when you get home, that's a good interruption. But if it's a phone call to talk about petty problems? Not a good interruption. Just because you feel like saying something right now this minute doesn't mean it should be said.

Once a man gives his answer to whatever question you're asking (or he thinks he heard, even if you never asked one), he's probably not listening to you anymore. Your cue is when he gives an answer. As far as he's concerned, his solution will.x whatever it is you're talking about, and if you're still talking after that, he's not listening anymore.

That I don't cook thing is really big, now. If you're gorgeous and you don't cook, we can kind of overlook it. But if we're married and you're not hooking yourself up like you used to and you don't cook? You're asking too much you're taking us for granted. Men appreciate a woman who can put together a meal. Here's good news for you women who can't cook: all of the cooking issues you have in the kitchen can be balanced out if you can really cook in the bedroom.

Absolutely. When we're considering whether to get into a committed relationship with you, we're thinking about what our house will be like, whether you'll be a good mother, if you'll be able to handle the.nances and make sound decisions. You should be evaluating us in the same fashion.

Men cannot stand women who are not clean. When our boys come over, do you really think we want to show them a junky house? Are we really going to invite our mothers over to sit on a couch in a nasty living room? I don't think so. How the house looks is a re.ection of you; people aren't going to walk in and say, He sure keeps a dirty house; they're going to say, She sure keeps a dirty house. No matter how society changes or how many responsibilities men take on in the household, the bottom line is that everyone still expects the woman to turn a house into a home a clean home. We men are no different. We like it when you put out the candles and the.oral arrangements and the china and the silver, and we like to walk into a clean house. Now if we're both working and you don't have time to keep it up, and I don't want to keep it up, then we need to carve out some cash to get a housekeeper! But the house simply cannot be dirty.

Yes. It determines how much we're going to have to work, and how much.xing we're going to have to do to provide for you. Now, it may not be a deal breaker. But it could certainly be a factor that men weigh.

We'll follow you to a new job if we're secure in our manhood and con.dent we can still provide for you the way we want and need to. But if we have to lose everything we've worked to build to do it, and there's not evidence that we'll be able to pick up the pieces while you're working your new job, then it's going to be a tough.ght. ass. If we think we're going to lose you and counseling will keep us together, then we'll go. But if it won't save our ass, we can't see any good reason why we should sit on a couch and talk to a person with a tablet, getting judged for every move we've ever made.

We like them. But please don't expect the same reaction you would have. We're not going to go to pieces and cry because you brought home a gift or planned a special trip or put together a nice, romantic surprise dinner for us. That's, well, not very manly.

For the most part, we don't worry about it to the extent that women do, because we know your makeup is different from ours. You're more careful about the mates you choose, and you have higher standards when it comes to deciding who you will sleep with. In our minds, this drastically cuts down the likelihood of our women cheating.

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