splits in oneself (or in one self ) as suggesting presence of two or more selves
spotting the gist
spouse, death of, as trauma
spying on dog in kennel via webcam
squabbles among subselves for dominance in brain
squares; sums of two
squirting chemicals, in brain
“ss0 + ss0 = sssss0”, as conceivable
stable volume of audio feedback
Stanford Elementary School
Stanford University
Stanley (robot vehicle); claimed to be “thinking”; counterfactual version of; episodic memory of; episodic projectory of; episodic subjunctory of; hopes and fears of; irrelevance of location of computer; self-image of; supposedly having “algorithmic equivalent of self-awareness”; what is lacking for an “I” to exist in it
statistical mechanics
statistical mentalics
statistical robustness of coin flips
steam-engine governor
steering wheels, reliability of
Stephen, the stoning of
sticking a formula’s Godel number inside the formula itself
storytelling technique, efficacy of
strange loop: as core of “I”-ness; definition of; enhanced by
Strange Loops #641 and #642: dialogue between; names of; rift between
strangeness (of loops), essence of
strength of
strings of symbols; edible
strong force in physics
stuff of consciousness;
subjectless formula fragment by Godel
subjectless sentence fragments
subjunctive replays of episodes
substrate of thought: improbability of a mind postulating it; invisibility of; irrelevance of details of
subsymbolic frenzy, imperceptibility of
subwoofers producing rumbles
“suffer along with”, meaning of “compassion”
suffrage inside brain, at desire level
Sullivan, Maxine
sunflowers as desire-possessing systems
super-prim numbers
Suppes, Patrick C.
survival: double; as function of transportability of one’s psychic point of view; as goal of living beings; key role of perception in; partial, in other brains; shades of gray in; via teleported clones
swing set; reliability of; symbol for
Swingle Singers
swirliness, transportability of, from one brain to another
switches thrown to change personality
syllable counting: in descriptions of integers; vagueness of the notion
symbol manipulation: by mathematicians; by
symbolic logic
symbolic nature of simmballs
symbols in brain: analogous to books in library; as by-product of evolution; dance of; defined; direct perceivability of; of dogs; hierarchical nesting of; of humans; “I” as most complex of all; joint activation of; of mosquitoes; perceived by other symbols; poofing out of existence; representing other people; triggering of, by episodes; triggering of, by signals; typical examples of; unlimited repertoire of, in humans
symbols on pages of
sympathetic pleasure
synchrony: of Pomponnette and Aurelie; of prim numbers and
synonymy of “I”, “self ”, “soul”, “consciousness”, “light on”, “first-person viewpoint”, “interiority”, etc.
tackiness, as familiar but blurry pattern
tactile illusion: as hint of wrongness of one-self view; of marble in envelope box,
tail wagging dog
tall tale
Tarski, Alfred
Tarzan and Jane
Tati, Jacques
“teetering bulb of dread and dream” (Edson)
Teleclones Mark IV and Mark V
teleological language: irresistible slide towards, in opaque systems; as shorthand
telephone menu tree, droning voices in
telephonic telepresence
teleportation; goggles giving impression of; to Mars; of thought experiment; to Venus
telepresence; via nose-mounted TV cameras; via novel-reading
Teletransporters (Parfit)
television salesperson
temperature: as cause; as emergent
Tesler, Larry
“the present work”, “the present chapter”
theorems: as bottom lines of formal derivations; first, second (etc.) generations of; as meaningful patterns; as meaningless patterns; mirrored by prim numbers