semantics: and machinery; possession of, as criterial for consciousness; quibbling over as serious; transplantable to other brains

semiclassical view: of quantum phenomena; of self and soul

sense of humor as brain structure

sensual experiences, as basis for consciousness

sentences that inventory each other

serial numbers, as determining human identity

Seuss, Dr.

Seven Year Itch, The

1729, as interesting number

72900 (code number for “0=0”)

777,777, short descriptions of

sewing machines, as indistinguishable zombies

sex of child, determined by microscopic factors

sexist language and sexist thinking; exemplified

sexuality: as bedrock cause for humans; in Twinwirld

shades of gray: of consciousness; for mentalistic verbs; for perception; in personality space; for quotation marks; for reality; for souledness; for where one is

Shahn, Ben

Shakespeare, William

shared goals leading to shared identity

shared yearnings

Shell sign, reality of top side of

shopping cart, reliability of

shorthands, as necessary for survival

Shostakovich, Dmitri

shout into chasm

Shultz, Charles

Siamese Twinwirld

signals, as triggering symbols

signature done via hard-wired motor control vs. via linguistic instructions

Siksek, Samir

simballic “logic”

simmballs (in careenium); imbued with meaning

simms (“small interacting magnetic marbles”); as blurry soup

simms vs. simmballs

simplification as human glory

simultaneous presence in multiple places

sincere belief as experienced by a zombie

singing in unison

singletons and pairs in sequence of primes

62, as boring integer

641, primality of, as cause; role of, in history of mathematics

skeptics, voice of

skiing: unpredictability of; vacation in California

Skinnner, B. F., on self-referential sentences


slaughterhouse, tour of


sleazeball, as familiar but blurry pattern

slider on wire determining identity

sliding scale: of consciousness; of elan mental; of symbol repertoire


slippery slope of teleological language

slow vs. fast: controlling of bodies by brains; feeding of brains by perceptual systems;

Sluggo, daydreaming about himself

smallest uninteresting integer

“small-souled men”

small-souled vs. large-souled beings

smiling like Hopalong Cassidy

snippets of other people’s talk and inner worlds

“snow”, elusiveness of concept

“s0 + s0 = ss0”

“soap digest rack” explained in Sanskrit

“soap opera”: causality attached to the concept of; as deeply nested concept; as very real pattern

soaring up to into the sky

soaring up to into this guy

soccer ball, as goal-seeker

social hierarchies, position in, in self-symbol

Socrates, as dialogue character

software beings inside us

soil of novels and of souls

Solar System, vagueness of the notion

solid-state physics

Sommerfeld, Arnold

“Song of Myself ” (Whitman)

Sophie’s Choice

soul: and ability to think; architecture of; as dot located on a line; as efficient shorthand; expressed on face; of flea; floating up into heaven; higher-level, forged in marriage; as illusion; lacking in animals, dogma of; lacking in women, dogma of; likened to butterfly swarms; living in brains of other souls; of mosquito; of mouse; as pattern; as region along a line; serial number of; sizes of; slow growth of; sudden extinction of; traditional immortality of; in Twinwirld; value of; as wispy aura

soul merger: speculated about before Carol’s death; wedding ceremony as

soular corona

soular eclipse

souledness: correlation with musical taste; degrees of; increasing with age; not limited to 100 hunekers

soulless creatures

souls: deep vs. shallow alignment of; hierarchy of values of

soul-shards, survival of


sound transmission, predictability of

soup can in cart, reliability of behavior of

speaking in unison

spectrum of mentalistic verbs

speech, unpredictability of one’s own


Sperry, Roger

splashtacular scuba specials

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