WACs in, 169

After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie (Rhys), 8, 164

Afternoon of Unmarried Life, The (Penny), 24

Alcott, Bronson, 34, 37, 44

Alcott, Louisa May, 26, 33–34, 37, 47, 270

life of, 40, 44–45

Alger, William R., 30

Alice Adams (Tarkington), 102

All That Heaven Allows, 198–99

Ally McBeal, 1, 256–57, 258, 263

Amazons, 37

“American Woman, Her Changing Role: Worker, Homemaker, Citizen, The” 175

Ann Vickers (Lewis), 163

Anthony, Susan B., 26, 31, 33, 45, 100

Anything but Love (Hawes), 174

Arbuckle, John, 105

Auerbach, Nina, 2

Austen, Jane, 24, 32, 48

Autumn Leaves, 179

Baby Boom, 249

baby brides, 251–56, 258

Baby Face, 157

bachelor girls, 107–12, 114, 119, 127

see also bohemians Baez, Joan, 218

Baker, Russell, 238

Banning, Margaret Culkin, 147

Barbizon Hotel, 106–7, 194–96, 221

Barnard College, 152

Barton, Clara, 33, 163, 270

life of, 40, 46–47

Barton, Mary, 33

Beat generation, 204–6

Bedlow, Harry, 70–71

bedrest, 162

Beecher, Catherine, 27–28, 61

Benjamin, Walter, 85

Bennett, James Gordon, 63

Bernard, Sara, 253

Best of Everything, The (Jaffe), 206

Bewitched, 17, 218

black women, 166–67, 226

Blondell, Joan, 153, 158–59

bobby-soxers, 178

bohemians, 9, 74, 107–12, 114, 123, 127, 164, 173, 204

critics of, 109–10

in Greenwich Village, 108–9

lifestyle of, 110–11

in literature, 108–9, 110, 111–12

Bonjour Tristesse (Sagan), 185

“Boston marriages,” 29

Bow, Clara, 97, 131

Bowery boys (“b’hoys”), 72–73, 75, 140

Bowery gals (“g’hals”), 56–57, 70–75, 127, 229

Bowery Theater, 75

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 48

brank (gossip’s bridle), 38

Bread Givers, The (Yezierska), 67, 69

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Capote), 186

Breathless, 186

Bridget Jones’s Diary, 1, 256–58, 263

Brinkley, Nell, 113

Bronte, Charlotte, 20

Brooks, Louise, 97, 130–31

Brown, Helen Gurley, 212–13, 258

Bryant, Louise, 115

Bryn Mawr College, 26, 119

Buck, Pearl, 213

Bugbee, Emma, 154

Bundle of Letters to Busy Girls, A (Dodge), 96

Buntline, Ned, 77–78

But You Are Young (Lawrence), 141

Capote, Truman, 186

Cardozo, Caitlin, 253

Cassandra (Nightingale), 42

Cathy cartoon books, 247

censorship, film, 132

censuses, 19–21, 23, 58, 172, 188, 208–9, 214

Chambers-Schiller, Lee Virginia, 25–26

Chanel, Coco, 128

Chaplin, Eliza, 26

childbirth, 22, 31, 34

child-free lifestyle, 246–47, 261–62

Christmas in Connecticut, 249

Cinderella’s stepsisters, 18

City Is the Frontier, The (Abrams), 220

City of Women (Stansell), 58, 71, 89

Civil War, 23n, 28, 45, 46–47, 90, 114

Clements, Marcelle, 8

Cobbe, Frances Power, 53

Colby, Anita, 193

college education, 26, 32, 128–29, 143, 152, 165

in Depression era, 151, 161–63, 164, 178–79

of new women, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 127

in 1950s, 185, 188, 190

in 1960s, 210–11, 222, 223

communal living, 33–40, 53, 223, 224

abortion plots in, 38–39

feminist objections to, 37–38

in Greek mythology, 37

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