as psychologically unhealthy, 39–40
religious, 34–35
in settlement houses, 35–37, 143
conduct guides, 174–75, 200–202, 270
contraceptives, 109, 114, 152
condoms, 132, 151
diaphragms, 151, 211
laws against, 31
the Pill, 209–11
corn girls, 66
Cowen, Elise, 204, 205–6
Crawford, Joan, 130, 137, 140, 179, 197, 206
credit cards, 234
Crestell, Nicholas, 22
Crowe, Cameron, 106
Curie, Marie, 40
“Dame, the,” 16
Daughters of the American Revolution, 175
Davis, Bette, 13, 157–59, 177
Day, Benjamin, 63
Day, Doris, 199, 231
Dayton, Abram, 72–73, 75
Dempster, Carole, 131
department stores, 85, 99
depression, in married vs. single women, 250
Depression era, 150–64, 178
college education in, 151, 161–63, 164, 178–79
contraceptives in, 151, 152
female journalists in, 152–53, 154
films of, 153, 155, 156–59
heartless women in, 156–59, 172, 249
homeless women in, 154–56, 159
images of falling apart in, 163–64
job stealers in, 150, 152, 156
laws against married women working in, 150
literature in, 151, 153, 163–64
marriage rate in, 151
new women in, 159–60
office workers in, 152, 164
starvation in, 152
teenagers in, 160–61
young women’s frustration in, 159–64
diaphragms, 151, 211
Dickens, Charles, 17
Didion, Joan, 215–16
diets, fad, 136
diPrima, Diane, 204
divorce, 132, 209, 211, 212, 213, 235, 250
laws on, 27, 109
rates of, 116, 170, 175–76, 209
divorcee paranoia, 176–77
Dodge, Grace, 96–97
Dodge, Mary, 28
domestic feminists, 27–28
domestic servants, 55, 58, 60–61, 73
Douglas, Ann, 127
Dreiser, Theodore, 53, 59
dress reform, 90–91, 114
Driscoll, Marjorie C., 154
drug addicts, 230, 241
Du Maurier, George, 110
Eastman, Crystal, 146–47
education, 25, 26–27, 28, 29, 32, 114, 133, 144
divorce rate and, 116
of shop girls, 97
Eliot, Charles W., 116
Eliot, George, 48
Ellington, George, 77
Ellis, Havelock, 143
Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 234
Equal Rights Amendment, 168
eugenics, 142
factory girls, 9, 56, 58–60, 61, 68, 73, 77, 79, 83, 85, 86, 87–88, 91, 94, 97, 129
Farmer’s Almanac (1869), 23
Farnham, Marynia, 172–73
Fates, 37
Fawcett, Edgar J., 65
feminists, 8, 19
domestic, 27–28
of Heterodoxy, 117
politico-, 50
ridicule of, 117
second wave, 118
upper-class, 108
Fielding, Henry, 17–18
Finney, Ruth, 154