flappers, 126–28, 142, 164

in advertisements, 129

clothing of, 127, 138

as demographic group, 128

era embodied by, 128

in films, 130–33, 135, 137

hairstyles of, 127, 130–31, 136

“It” as trait of, 130–31

men driven into ministry by, 137

as morally deranged, 136–37

new products used by, 128

origin of term, 129–30

problematic mothers of, 133–34

purchasing power of, 128–29

reportage on, 133–36

second-stage, 136–37, 138

sexual behavior of, 131–33, 134–36

siren as replacement for, 137–38

spinsterism as threat to, 135–36

“treating” of, 135

unhealthy lifestyle attributed to, 136

Flexner, Eleanor, 130n

Folks, The (Suckow), 108–9, 163–64

folliculitis, 136

Fonda, Jane, 218, 230

Foster, George, 65–66, 74, 75, 88

Franks, Lucinda, 230

Franny and Zooey (Salinger), 198

Frederick, Pauline, 156

free love, 35, 114, 141

Friedan, Betty, 184, 209, 216

friends, special, 28–30, 212–13, 262–63

Friendships of Women, The (Alger), 30

frigidity, 142, 144, 145, 172, 198

Fuller, Margaret, 30, 63

Garfield, 247

Gaskell, Elizabeth, 48

Genovese, Kitty, 228

G’Hals of New York, The (Buntline), 77–78

GI Bill, 186

Gibson, Charles Dana, 124

Gibson girls, 9, 124–26, 129

Gilliam, Dorothy, 226

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 34, 47–48, 115, 140, 160

Girl Terms Act, 204

Gissing, George, 48–50

Glyn, Elinor, 130

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 30

Gordon, Mary, 224

Graeae, 37

“Great Reprieve, The” (Didion), 215–16

Greek mythology, 37

Greeley, Horace, 63, 64

Greene, Gael, 194–96

Greenwich Village, 108–9, 117, 128, 163, 201, 205

Greer, Rebecca, 255

Gregg, W. R., 20–21

Griffith, D. W., 131

Grimke, Sarah, 2, 26

Group, The (McCarthy), 151

hair bows, huge, 119

hair dye, 136, 191–92

hairstyles, 232

banged, 69, 110

of flappers, 127, 130–31, 136

Haldane, Charlotte, 143

Hall, Stanley G., 116, 117–18

Hapgood, Hutchins, 63, 91

Harland, Marian, 51–52

Harlow, Jean, 141n

Hartmann, Susan, 169–70

Hawes, Elizabeth, 174

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 17, 38

heads of household, 208–9, 234–35, 239

Heape, Walter, 144

heartless women, 156–59, 172, 249

Herland (Gilman), 34

Herodotus, 37

Herrick, Genevieve Forbes, 154

Heterodoxy, 117

Hickok, Lorena, 154

Hoffe, Sally, 222, 223

Hoffert, Emily, 227–28

Hoffman, Alice, 176

Hoffman, Carol A., 229

Holding Their Own (Scharf), 160

holidays, 260–61

homeless women, 154–56, 159

Hospital Sketches (Alcott), 45

“Hot Corn: Life Scenes in New York” (Robinson), 66

Howe, Marie Jenny, 117

Howells, William Dean, 64

How I Became Hettie Jones (Jones), 205

How to Be Happy While Single (Van Ever), 174–75

Humphreys, Mary Gay, 87–88, 96, 97, 105

Hungry Hearts (Yezierska), 67

Hutchins, Grace, 154

immigrants, 33, 36, 56–57, 62, 109, 122

immigrant working girls, 9, 56–84, 96–97

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